Sentences with phrase «between economic understanding»

The Mercatus Center believes that a gap exists between economic understanding and real - world decision and policy making.

Not exact matches

The agency is very well - positioned now, and it is strong internally, and there is an understanding of the interconnection between small business, entrepreneurship and economic competitiveness.
Sounding somewhat impatient for former prime minister Wilfrid Laurier's promise that the 20th century belonged to Canada, the stated purpose of their gathering was to «do something to overcome the growing feeling of unrest in evidence in various parts of the Dominion, to improve economic conditions, and to establish a better understanding and spirit of co-operation between the several Provinces.»
One job of a successful trader is to understand the relationship between the markets and the economy, understand the economic tidal forces in play, and determine how various news, events, and other developments will impact a stock portfolio.
«Furthermore, in the main, historians educated as Keynesians and monetarists do not understand the economic history of money, let alone the difference between a gold standard and a gold - exchange standard.
Toronto, June 26, 2015 — The Advanced Energy Centre (AEC) at MaRS Discovery District and BSD - TEDA — a joint venture between the Beijing Science Park Development (BSD) and the Tianjin Economic - Technological Development Area (TEDA)-- are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen their working relationship and to jointly explore potential deployment opportunities for Canada's advanced energy technologies.
Toronto, June 26, 2015 — The Advanced Energy Centre (AEC) at MaRS Discovery District and BSD - TEDA — a joint venture between the Beijing Science Park Development (BSD) and the Tianjin Economic - Technological Development Area (TEDA)-- are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen their working relationship and to jointly explore potential deployment... Read More
Understand how the relationship between short - and long - term interest rates contributes to an inverted yield curve — a noteworthy economic event.
A: There's a problem in terminology here between technical economic jargon and popular understanding.
In his March 2017 paper entitled «Simple New Method to Predict Bear Markets (The Entropic Linkage between Equity and Bond Market Dynamics)», Edgar Parker Jr. presents and tests a way to understand interaction between bond and equity markets based on arrival and consumption of economic information.
APF Canada is dedicated to strengthening ties between Canada and Asia with a focus on expanding economic relations through trade, investment and innovation; promoting Canada's expertise in offering solutions to Asia's climate change, energy, food security and natural resource management challenges; building Asia skills and competencies among Canadians, including young Canadians; and, improving Canadians» general understanding of Asia and its growing global influence.
Rather, it is a set of Lochner - like expansions (in my judgment) of the Founders» understanding of natural rights (which itself may be the correct understanding of Locke, or not, and which, to necessarily complicate things even more, itself was usually moderated in practice by most Founders holding elements of the communitarian - classical view) that is the real ground of my distinction between the natural rights conception of liberty and the economic autonomy conception.
But insofar as you do think there are differences between rightly understood Locke and the contemporary libertarian or classic liberal reading of natural rights applied to economic issues, perhaps you will wind up defending at least part of my theory.
Although it, like all the others, is subject to idolatrous understanding, the conflict between serving the Earth and serving God is far less than the conflicts engendered by serving Christianity, nation states, or economic growth.
This understanding of God is evident in Pannenberg's link between the immanent Trinitv (God's eternal essence) and the economic Trinity (God as active in salvation history).
Most people intuitively understand the relationship between the formal order of a city and its economic order, because they know it requires economic power to build significant buildings.
As Nicholas Eberstadt demonstrated in the January issue («Population Policy: Ideology as Science»), nobody really understands the connections between population growth and economic and political development.
The relationship between population change and economic development is as yet rather poorly understood, the assertions of certain bold professionals to the contrary notwithstanding.
If we are to understand the peculiar links between religious commitment and economic justice in American society, therefore, we must also locate the cultural pressures that work against taking responsibility for the poor — some of which are also reinforced by religious commitments.
I want to interpret the tradition in terms of the present and the present in terms of the tradition, thus setting up a communication between past and present in the service of enhanced self - understanding.1 Such an enterprise differs from an effort to explain American society in terms of social and economic variables.
It is a type of anti-communism distinguished by the following characteristics: it has no understanding of the causes of communism and emphasizes only self - defeating methods of opposing it; its starting point is a type of economic individualism that can not tell the difference between the modest institutions of the welfare state in this country and the first stages of communism; and it closes minds to the changes that have taken place in the Communist world.
Similarly no one can understand the long conflict between the baals and Yahweh, with its story of attraction and repulsion, assimilation and revulsion, culminating in the prophetic determination, from Elijah on, to tear Yahweh's worship free from baal entanglements, unless one sees, underneath, the fierce hostility between two economic and social cultures.
The difference between education understood only as training in technical skills within the ideology of the economic growth and education for promoting a technical society within the framework of a culture of «scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform», is indeed great.
WASHINGTON, DC — At the Asia - Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum meetings being held this week in Big Sky, Montana, Pamela G. Bailey, President and CEO of the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), applauded the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Food Safety Cooperation Forum Co-Chairs and the World Bank to collaboratively scale up the deployment of food safety training modules and build out a network of food safety experts to reach more growers, more producers,.
I am no accountant but from what I understand the difference between accounting profit and economic profit is that the latter also factors in costs related to lost opportunity had the capital been invested more wisely elsewhere.
