Sentences with phrase «between protecting yourself against the risks»

When you choose what you want your motorcycle insurance to cover, find a balance between protecting yourself against the risks you face and what you can budget for coverage.
When you choose what you want your motorcycle insurance to cover, find a balance between protecting yourself against the risks you face and what you can budget for coverage.

Not exact matches

Studies on the relationship between calcium and cardiovascular disease (CVD) suggest that dietary intake of calcium protects against heart disease, but supplemental calcium may increase the risk.
On the basis of «CREATOR principles» previously set by the SoA, demands include that authors should receive «at least» 50 % of the revenue from e-book sales, «not a mere 25 %» they do currently, that authors don't have their «hands tied with contracts that can not be terminated when a book is no longer being exploited», for publishers to drop non-compete clauses and for indemnity clauses, often included to help protect publishers financially against cases brought on the basis of plagarism and libel, «to spread the risk fairly between the publisher and the author».
We recognize that Queens renters insurance can vary significantly even between the different neighborhoods, and the risks you're protecting against might even vary between blocks.
If you're sharing that home with your family, renters insurance also gives you the peace of mind that your family is protected against a variety of risks ranging from fire to being sued by someone who's not really hurt but just looking for a fast buck, and everything in between.
This protects you against changes in coverage if you develop high risk health problems between when you took out the policy and when it expired.
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