Sentences with phrase «between austerity»

The misplaced charity of pro bono lawyers, they seem to suggest, is one of few things standing between austerity - era governments and a social conscience.
We don't necessarily have to choose between austerity and growth, says Adrian Hamilton in The Independent
He's optimistic that aid packages will be modified and struggling nations will find some manageable balance between austerity and growth.

Not exact matches

But a strange showdown is shaping up between the eurozone's powers, which can not and will not extend unconditional aid, and a country ravaged by austerity with little appetite for more.
While this was a fiscally austere budget, it was also pro-business and pro-growth, and I think it struck a pretty good balance between growth and austerity.
Five years of failed austerity policies in Greece and a total breakdown in trust between the leftwing Syriza alliance and the political leaders of its creditors climaxed in a national vote in which Greeks said no to the spending cuts and tax increases demanded by its lenders...
«The deadend austerity policy has created a lot of divisions, we do not want to create one more between the North and the South,» the Greek leader said, alluding to German opposition to Athens» drive for a new debt agreement.
But their agenda is to make the economic polarization between creditors and debtors irreversible, ushering in a Dark Age of austerity and deepening debt peonage in which wages, profits and property rents are earmarked to pay interest — on loans that can't be paid in a shrinking economy.
The resulting austerity makes budget deficits even worse, polarizing economies between creditors and debtors.
A study by the IRIS institute has determined that a $ 7B gap was created between men and women due to government austerity measures alone.
What many folks seem to encourage jovially are rival bickering between young blooded humanists who banter about incessantly never judging their owned amorous infidelities and always trivializing the bitterness of others» written and even oral wordage... «I am what I am Sam» are the earmarks of standalone infidels who dare not seek the fidelities of devotional humanisms flavored austerities emanating with frugal discourse above the plainness of written and / or spoken dysenteries... «Bite the bullet» antagonists on both young sides might never find frugally endorsed concessions nor open their doors ever so gently...
Such is the animosity between the two that Wenger's principles (austerity, youth, loyalty) may get trumped by his desire to prove Mourinho wrong.
«At the next election we shall have a choice between the people who've given us five years of austerity, the people who left us this mess, and the people who signed public pledges that they wouldn't raise student fees, and then did so - the most blatant lie in recent political history.
The «Merkozy» tandem admitted in trenchant terms that Greece could leave the euro — that Greece had to choose between leaving the eurozone, and going along with the «rescue and austerity» package (painfully and inadequately stitched together at the eurozone Brussels summit on 26/27 October).
The French presidential election of 2012, unlike the election in the US between a Mitt Romney pro-market restorationist Republican ticket or a Obama neo-Keynesian Democratic ticket, was between a dirigisme (and «austerity») of the Right and a dirigisme (and «growth») of the Left.
«As the age of austerity rolls on, the gap between women and men's wages could well widen,» Charlie Woodworth of the Fawcett Society said.
More difficult and less successful were the concerted efforts, from 2010 onwards, to couple fiscal austerity with structural adjustments between trade surplus countries (exporters such as China and Germany) and trade deficit countries (importers such as the US and Italy).
In development cooperation, an area of «shared» competences between the EU institutions and the member states, it has remained unexplored how economic recession, the sovereign debt crisis, austerity, the struggle in the eurozone and increasing Euroscepticism have affected the relationship between the EU and its member states.
This was summed up by the comment made by the Green leader Natalie Bennett that what was on offer was a choice between «austerity heavy and austerity lite».
Instead the party struggled in vain with what then seemed to be the real issue of the day, the relationship between the state and «austerity» — that was not in any way the central concern of Blue Labour thinkers.
Professor Soskice addressed the strange equilibrium that exists between the demands of northern countries for austerity and the acceptance of its implementation among southern countries.
But the Office of Budget Responsibility estimate that austerity reduced GDP by 2 % between 2011 and 2013.
What's now the difference between Labour and Tory austerity plans except that Labour will supposedly take one more year to get there?
There is a similar divide between those who accept the need for continued austerity and spending cuts (45 %) and those who think either that no further cuts are needed (35 %) or that they were never necessary in the first place (20 %).
He has interviewed dozens of those at the centre and writes about the relationship between Cameron and Clegg, the Lib Dem fall from grace over tuition fees, the «surprise» of Lansley's NHS reform, the clash over AV and Lords reform, the decision to intervene in Libya, the debate over the EU, single - sex marriage, «Plebgate» and above all else the economy and austerity measures.
He was caught in a pincer movement between the new leader of the Tory Party, Boris Johnson, who had accused Ed Miliband of complete surrender to Brussels and the Green and Justice Party which said that Europe had become too enslaved to monetary orthodoxy and austerity to be supportable.
