Sentences with phrase «between apes»

From racist pseudoscientific theories that suggested we were the missing link between apes and humans to the notion that we were a retrogressed or dying race.
In the 2011 feature Rise of the Planet of the Apes, ambulance the camera was a tool that director Rupert Wyatt used to show the power dynamic between the apes and the humans.
Reeves is just as adept at directing the small, quiet moments between apes and humans as he is with the film's action set pieces.
As tension escalates between apes and humans, trust and deception are confusing issues for both species.
But this sequel took things a step further at its climax, which involves a fight between the apes and a society of telepathic mutants living underground.
Under this scheme, Java Man, especially if reconstructed with gibbon - like body proportions, had an index of 1/2, which placed it nicely in the gap between apes and humans.
Boule and Vallois» book makes it quite clear that Peking Man was intermediate between apes and humans.
I talk about Eugene Dubois, who decided the most important thing anyone could find in the decades right after Darwin was the missing link between apes and humans, and he decided he was going to be the one to do it.
Even more audaciously, Piltdown Man was heralded as the missing link between apes and Homo sapiens in 1912.
In the context of Darwin's theories of evolution, the bones were re-examined by anatomist William King, who promptly named them Homo neanderthalensis, a name that provocatively (and incorrectly) suggested they were the missing link between apes and humans.
Rather, the human race itself is merely a bridge between apes and overhuman, 22 who is the only alternative for Nietzsche to nihilism.
so again lets see this proof of evolution between ape and man
However, the peaceful community that Caesar has carefully shaped is threatened when a chance meeting between ape and man, kick starts a violent chain reaction that may compromise everything he and his tranquil forest community has achieved.

Not exact matches

But the original one possesses a rare emotional power — of a romance between an actress and a prehistoric ape — that's hard to top.
The major difference between McClung and most other retirement researchers is that McClung has subjected these formulas to more tests than a talking ape.
It is a fact is that fossil skulls have been found that are intermediate in appearance between humans and modern apes.
They only found 20 missing links between modern human and ancient ape, but heck, you said it, so it must be right.
Do you not see the similarities between say, an ape and a human?
However, those of us concerned to find such relationships between distinct fields should heed the cautious word of Cambridge physicist Sir Brian Pippard when he says that each field thrives by virtue of its own methods and not by aping those of others: «The fabric of knowledge has not been woven as a seamless robe but pieced together like a patchwork quilt, and we are still in the position of being able to appreciate the design in individual pieces much more clearly than the way they are put together» (Pippard, 95 - 96).
The break will then be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope... the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla.
Genetics alone show the similarity between humans and other apes.
For example, apes have extreme difficulty with photo - object matching and with seeing the relationship between a TV picture of a space and the real space, or between a dollhouse model of a room and the real room (MA 99 - 108).
The «Matrix» between the «innerness» and «outwardness» of voided places leaves trace - roots for many science branches to verbally resonate among the «sheepish» and likewise the «ape - ish».
Harry Angstrom is indeed caught in the hard passage from youth to age, and he negotiates the narrow divide between the angels and the apes with only uncertain results.
Either way, says James Rossie at Stony Brook University in New York, «it's gratifying to have confirmation of an early split between monkeys and apes
Studies of DNA mutation rates suggest that apes and Old World monkeys first evolved from their shared common ancestor in the late Oligocene, between 25 and 30 million years ago.
By putting leaves between their lips, the apes apparently make themselves sound bigger and more threatening.
Evolutionary reconstructions indicate great apes branched off the primate family tree between 11 million and 16 million years ago, but fossils from that period have been sorely lacking.
The tiny find, about the size of a lemon, is one of the most complete skulls known of any extinct ape that inhabited Africa, Asia or Europe between 25 million and 5 million years ago, researchers report in the Aug. 10 Nature.
Some mid — 20th - century comparative anatomists were so impressed with the profound differences between human and extant ape feet that they postulated a deep, pre-ape origin for hominids.
Someone mixed human and orangutan bones, treated them, and planted them to create Piltdown Man, a «missing link» between humans and apes found in 1912.
M: The time of divergence between humans and our African great ape cousins, the chimp and the gorilla, has been calculated using the known fossil record.
But at least one researcher, Greg Westergaard, who runs a monkey colony at LABS of Virginia in Yemassee, South Carolina, believes the findings raise the opposite question: «Given the relatively recent split between humans and apes, why are humans so much different?»
Whenever Sidony screamed, Guapo positioned himself between the females or escorted the older ape away.
Rather than diving into the question of ape language and dissecting Koko's abilities, Koko — The Gorilla Who Talks focuses more on the relationship between Koko and researcher Penny Patterson.
Despite differences in brain size, the researchers found striking similarities between primate species of gene expression in 16 regions of the brain — even in the prefrontal cortex, the seat of higher order learning that most distinguishes humans from other apes.
Sudmant, a UW graduate student in genome sciences, said, «Gathering this data is critical to understanding differences between great ape species, and separating aspects of the genetic code that distinguish humans from other primates.»
They compared the same DNA sequence they had analyzed in all of the apes, but this time between the people from Connecticut and people from Malawi.
Varki studies siglecs, small groups of receptors that thickly stud the immune T cells of monkeys and apes but are few and far between in humans.
Lana, Maiko, and Lina are bonobos, a rare species of chimplike ape in which frequent couplings and casual sex play characterize every social relationship — between males and females, members of the same sex, closely related animals, and total strangers.
More than 90 percent of the great apes inhabiting a stretch of land extending from northeastern Gabon to western Congo died from outbreaks of the Ebola virus between the 1990s and 2005, according to a 10 - year, IUCN regional action plan approved this year to help stem the decline.
Specifically, would the chimp - like apes who began to evolve into humans between 7 and 5 million years ago still be swinging in their trees?
There is no doubt that most of the genetic differences between humans and other apes — and between different human populations — are due to genetic drift.
Many mammals, including apes, giraffes, antelopes and hippos, lived in Africa and in Europe's eastern Mediterranean region between 9 million and 7 million years ago, Begun says.
Because the human and chimpanzee lineages split between 5 million and 7 million years ago, and humans are the only apes that engage in cooperative breeding, researchers have puzzled over how this helping behavior might have evolved all over again on the human line.
The team, which reports its discoveries online today in Nature, points out that the split between early apes and Old World monkeys took place during a time of dramatic environmental, climatic, and tectonic changes in East Africa.
The study also found significant differences between DupB - / - and DupB + / - apes in 12 distinct brain regions, with the largest clusters within the frontal lobe.
But 19 genes showed significant shifts in expression between humans and apes.
Analogical ability — the ability to see common relations between objects, events or ideas — is a key skill that underlies human intelligence and differentiates humans from other apes.
«Induced pluripotent stem cells reveal differences between humans and great apes
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