Sentences with phrase «between measurement sites»

Not exact matches

The study team hopes its measurements of liquid unloadings and pneumatic devices will provide a clearer picture of methane emissions from natural gas well sites and about the relationship between well characteristics and emissions.
The measurements analysed (numbering over 2,500) come from 41 archaeological sites dating between the Roman era and today, since the 1st century BCE until the 21st century.
Regarding whether the companies cleaned up sites before measurements it is very hard to measure and adjust / change the operational characteristics of many of the things being measured in the period between when companies knew where the researchers were headed and when they arrive.
c, Measurements of July to September air temperature and annual precipitation changes at each site between 2003 and 2002.
46 Based on surface aerosol measurements at one site, Kulmala et al. (2010) found no connection between GCR 47 and new particle formation or any other aerosol property over a solar cycle (1996 — 2008).
In countries such as the US, most urban development / growth predates the period considered by Menne and hence when looking for temperature trends (rather than absolute accuracy in the temperature measurement), during the period considered by Menne, one would not expect to see substantial differences between good and bad sited stations, or between urban and rural stations.
Based on surface aerosol measurements at one site, Kulmala et al. (2010) found no connection between GCRand new particle formation or any other aerosol property over a solar cycle (1996 — 2008).
We did so by estimating monthly fluxes and their uncertainty over a one - year period between June 2009 and May 2010 from 1) observational data collected in existing networks of surface CO2 measurement sites (GLOBALVIEWCO2 2010; extrapolated to the year 2010) and 2) both the surface observations and column - averaged dry air mole fractions of CO2 (XCO2) retrieved from GOSAT soundings.
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