Clear divisions exist between the parties in Northern Ireland over the implementation of the austerity programme agreed by the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats.
With continued austerity no longer a dividing line between the two main parties, Labour now probably has more to offer than do the Conservatives.
What was unique was that he went against Gordon Brown's policy of intervention, and wanted to copy Osborne's austerity, leaving us with a policy which was half way between.
It's the difference between Conservatives who embrace pessimism and austerity and progressives like Labour who embrace prosperity and hope.
While much is made of the continuity between Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell, Diana Abbott and others with the legacy projects of the Labour left, and the absurd attempts by self - proclaimed «moderates» to conjure up the ghost of the early 1980s; the far more significant phenomenon is the discontinuity with the establishment consensus about austerity economics, and the development of economic policies by John McDonnell and his team which commit a future Labour government to calibrated state intervention for a capitalist economy that works.
«It's the difference between Conservatives who embrace pessimism and austerity and progressives like Labour who embrace prosperity and hope,» he said.
Speaking at a debate between five party leaders, Leanne Wood warned that «continuing on the path of austerity will deliver a very uncertain future for the next generation.»
The City Hall Plaza press conference, hosted by the Hispanic Federation, called for a laundry list of federal actions, including implementing «a federal investment plan», eliminating Jones Act requirements that goods shipped between Puerto Rico and other places in America be transported on U.S. ships with U.S. crews, changing the U.S. bankruptcy code to allow Puerto Rico and its government related enterprises to file bankruptcy petitions and urging President Obama to «explore a Federal Reserve loan» and «oppose severe austerity
But he noted that a # 7bn increase — the equivalent of a little more than 1p on the basic rate of income tax — would maintain the 80/20 ratio between tax rises and spending cuts that the chancellor has previously set as his target for his austerity programme.
On Sunday, Andrew Cuomo staked his claim to a new Democratic path, between confrontation and capitulation, left and right: progressive austerity, achieved through equal parts brute force and seduction, bringing business, labor, and politicians together to work it out semi-peacefully.
The Labour Party, its members and affiliates are committed to making sure that we get through this recession fairly, that we secure the recovery and we as a party go on to present the choice at the next election between our plans for an age of aspiration or the Tories» plans for an age of austerity, a choice between securing growth or choking off the recovery.
At times, it was difficult to see any difference between what they were saying, as they were both very much against austerity and very much in favour of government investment.
Osborne's statement followed a heated exchange at prime minister's questions between David Cameron and Ed Miliband over the coalition government's austerity drive.
West's methodical austerity yields in this film the most powerful passages of his career, particularly between Paul and his dog.
Between 2010 and 2015, school budgets were protected from the austerity measures and the re-allocation of # 1.3 bn to schools in 2017 will mean no real - term cuts for 2018 - 20.
«And the difference between a bonus and a raise is the raise has to be sustainable year over year, and we would not have been able to sustain a raise without the restoration of those austerity cuts.»
Understated but thoughtful, like a Criterion Collection version of a cherished children's film, it strikes a balance between playfulness and austerity.
«There are issues of hostility toward austerity measures, which is completely understandable, and other difficult issues between Germany and Greece will of course be addressed during the process of making the exhibition, but it will not become the main topic of the exhibition,» said Szymczyk, calling from Kassel.
For our first Summercamp event, taking place across the summer, we have invited Professor Gavin Butt to develop and lead a day - long symposium, entitled Collective Creation between Welfarism and Austerity.
In different ways, they find a balance between brashness and polish, hedonism and austerity
It suggests three major changes: 1) project and policy preparation need to reflect higher risks, where vulnerability assessments and greater use of climate scenario modelling are combined with a better understanding of interconnections between smallholder farming and wider landscapes; 2) this deeper appreciation of interconnected risks should drive a major scaling up of successful «multiple - benefit» approaches to sustainable agricultural intensification by smallholder farmers; 3) climate change and fiscal austerity are reshaping the architecture of public international development finance.
People can read about it at, which is really about connecting the dots between racial injustice, climate change, austerity, migration justice, and developing a holistic, transformative agenda, which I think is most urgent — the most urgent project for progressives with or without climate change.
While the parties» positions on climate change is unlikely to be a decisive factor — immigration, austerity, and welfare have that more or less locked - down — it is emerging as one way to differentiate between the candidates.
«But as things get worse for Ontario's workers we've seen new levels of cooperation between injured workers, advocates, legal experts, labour unions, doctors and more, all coming together to fight against Ontario's austerity programs
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