Sentences with phrase «between abstraction and figuration»

A group show that treads the line between abstraction and figuration features works by Amy Sillman, Henry Taylor, Sadie Benning and a host of other interesting names.
With minimal fuss, Bradley works in series, picking up and discarding styles and oscillating between abstraction and figuration as it suits him.
Matthew Chambers is a Los Angeles - based painter whose colourful and bold works explore the shifting boundary between abstraction and figuration as well as the act of painting itself.
Assembled out of twisted wire, an accordion - like plane, and pieces of metal the artist has cut, the undated «Thin Woman» resides in that space between abstraction and figuration without tilting into either.
For the past several years, I have been looking for forms that are nearly representational, that hover somewhere between abstraction and figuration, and generate the preliterate force of the Venus of Willendorf.
Katherine Bernhardt's vibrant and youthful paintings hover between abstraction and figuration.
Kevin Francis Gray (b. 1972, Northern Ireland) has generated bodies of work which address the complex relationship between abstraction and figuration.
Through a powerful and cohesive series of oil paintings, as well as slide projections and light installations, his landscapes exist in the point of tension between abstraction and figuration, between apparition and emptiness.
As a painter, Heron got younger as he got older, and couldn't care less for distinctions between abstraction and figuration.
Diebenkorn moved between abstraction and figuration with a rare fluidity, often going against the grain of what was expected or popular at the time.
27) strikes a careful balance between abstraction and figuration, using the realistically - painted character as a compositional element in equilibrium with his design elements.
Known for his carefully constructed paintings that move effortlessly between abstraction and figuration, the imagined and the real, this new body of work sees de Balincourt moving...
Carroll Dunham's canvases of the past several years make a neat mess of the still - fruitful territory between abstraction and figuration.
And artists go back and forth between abstraction and figuration all the time.
Whitten: That's one part of the problem, the other is the tension that exists between abstraction and figuration, which has to do with pictorial or formal problems rather than political ones.
Moving away from the traditional divide between abstraction and figuration, Stingel's approach reveals his fundamental questioning of the institution of painting today — authenticity, hierarchy, individuality, and meaning.
Since the 1970s Merz has explored and expanded upon the threshold between abstraction and figuration in her mixed media works on paper, expressionistic clay heads and larger sculptural installations.
Matthew Chambers is a Los Angeles - based painter whose colourful and bold works explore the boundary between abstraction and figuration as well as the act of painting itself.
A unique fusion of photography and painting, Isca Greenfield - Sanders» work creates a rich dialogue between abstraction and figuration, mechanical reproduction and handcraft, and narration and formalist visuality.
Associating his influences with Social Realists «he fell in with» when he arrived in New York, Sims describes them as «a cohort of individuals who bridged the gap between abstraction and figuration... the use of energetic color and gesture, and a sensibility that would be described as gritty.»
Painting almost exclusively in tones of black and white, Singer's canvases teeter between abstraction and figuration.
Further evolution of these Inpaintings led to the creation of pieces, specifically designed to explore the borders between abstraction and figuration, like Two Women at Table.
Allen Jones RA has been at the centre of artistic battles between abstraction and figuration, painting and sculpture, design and fine art.
This «push - pull» of contrasting color and contiguous form lies at the very heart of his work and succinctly epitomizes the conflict between abstraction and figuration with which many artists of his generation struggled.
Then, too, Pollock was not the only New York School artist making art that wavered between abstraction and figuration in the same work.
His work alternated between abstraction and figuration, but always with vibrant colors defining planar compositions.
His pictures stand between abstraction and figuration and he is, in his own words (which he has tired of hearing thrown back at him) a figurative painter of emotional situations.
JH For painters I know, the dogmatic division between abstraction and figuration is no longer relevant, because maybe both camps are dealing with many of the same problems.
Throughout his career, Mullican addressed the apparent conflict between abstraction and figuration, the absorption of both Western and non-Western sources, and the relationship between form and content — in short, issues that are central to the art of the second half of the twentieth century.
Owens is a prolific artist, manoeuvring seamlessly between abstraction and figuration, and between different painting styles.
Aneta Regel's works are positioned within the provocative rift between abstraction and figuration, taking on the moods and aspects of living forms as they stand, lean, and recline.
Combining imagery from myths, nature and social history, Gallagher creates multi-layered complex works in a wide variety of media that shift between abstraction and figuration.
To name one of the female artists whose works achieved impressive sales at the fair; Cecily Brown, whose work situates between abstraction and figuration, proved popular at Thomas Dane Gallery and all works by the artist were sold within the first hour of the VIP preview.
It joins major paintings by artists such as Charline von Heyl and Sadie Benning that likewise address the threshold between abstraction and figuration through experimental painting practices.
Poised between abstraction and figuration, a series of large - scale paintings are meticulously constructed using many layers of enamel paint.
Since the beginning of his career, Stingel's practice has been engaged with the possibilities of painting, creating works that exist precariously between abstraction and figuration, advancing a methodical examination of a medium whose validity has repeatedly been called into question throughout the twentieth and twenty - first centuries.
Within these object - sculptures lies the fundamental distinction between Merz's and Villar Rojas's respective realisations of the contradiction between abstraction and figuration.
Presented with an interesting balance levitating between abstraction and figuration, Hooray We Are All Broken was Jim's way of tackling what he calls as «the so - called reality.»
Only a few years out of RISD, the 31 - year - old painter Ted Gahl performs a captivating tightrope - walk between abstraction and figuration, creating canvases that seem to harness stylistic elements of artists as diverse as de Kooning, Diebenkorn, El Greco, and Matisse.
«Nowadays, in an age when the choice between abstraction and figuration is dismissed as a false dichotomy, and when younger artists imbue their work with once - taboo narrative and autobiography, Mr. Hockney is an artist of unassailable relevance.
His paintings swayed between abstraction and figuration, creating explosive, rebellious effects.
In her work, Murray achieves a balance between order and chaos as she does between abstraction and figuration.
In her paintings of the 70s, Steir often combined realistically painted flowers with a grid or color field, on one hand paying homage to admired Minimal artists Sol LeWitt and Agnes Martin, and on the other, questioning the dichotomy between abstraction and figuration.
... The section «Spatial Entities in Colour» presents corresponding works that thematise both the colour and also the fluid points of transition between abstraction and figuration.
This jewel - like series of eight panel reliefs hovers between dual registers: between painting and sculpture, between the singular and the serial, between movement and stasis and even between abstraction and figuration, as each viewer is mirrored in the smooth, unpainted sections of the supports.
The saturated space, a cross between abstraction and figuration, emphasizes the lack of physicality within the composition.
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