Sentences with phrase «between sacraments»

The traditions Gregory Jones explores in Transformed Judgment are grand ones: Aristotelian virtue - centered moral philosophy; Thomism, especially as it elucidates the relation between the sacraments and friendship with God; Trinitarian thought; Wittgenstein's philosophy of language.
Moreover, the rich connections that Paul established between the sacrament of baptism and the resurrected Christ would never have come to full flower.
Isidore makes a move already found in Augustine's differentiating between the sacrament and the power of the sacrament (virtus sacramenti).
There are many Christians for whom the sacramental life of the Church and the Holy Communion would have power beyond anything they can at present imagine if a genuine connection should be established in their understanding between the Sacrament and the mutual ministry which is going on all the time in the life of the Church.

Not exact matches

God knows what He is doing in this strange time between «worlds,» but hopefully He is inviting us again to engage the enemy through the godly weapons of preaching and sacrament.
This in turn makes it possible to present the sacraments as a natural consequence of the relationship between Christ and his Church without making matter or human actions pre-determine divine grace.
A properly ordered heterosexual relationship is a liturgical event because it is a mirror image - a sacrament - of the covenant between God and mankind, between Christ and the Church.
According to Balthasar everything in the Church is a movement between these two principles (Marian and Petrine): the Church as the bride of Christ is the extension and product of the living reality of Christ, which requires an essential structure (sacraments and ministry, which are founded by Christ Himself).
The love of a man and a woman, lived out in the power of baptismal life, now becomes the sacrament of the love between Christ and his Church, and a witness to the mystery of fidelity and unity from which the «New Eve» is born and by which she lives in her earthly pilgrimage toward the fullness of the eternal wedding.»
In the fulfillment of this sacrament, the marriage of Christian man and woman is a sign of the marriage between Christ and the Church.»
Sexual relationships between a husband and a wife can participate in the meaning of communion that reaches the edges of holiness and has something of the nature of a sacrament about it.
Thus far, we have attempted to justify the claim that the seven sacraments of the Church constitute an encounter between the recipient and the person of Christ.
«The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring; this covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament
Even if the child is born of a mixed marriage between a Catholic man and a Jewish woman, and the child is baptized, and receives the sacraments, even Holy Orders.
Examples of one or other of the two kinds of divine and unchangeable law would be, that a marriage between brother and sister is now invalid independently of the will of the Church; that a validly consummated marriage between baptized persons is indissoluble and that the Church has no power to alter the fact; that the Church can not abolish the fact that there are seven sacraments, nor alter the ultimate features of the Church's own constitution.
Should it acknowledge that two previously married persons were suddenly no longer conjoined in a sacrament, or maintain its teaching that a valid marriage between two baptized Christians was indissoluble unless one of the partners died?
In his recap of the visit, he urged the Church «to re-propose the sacrament of matrimony as a gift and indissoluble commitment between a man and a woman, the natural environment for the welcoming and education of children.»
All symbols are ever in danger of becoming spiritual, and not binding images, instead of remaining real signs sent into life; all sacraments are ever in danger of becoming plain experiences, leveled down to the «religious» plane, instead of remaining the incarnate connection between what is above and what is below.
The purpose of the sacraments is the reconciliation of God and man, a reconciliation of God to man as well as of man to God, for the priest is always the mediator between God and humanity.
But in all his acts he serves the purpose chiefly served in the administration of the sacrament — the purpose of mediating between God and man.
Fourthly, the Eucharist as action establishes, thanks to that presentness», a communion between God and humanity and also among those men and women who are privileged to assist at the celebration of the sacrament.
The Lutherans protested, arguing that there were insurmountable differences between the two traditions, especially on the question of what happens in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
A closer look at Pepler's writings may be «a distinctive way» of looking at things, especially since he proposes that the imagination that is cultivated by grace is able to maintain the connections between creation and the sacraments against a background of increased industrialisation, technology and activism.2
Laudato Si», Pope Francis» 2015 encyclical, considers the connection between contemplation and the sacraments and attests that man's stewardship of creation is not only a material responsibility but also a spiritual responsibility.
«The Church is the sacrament of dialogue, of communication between men.
When I read between the lines of the New Testament, I see, along with the good, a very chaotic community that struggled with the same issues the contemporary church struggles with: ambition, power, position, money, possessions, charismata and worship, order, heresy, dress, the abuse of the sacraments, teaching, and so on.
