Sentences with phrase «between homosexual»

In the study, the researchers correctly discriminate between homosexual and heterosexual men in 88 percent of cases, African Americans and Caucasian Americans in 95 percent of cases and between Democrat and Republican voters in 85 percent of cases.
Can a Domestic Assault Charge arise between Homosexual Couples?
Chemical modifications to DNA that change the activity of genes without changing the genes» information differ between homosexual and heterosexual men, researchers from UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine have discovered.
Proposal 8 was put on the ballot in response to a decision in May by the California Supreme Court, which ordered the state to begin processing marriage licenses for same - sex couples... Advocates of same - sex marriage in New York have found a loyal supporter in Mr. Paterson, who directed all state agencies earlier this year to recognize marriages between homosexual couples that were performed outside the state.»
There is significant evidence in this country and elsewhere to support the idea that there is a link between homosexual culture and paedophile and pederast cultures and that those with homosexual orientations are more prone to seeking sexual partners among children and young persons than heterosexual persons.
Here's another, scarcely less oratorical in character, from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: the title of this document (another wonderful example of Vatican bogus academic language when what is needed is a competent journalist used to writing informative headlines) is «Considerations regarding proposals to give legal recognition to unions between homosexual persons» (2003): The Church's teaching on marriage and on the complementarity of the sexes reiterates a truth that is evident to right reason and recognised as such by all the major cultures of the world.
This interpretation is mistaken, as the Bible authors knew nothing of the modern distinction between homosexual orientation and practice.
Insisting, in our public - policy decisions, on the importance of the connection between homosexual promiscuity and the transmission of AIDS is not an instance of heterosexual homophobia.
The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation.
The Roman Catholic church maintains this position, recently describing the homosexual orientation as an «objective disorder».15 In Protestant and Anglican churches, a distinction is now often made between a homosexual orientation and homosexual genital acts; the orientation is part of some people's God - given make - up and not something for which they should be condemned.
But to deny, as the bishop seems to be denying, a causal relationship between homosexual priests and the sexual abuse scandal is, well, astonishing.
Yet, some biblical scholars point out that this passage can only refer to the homosexual acts of heterosexual persons.7 This is because the writers of the Bible did not distinguish between a homosexual orientation and same - gender sexual acts.
I continue to press for a clear distinction between homosexual orientation and same - sex attraction, on the one hand, and being gay, on the other.
According to a recent Evangelical Alliance survey, «It is common for evangelical Christians to distinguish between homosexual «feelings» and «actions».
Perhaps the emerging one most widely held is the «dichotomized view» which distinguishes between homosexual acts (sinful) and a homosexual nature (an orientation not the fault of the individual).
Hawaii's Supreme Court is about to make marriage between homosexuals a constitutional right.

