Sentences with phrase «between phrases like»

People need to understand the differences between phrases like «join for free» or «sign up for free» and «free to use».

Not exact matches

Such familiarity in no way gives an interpretive leg up, but reading this comparison between Cioran and La Rochefoucauld» and the phrase about the former being the latter's great forger is truly brilliant» I kept thinking about what Cioran was like.
Like the soon - to - be-beatified John Henry Newman, who coined the phrase and studied what it meant, there are Christians who want to steer safely between the Scylla of fundamentalism and the Charybdis of modernism.
Federal programs for the poor, designed when the Kennedys discovered «the other America» through Michael Harrington, were seen as the work of distant planners who, in Alinsky's phrase, failed to see «the difference between the world as it is and the world as we would like it to be.»
Overall it sounds like they're trying to walk that fine line between playing up the catch - phrases people want to hear (and that will sell the magazine), and being true to the spirit of yoga.
Most of us use phrases like «my luck ran out» and «I'm due for a win» when usually there is no ultimate relationship between your odds of success in the current venture than in the prior.
Words and phrases like «Constant Cravings,» «Bottomless Pit,» and «Promises, Promises» are distorted, stylized and sit in a precarious place between abstraction and commercial design.
The quiet restraint of these works is like a gentle exhale of breath between bursts of painterly energy and reveals how the phrase «Surface Work» can be mean very different things to different people.
And I think that beyond that, beyond the kind of scientific relationship between mirror cells and mirror neurons, we even liked the way the phrase mirror cells somehow seemed to get the idea of these works being kind of individual microcosms that reflect the world or reflect the artist's own experiences.
By capturing the news anchor's facial expressions seconds after delivering the news and her occasional colloquial phrases made during the report, and creating a set of ID - like photos, produces complex images representing the tensions between the official and the personal and the public and the intimate, respectively.
For instance, as long as articles on Smithson contain such cumbersome phrases like - «anti-aesthetic dynamic relationships», «anti-formalist logic and a theoretical framework of the Picturesque», «the dialectic between the physical landscape and its temporal context» - the subject is likely to remain the preserve of the hyper - educated elite.
Like the nearby phrase «An Object Self - Defined» from the work «Self - Defined Object [green]», 1966, the artist forms the relationship between words and art object, short - circuiting its separation, language and art, language in art, language as, or is art, the work professes to form a dialectic that results in a relationship to philosophical thought.
For Abstract composition, a black and white film projected here in 35 mm, Sietsema has taken phrases from online auction sites («English hunting scene,» «painted waterfall,» «carved marble urn») and, using digital animation, punched the words into a cardboard sign that appears to rotate slowly, like a coin flipping between heads and tails.
I see no difference between what is happening in the climate change debate courtesy of nutters like Lew and Oreskes and what is happening in the wider community, where the unwitting use of politically incorrect words and phrases is increasingly becoming the subject of ludicrous and lengthy official investigations which amount to little more than officially sanctioned witch hunts.
Perhaps I could have chosen my words more carefully to avoid the phrase «dogmatically insist» and to avoid implying an equivalence between those who are convinced by the core science (which, for all practical purposes, includes myself) and the likes of Andrew Bolt, but to get one's knickers in a twist over that phrase whilst ignoring my main argument is a serious misreading of my post — or, given Chris Warren's background, a symptomatic reading of ym post.
Why can't you people understand the difference between «settled» and phrases like weighted evidence and high confidence.
This is a big difference between Bitbox and other hardware wallets like Ledger and Trezor, which requires a process of having to write down a 24 - word seed phrase.
It's not actually pronounced «Wow way,» making this an unusual tactic — for reference, it's more like Hu - ah - way — which Dunagan said helps, «bridge the gap between an easy - to - understand phrase and the correct way to say the name.»
Use phrases like «trained to...» to draw out the parallels between your degree and employer needs.
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