Sentences with phrase «between different body»

If you want the real bodybuilder's physique you also must achieve perfect proportions between different body parts and refine each and every part of a body part.
If you're doing lighter sets, or alternating between different body parts, you can decrease the rest to 1 - 2 minutes.
Simply put, split training allows you to divide workouts up between different body parts on different days.
How conflicts are resolved between these different bodies of opinion, each with different claims to legitimacy, will determine how well Labour recovers from the trauma of the general election defeat, with consequences for all those people who look to the party to create a fairer and more just society.
The Swapper features a unique art style that uses real - world clay - models and found objects to create an explorable space station realised in unique detail; gameplay sees players swap between different bodies to achieve otherwise impossible tasks.
At first I attempted to make sense of the relationship between different bodies of works in the show.
The 2 - year Doha Capacity Action Plan and decisions on enabling environments including IPR and on the interlinkages between the different bodies under the Convention, including the CTCN and TEC, also seem to be missing in the the text.

Not exact matches

«Cuddy distinguishes between two different types of body postures.
We have also seen dramatic changes in the human body, including differences between the different «so - called» races of humanity.
These accounts are not monolithic, and quite different bodies of theoretical explication have been built from them (as between Theravada and Mahayana schools of thought).
Temporally between the significantly different atomic views of Democritus and Epicurus came Plato, in his mature and late dialogues asserting the «self - activity» of souls or minds, any and all of them, even the supreme or divine mind whose body, Plato says, is the cosmos, including all lesser bodies or minds.
But because of their different relation to the past, Collingwood makes a distinction between «bodies» and «minds.»
This vagueness in the perceptions of our own bodies is the reason, according to Hartshorne, that the mind - body relationship is often mistaken as a relationship between two fundamentally different substances.
The set of problems concerning the usual distinction between development of the body and creation of the soul of man must also be looked at from another quite different side.
If every configuration of the universe were subject to a separate and independent law, or if very small differences between bodies — in their shape and size, for instance, — led to their obeying quite different laws, prediction would be fin - possible and the inductive method useless.
The lower levels of baseline sugar sweetened drink consumption in the UK compared with the US may in part explain why the effect on obesity that we estimate in the UK is much less than that estimated in the US.12 The differences with respect to other modelling studies may also be partly explained by their use of higher own price elasticity values for sugar sweetened drinks than we have calculated and used here.18 22 52 We can not make direct comparisons between the results of our study and the results of recent studies of the effect of reducing sugar sweetened drink consumption on body weight in children, 5 7 as the relation between energy balance and change in body mass index in children who are growing is different from that in adults.
The intention was an attempt to align organic practice with consumer expectations; the reality was an expectation that consumers would distinguish between differing standards offered by different certification bodies, which in retrospect seems naïve and was certainly unsuccessful.
«There's a different body language in our team between home and away.
Continuity of care midwife, great relationship with knowledgeable midwife, lots of interaction and talking with children about birth and baby, stand ing strong in the face of medical opposition, eating vegies and staying away from sugar and carbs, empowered by Blessingway ceremony, contractions started and stopped, sleep in between, wanting pool but clear about at what temperature, different kind of pushing, more power required and more lucidity, her body knew how to give birth and her baby knew how to be born
You can share it between many different wearers since it's designed to work with all body types, and since it can be used for backpack style carrying positions, your little one can ride in it safely well into the toddler stage.
CatBirdBaby has improved the designs for the original Mei Tais by making the body of the Mei Tai larger to enable a better wrap - around effect, and lengthening the supportive straps to create more allowance for use between people of different sizes.
I was still pregnant when I began agonizing over how hard it would be to separate myself from the little life growing inside of me - to not just be in two different bodies after all this time together as one, but two different bodies in two different buildings with potentially miles between us.
The researchers thought this ability to switch between different cell types could explain why they can spread so easily around the body; switching cell type effectively disguises the cells in different tissues.
The body's tissue is full of small gaps in between the different proteins and cells that make it up.
Flammang agrees, saying what's most exciting about this is that it really underlines the idea that there is a vertebrate body plan that allows for changes that result in different kinds of animals, adding that the work «really unlocks a way of understanding the differences between organisms.»