Not exact matches

So terms like a homosexual lifestyle and homosexual activity are easily painted as bad or good, with no points in between.
In between lie the «conservatives,» who combine private tolerance of homosexuals with public disapproval of homosexuality; and the «liberals,» who speak a language of victimhood and look to the state to enforce private tolerance.
And since marriage is a union between one man and one woman — as with Adam and Eve in the garden — homosexual marriage is wrong.
So the lesbian couple who left sex far behind them aren't in sin even though they're in a long term committed love relationship and the two elderly gentlemen who no longer have sex are also not in sin, and yet these are homosexual relationships between people who choose to share their lives.
Americans were equally split on whether homosexual relationships between adults are wrong, with 44 percent saying yes and 46 percent saying no.
More lies... Poor Bob is such an uneducated fool he doesn't know the difference between being gay and a pedophile and he hates the the truth that heterosexual behavior and homosexual behavior are normal aspects of human sexuality.
«Today's opinion dismantles the structure of constitutional law that has permitted a distinction to be made between heterosexual and homosexual unions, insofar as a formal recognition in marriage is concerned,» wrote Scalia.
The married - sex - only agreement that Wheaton students and faculty sign is part of the college's Community Covenant, which says that students agree the Bible condemns «sexual immorality, such as the use of pornography, premarital sex, adultery, homosexual behavior and all other sexual relations outside the bounds of marriage between a man and woman.»
Homosexual acts sever this all - importantlink between the unitive and the procreative.
If the union between man and woman has strayed further and further from legal forms, and if homosexual unions are perceived more and more as enjoying the same standing as marriage, then we are truly facing a dissolution of the image of humankind bearing consequences that can only be extremely grave.
She had apparently got to the point where she honestly did not know that a child is the natural fruit of a union between a man and a woman: in her understanding «sex» is something done for pleasure, according to one's desires, whether lesbian or homosexual or whatever, and procreation an entirely different matter connected with options presented at various times, possibly involving in - vitro fertilization and test - tubes.
They estimated a «human freedom index» for each country based on 1985 figures for forty different indicators among them the right to travel, freedom of religion, freedom from unlawful detention, independent press, homosexual activities between consenting adults.
No recognition is ever made as to the disparity in health outcomes between the two lifestyles save to insist that homosexual individuals are deserving of greater recognition in the provision of services.
What is being disputed is your unfounded insistence that «homosexual activity» carries its own risk (presumably for some arbitrary reason of being «abnormal») aside from promiscuity which does not discriminate between gay and straight.
Oliva concludes that we can distinguish between gay sex sought simply for physical pleasure, and the tender gay sex that comes from the homosexual person's most intimate self.
So, (1) whatever position one takes on this matter, left or right, conservative or liberal, one should acknowledge that the law really does forbid homosexual sex between males but not between females.
I think we are talking about the difference between choosing «to be» homosexual, and choosing «to act» upon the homosexual desires.
(See above on the distinction between «homosexual» and «gay.»)
The traditional position has been that since every homosexual act is sinful and contrary to God's plan, the love that exists between gay people is a sinful love which alienates the lovers from God.
Just like heterosexual marriage is no better or worse than homosexual marriage, marriage between two consenting adults is not inherently more or less «correct» than marriage among three (or four, or six) consenting adults.
I argued that the love between two lesbians or two homosexuals, assuming that it is a constructive human love, is not sinful nor does it alienate the lovers from God's plan, but can be a holy love, mediating God's presence in the human community as effectively as heterosexual love.
What he has to say about sexual relations between single people, be they heterosexual or homosexual, is of a piece with, and in the end but an extension of, what he says about marital relations themselves.
There is a difference between choosing to be homosexual (or heterosexual) and choosing to act upon these sexual desires.
In 2002, the homosexual, wildly self - promotional, and self - confessedly depressive opinion columnist Johann Hari (later exposed as a plagiarist) published an article in the Guardian headed «Forbidden Love» and subtitled «Can sex between close relatives ever be acceptable?»
But they differ scarcely at all over the distinctions between heterosexual and homosexual couples.
On Christian ethical grounds, I would recommend that all laws making criminal offenses of acts between consenting homosexual adults be repealed and that there be no blanket job discrimination against homosexual persons of either sex; further, I contend that exclusion of homosexual persons from churches (unless they are pushed out for a reason that would apply to heterosexuals in identical fashion) is untenable.
At another point, he writes that the «openness of the contract» between two homosexual males means that such a union will in fact be more durable than a heterosexual marriage because the contract contains an «understanding of the need for extramarital outlets» (emphasis added).
In 1973 the American Bar Association called on state legislatures to repeal all laws which place homosexual activity between consenting adults in private in the category of a crime.
The ensuing debate too often takes the form of a contest between defenders of traditional morality on the one hand and apologists for homosexual life style on the other.
I would prefer to think the true number [of predominant or exclusive homosexuals] at any one time lies between 4 and 6 - nillion.
In booklets such as An Evangelical Look at Homosexuality (1977, revised) and Holier - Than - Thou Hocus - Pocus & Homosexuality (1977), Blair asserts that the Bible does not offer judgment on loving, monogamous homosexual activity between exclusive homosexuals (those with no heterosexual propensity).
«Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex... Tradition has always declared that «homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.»
The Catholic Church has always condemned homosexual acts as «intrinsically evil», as well as of course distinguishing clearly between wounded tendencies, sin, and sinner.
(New numbering system) 1) The confusion between homosexuality and same - sex relationships - Earlier you said «Homosexual acts can't be condemned because they didn't exist.
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