Sentences with phrase «between psychotic experiences»

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ProfessorMary Cannon, HRB Clinician Scientist and Senior Investigator, Department of Psychiatry, RCSI said «Our findings are the first to show there is direct evidence between exposure to childhood trauma and psychotic experience.
Younger children, between two and nine years old, who had persistent nightmares reported by parents had up to one and a half times increased risk of developing psychotic experiences.
One recovered schizophrenic calls her experience with mental hospitals a «revolving door,» and many others can't socialize with other people, even between psychotic episodes.
Researchers at the University of Warwick have found a significant link between the presence of persistent nightmares in childhood and psychotic experiences in later adolescence.
However, only longitudinal data can determine whether attachment processes are causally implicated in pathways between childhood experience and the development of psychotic phenomena.
In this regard, insecure attachment styles have received theoretical attention [7] as well as some initial empirical support [8 — 10] as mediators between childhood adverse experiences and both positive and negative psychotic features; however, further specificity needs investigating.
Citation: Sullivan SA, Wiles N, Kounali D, Lewis G, Heron J, Cannon M, et al. (2014) Longitudinal Associations between Adolescent Psychotic Experiences and Depressive Symptoms.
These results support emerging evidence about a relationship between peer victimization and psychotic experiences from cross-sectional or retrospective studies.12, 13,20
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