Kelvin - Helmholtz waves occur at the boundary between two fluids, such as two different bodies of air in Earth's atmosphere.
A key goal of this and other reforms is to enhance collaboration between different players, including with industry, even though 90 percent of the CNRS's 1,200 departments are already joint bodies, or units, comprising university and research agency laboratories.
«As I saw the relationship [unfold] between different parts of the body and linguistic complexity, I was thinking, «I can't believe it!
Random differences between cells early in development could be the key to making different cells in the body, according to new research from a team co-led by Professor Wolf Reik.
Some of the variation the researchers found likely dates back to isolation of different Hermit Thrushes populations by ice sheets during the Pleistocene era, while differences between the two western groups may relate to body size, with larger birds producing lower - frequency songs.
Borrelia bacteria can shift between different forms in the body, which is part of what makes them so hard to kill.
«Understanding how the drug also enables crosstalk between fat cells and the liver in obese mice allows us to see more of the amlexanox picture — and also sheds light on communication between different tissues in the body
For the past 2 decades, researchers looked for an answer in tradeoffs between the energy demands of different parts of the human body.
They built a new software tool called MIxT (Matched Interactions across Tissues) that uses computational and statistical methods to find and investigate links between gene expression in different body tissues.
The risk of reinfection is high, possibly due to auto - inoculation, spreading the infection by repeated contact between different sites on the body, or reactivation of a latent virus, or both.
Because the commonalities between mushroom bodies in different species are so striking, there long has been a debate about whether these structures evolved independently or whether they derive from a common ancestor.
This will offer us unique insights into the relationships between epigenetics and gene activity and will help us to better understand the processes that convert a single cell into the many different cell types in the body
Individuals can do their part by not transporting fish, bait or even water from one water body to another, and by draining and rinsing boats before moving them between different water bodies.
The experiment was designed to explore whether the monkeys can discriminate between body odors of female group members and those of females from different social groups.
This is because X-rays are only able to distinguish between materials with different densities, which is why they can be used to image bones that are inside the human body or buried within a rock.
«In this study, we have a narrow focus on diabetes only,» wrote Tolstrup, «but since alcohol is related to more than 50 different diseases and conditions — reflecting that alcohol affects virtually every organ system of the body — any recommendations about how to drink and how much to drink should not be inferred from this study or any study investigating associations between alcohol and a single outcome.»
Researchers are also trying to learn about: - The level of MM - 121 that remains in the human body at different time points when MM - 121 is combined with docetaxel or pemetrexed - The relationship between the biomarker, heregulin, and cancer cell growth (disease progression) in people dosed only with docetaxel or pemetrexed.
Relationship between sun exposure and melanoma risk for tumours in different body sites in a large case - control study in a temperate climate, Eur J Cancer (2010), doi: 10.1016 / j.ejca.2010.10.008, in press.
Yet what is observed in a dozen of these bodies is quite different: the values of the semi-major axis are very disperse (between 150 AU and 525 AU), the average inclination of their orbit is around 20 ° and argument of Perihelion -31 °, without appearing in any case close to 180 °.
At the moment, she lifts 4 - 5 times a week, doing her three major lifts (squat, bench, deadlift) on three different days of the week, allowing her body plenty of time to rest in between.
Although we are now living in a drastically different world, the body hasn't yet learnt to differentiate between physical and emotional or mental threats; it still releases excess glucose into the bloodstream to provide energy for running or fighting, despite the fact you're likely dealing with a demanding email and downing your third caffeine hit for the day.
For now, El Khoudary says the study highlights the connections between different types of fat in the body — and suggests that keeping off unwanted pounds all over may protect the heart from harmful fat accumulation, especially after menopause.
One of them, that explored hypertrophic adaptations between different concentric and eccentric tempos under traditional training methods, split 28 women with previous training experience into two groups: one performed lower body exercises with two - second duration of the concentric portion and a six - second duration of the eccentric portion of the movement, while the second group trained on the reverse way — with a six - second duration of the concentric and two - second duration of the eccentric portion.
The difference between these two types is the main reason why MCTs go through a different process in the body than other types of fats.
And though I believe that there's a fine line between curvy — like Renn's healthy body — and overweight, which can lead to health problems and poor health care, I'm think it's commendable that V Magazine is showcasing different body types.
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