Sentences with phrase «between belly button»

The condition is the darkening of your linea alba, the «white line» of skin you'd probably never noticed that runs between your belly button and your pelvis.
Helping: Your soccer ball - size uterus is the highest it has been, sitting approximately halfway between your belly button and the bottom of your breastbone.
Baby's head and body lie on the one side of my body between belly button and side, and baby can drink and sleep comfortably, without risk of you rolling over (you're comfortably on your back with a wedge on your one side and under your arm) and baby's head is at an angle, not face down in your breast, so he can breathe easily.

Not exact matches

The rise, sometimes called the «depth» is the length from your baby's belly button (at the waist), between their legs, and back up to the same place (at the waist) on their backside.
He is the reason we know so much about the region between Jenny Jones» neck and belly button, and he is the reason the name Jerry Springer doesn't describe a...
Now, it's February, so it's really too cold to actually use the swim diaper and tankini, but it's not too early to try it on and admire my one year old daughter's sweet squishy cuteness as she toddles around the house with her belly button peeking out from between the two garments.
Take away the esoteric physics language, and Mersini - Houghton's theory boils down to a simple, startling idea: The oddities in the Planck maps are like cosmic belly buttons that trace an ancient umbilical connection between our universe and other universes that have grown up and gone their separate ways.
I want pants that comes up to my belly button, goes down to my ankles, and is tight everywhere in between.
Lie on your back, pushing your belly button down into your spine so there is no space between your lower back and the floor.
Sitting between the root chakra and belly button is the sacral chakra, which governs the sex organs and is associated with the color orange.
However, if a woman's body makes too many androgens or male hormones like testosterone, you may experience unwanted hair growth, especially in the central part of your body (between your breasts, belly button, inner thighs).
Aggressively pull and tuck the elbows, guiding the attachment handle to an area between the base of your sternum and belly button.
Place one on your stomach just above the belly button (3rd Chakra), one at your heart center (4th Chakra), and one between your eyebrows (6th Chakra).
Sometimes, when a hangover isn't squeezing your brain to make stale juice which it then sucks through a straw like a vampiric asshole; when it isn't borrowing pots and pans from the kitchen to create an acoustic symphony of mystery and pain between your temples; when it isn't pressing elevator buttons inside of your belly like an unsupervised toddler (vomit going up — nope, going back down — up — no down — pause on the fifth floor — up!)
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