Reading the comment carefully, you understand that the father (and child) feel less shame about taking advantage of school meals at breakfast, where the service is universal (available to all regardless of economic need) versus at lunch, where there is often a more visible distinction between paying and nonpaying students, or between students on the federally reimbursable lunch line versus those who can purchase for - cash (and often more desirable) «a la carte» food, or (in the case of high schoolers) between students who can go off campus to buy lunch at convenience stores and restaurants versus those with no money in their pockets.
In these difficult economic times, people need to understand the linkage between not breastfeeding and poverty.
This will help to embed and understand the link between procurement and local economic development.
And she added: «People don't know or understand the difference between a migrant, an economic migrant and an asylum seeker, they all merge into one.
«Attachment Orientations, Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia and Stress Are Important for Understanding the Link Between Childhood Socio - Economic Status and Adult Self - Reported Health» appears in the current edition of Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
But the link between scientific evidence and economic and social gains is not necessarily respected or understood, he said.
Examples of such areas include understanding relationships between intended genetic changes and an organism's observable traits, the unintended effects of genetic changes on target and non-target organisms, predicting and monitoring ecosystem responses, and quantifying the economic and social costs and benefits of biotechnologies.
«It's a major contribution toward [understanding] the relationship between economic indicators and social well - being,» says sociologist Fernando Rivera of Rutgers University in New Jersey.
«We are hopeful that by understanding the core relationships between land productivity and biodiversity, we can then refine management recommendations for land users with the goal of enhancing both economic and environmental outcomes.»
Martin wants to understand the connections between political, social and economic change and our ideas about ourselves.
This idea understands the relationship and interconnectivity between many different facets of life; ecological, social / cultural, economic, and institutional.
Approximately equal numbers of women and men enter and graduate from medical school in the United States and United Kingdom.1 2 In northern and eastern European countries such as Russia, Finland, Hungary, and Serbia, women account for more than 50 % of the active physicians3; in the United Kingdom and United States, they represent 47 % and 33 % respectively.4 5 Even in Japan, the nation in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development with the lowest percentage of female physicians, representation doubled between 1986 and 2012.3 6 However, progress in academic medicine continues to lag, with women accounting for less than 30 % of clinical faculty overall and for less than 20 % of those at the highest grade or in leadership positions.7 - 9 Understanding the extent to which this underrepresentation affects high impact research is critical because of the implicit bias it introduces to the research agenda, influencing future clinical practice.10 11 Given the importance of publication for tenure and promotion, 12 women's publication in high impact journals also provides insights into the degree to which the gender gap can be expected to close.
According to a National Research Council Report (See «Severe Space Weather Events — Understanding Societal and Economic Impacts: A Workshop Report» [2008]-RRB-, damages from the most extreme solar storms could range between $ 1 trillion - $ 2 trillion within the first year and four to 10 years for full recovery.
REDD + Offset Working Group ( was established in February 2011 as a result of a Memorandum of Understanding signed in November 2010 as part of a collaborative effort between the Governors of California, Chiapas and Acre to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (known as «REDD +») and create policies to provide economic incentives for forest conservation by placing a value on living forests and their ecosystems.
In short, if we carefully examine the state of contemporary cinema, we easily acknowledge that even though there is a defining economic and technological imbalance between Hollywood and the rest of national film industries, first, it would short - sighted to understand Hollywood cinema as a monolithic structure which survives through the repeated performance of a practice of top - down cannibalism.
ICPS believes that the twinning arrangements involving local authorities at the city or provincial level can lead to better understanding, improve cultural, economic and other ties between different parts of the world.
With the nation's economic recovery seemingly stuck in low gear, the need to better understand the link between learning and a career seems more critical than ever for high school students preparing to graduate and enter the next phase of their lives.
Various literatures show that lack of awareness and understanding of education, conflict, cultural ethos, social customs, poverty and poor economic conditions, the gap between the home and the school etc. are the some of the factors which stand as obstacles in their path of attaining education.
gain historical perspective by placing their growing knowledge into different contexts, understanding the connections between local, regional, national and international history; between cultural, economic, military, political, religious and social history; and between short - and long - term timescales.
While the «policy wonk» part of my brain understands the relationship between academic performance and economic growth, the «dad» part of my brain doesn't much care.
Grades 6 - 8 Lesson: Capturing History Through teacher - guided discussions and hands - on activities, students will understand the political and economic reasons for the African - American migration to Northern cities between the World Wars.
Marquis» coaches gave him the life skills and the self - confidence needed to finish high school, obtain a college scholarship, and dedicate himself to empowering other at - risk youth to understand the connection between education and economic empowerment.
To that end, school leaders should connect with higher education programs to immerse prospective teachers in the rural experience and help them build a body of place - specific knowledge and competencies — understanding the ties between an area's economic history and culture, for instance — that will enable them to succeed in the rural context.
September 9, 2016 — Creating comprehensive, embedded learning that ensures students in Wyoming's K - 12 schools understand energy's history and economic impact is the ultimate goal for a new collaboration between the University of Wyoming College of Education and the UW School of Energy Resources.
«I knew there was a gap in understanding between the cultures of the kids and the teachers, not only by race, but also by economic level and by background,» Lee said.
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