Sentences with phrase «between ethical principles»

Distinguish between ethical principles, professional codes, and state regulations and how they apply to work with adolescents.
Hence the unequivocal separation between ethical principles and ancient taboos was made.
The distinction between ethical principles, on the one hand, and ancient taboos and cultic rules, on the other, may have been tentatively and provisionally made by some Pharisees, but in Jesus it took on unequivocal and uncompromising character.

Not exact matches

This ethical confluence has been possible despite considerable differences between the two sources because both agree that the good life involves strict adherence to categorical moral principles.
Lepard distinguishes between positivist legal traditions based upon «state - oriented» values (emphasizing state sovereignty) and the more dynamic human rights laws derived from common practices and understandings, including religio - ethical principles.
IPCC can, however, distinguish between prescriptive and descriptive questions that arise in relevant socio - economic literature about climate policy - making, identify important ethical and justice issues that arise in this literature, where there is a consensus on ethics and justice issues in the relevant literature describe the consensus position, where there is no consensus on ethical and justice issues describe the range of reasonable views on these issues, and identify hard and soft law legal principles relevant to how governments should resolve ethical and justice issues that must be faced by policy - makers.
The sinister Evan Harris MP challenged those who accepted the principle of admixed embryos but rejected «true hybrids» to explain the ethical difference between an embryo that was 99 % human and one that was 50 % human.
These principles have since been adopted by the Canadian federal government as forming the ethical basis of negotiations for a renewed relationship between Canadian institutions of government and Indigenous peoples.
The principles outlined below are specific standards, based upon the UDHR and other sources of human rights principles, for ethical conduct between Developers and Indigenous communities.
English: Students read the fairytales or folklore from other cultures to gain an appreciation for the differences and similarities between the ethical and human rights principles within different cultures.
Students investigate issues of ethical principles, such as the distinction between a rule and a principle and what to do when principles conflict.
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