Marriage between baptised Christians is a sacrament.
It is the couple who convect the sacrament between themselves, or not.
THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY «The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring; this covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacramenSACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY «The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring; this covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacramentsacrament
The Pope said «It is my hope that your conversations will bear abundant fruit in the examination of such historically controversial issues as the relationship between Scripture and Tradition, the understanding of baptism and the sacraments, the place of Mary in the communion of the Church, and the nature of oversight and primacy in the Church's ministerial structure.
And although the favor of the God, as forfeited or gained, is still an essential feature of the story, and theology plays a vital part therein, yet the acts to which this sort of religion prompts are personal not ritual acts, the individual transacts the business by himself alone, and the ecclesiastical organization, with its priests and sacraments and other go - betweens, sinks to an altogether secondary place.
The sacraments do not remove the need for faith, nor can one sever the link between baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist as together comprising the sacraments of initiation.
Over against what he perceives to be Weigel's giving too much away to Protestant ideas of communion as personal friendship and encounter, Cavadini reasserts the sacramental priority of grace as grounded in the connection between Christ as primordial sacrament and the church as sacrament (the Totus Christus).
Toward the end of Ut Unum Sint, John Paul cites some of the questions that must be addressed in conversation with the communities issuing from the tragic divisions of the sixteenth century: (1) The relationship between Sacred Scripture, as the highest authority in matters of faith, and Sacred Tradition, as indispensable to the interpretation of the Word of God; (2) The Eucharist as the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, an offering of praise to the Father, the sacrificial memorial and Real Presence of Christ and the sanctifying outpouring of the Holy Spirit; (3) Ordination, as a Sacrament, to the threefold ministry of the episcopate, presbyterate, and diaconate; (4) The Magisterium of the Church, entrusted to the pope and the bishops in communion with him, understood as a responsibility and an authority exercised in the name of Christ for teaching and safeguarding the faith; (5) The Virgin Mary, as Mother of God and Icon of the Church, the spiritual Mother who intercedes for Christ's disciples and for all humanity.
Only in that regular and candid encounter between ourselves and Christ in the Sacrament of Reconciliation will we grasp two essential truths of the spiritual life: the depth to which sin has a hold over our fallen nature, and the far greater power of the grace of Christ ministered to us through his Church.
Maintaining Trent's fundamental teaching on justification, the sacraments, and the relation between Scripture and tradition is consistent with affirming a more comprehensive and balanced formulation of that teaching as a fruit of serious theological dialogue.
There is a relation between the structure of matter, the structure of man and the structure of the Incarnation, the Church and the sacraments.
Sacraments are signs because they bring together certain important moments of history and a certain contemporaneous event, and present a definite correlation between them.
When marriage takes place between two people who are baptised it is a sacrament.
A second is the Catholic doctrine of baptism, especially its emphasis on the regenerative quality of the sacrament and its possible domestic and political implications, which the Church continues to acknowledge in her codified counsel regarding near - death situations, as well as in her use of the Pauline privilege, which allows for the dissolution of a marriage between two non-baptized persons if one of them should subsequently receive baptism.
[5] As a result, he presents the sacrament as a partnership between God and man, even though there is a radical difference between Creator and creature.
«It is essential to understand well the sacrament of penitence requires the personal dialogue between the penitent and the confessor and the absolution by the confessor,» Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi told reporters on Wednesday.
Furthermore, the sacrament of marriage itself should hold a high place in the life of the Church since it is the sacramental expression of the relationship between Christ and the Church with a view to the birth of further sons and daughters for the Kingdom of Christ.
Since it signifies and communicates grace, marriage between baptized persons is a true sacrament of the New Covenant.1
For Catholics, in particular, it is so profound a reality that we see it incarnate in marriage, which is a sacrament re-presenting the union between Christ and the Church, and even in our clergy who are considered to be joined in a kind of spiritual matrimony to the Church, which, in turn, is considered to be our «Holy Mother» and the Bride of Christ.
Holloway's approach as we have seen would not view the sacraments as effective expressions of the life - giving relationship between God and man, summed up and brought to completion in Christ.
As part of the exhibition, the Gallery is also extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to display Poussin's Sacraments painted between 1637 and 1642 for his Roman friend and patron Cassiano dal Pozzo.
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