Sentences with phrase «between narcolepsy»

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Their study found «a potential link between the H1N1 virus used to make the vaccine and narcolepsy
Poertner has narcolepsy, a sleep disorder that affects between 25 and 50 people in 100,000.
Four years and several country - wide studies later, there now is an established link between Pandemrix, a vaccine against the H1N1 strain of the flu that was widely used in Europe, and some cases of narcolepsy.
The most obvious difference between Pandemrix and the vaccine against H1N1 that was used in the United States — which hasn't been associated with narcolepsy — was that Pandemrix included a strong adjuvant, a substance intended to provoke a heightened immune response to proteins in the vaccine.
Palm alerted Swedish health authorities, and subsequent population - wide studies in Sweden, Finland, Ireland and the United Kingdom suggested that vaccination for H1N1 — but only with the Pandemrix vaccine — had increased the risk of developing narcolepsy between four - and 13-fold in children and adolescents, and between two - and four-fold in adults.
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