Sentences with phrase «between religious groups»

There will be considerable variations with regard to duration and to differentiation between religious groups.
How is creating more divisions going to solve violent opposition between religious groups?
All of these questions and more are addressed by science today in the real world and often cook up debates between religious groups.
Their willingness to pay for air - time in competition with religious groups has set a precedent for the television industry and has given the television industry the means for exploitation of differences between religious groups for the industry's own economic advantage.
published over 30 conservation science papers on topics such as climate vulnerability and adaptation, marine protected areas, conservation planning, coral reef resilience, ocean acidification, sea - level rise, blue carbon, customary tenure, and partnerships between religious groups and conservation.
The country has long been considered a model of tolerance, but religious tensions in the past few years — including the demolition of 20 churches, protests over attacks on Christians by Islamist extremists, and a law requiring minority religious groups to collect signatures from local majority groups before building churches — highlight the country's increasing struggles to maintain harmony between its religious groups.
Muslims in America will continue to face prejudice and oppression, and the media will fixate on rising tensions between religious groups.
Now cyberspace is creating new pseudo-environments that mediate between religious groups.
While sectarian accurately describes «relations between religious groups» and implies «an intolerance of opposing views,» there are two more common terms which are never used in our PC liberal media.
Given the historic linkage between religious groups and party coalitions, it should come as no surprise that the Perot vote came substantially from secular voters, those disaffected from both religious and political institutions.
Smith traces the use of the word «religion» in the West and argues that much of the difficulty in communication between religious groups is due to ambiguities arising from lack of discrimination in the use of the adjective «religious» and the noun «religion.»
Today we see examples of walls coming down throughout the world - between nations, occasionally between religious groups, sometimes among ethnic enclaves.
[10] The division between religious groups and forensic investigators is not that the forensic teams are disrespectful of the dead; rather, it is the notion of profaning the graves (often considered to be sacred places) and disturbing the bodies (and souls / spirits) residing therein.
She has published over 30 conservation science papers on topics such as climate vulnerability and adaptation, marine protected areas, conservation planning, coral reef resilience, ocean acidification, sea - level rise, blue carbon, customary tenure, and partnerships between religious groups and conservation.
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