Sentences with phrase «between social understanding»

Links between Social Understanding and Social Behavior in Verbally Able Children with Autism.

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Social Media doesn't understand about architectural barriers, or distinguish between countries or beliefs, it just spreads everywhere.
Understanding the business and social outcomes of partnerships between corporation has become an imperative.
It seeks to understand the social influences on buyers as well as understand social networking relationships between individual buyers, social buyer groups, and sellers.
Having seen an Arab chieftain's son, who had attended the American University in Beirut, make his decision between the old nomadic life of his clan, still living in tents, and the new town life which his education made possible, one vividly understands that, choosing the former, he inevitably chose submergence in the social solidarity of his group as against emergence into the individualism of a commercial community.
As early as 1932, Bonhoeffer insisted that human freedom be understood in strictly social terms as man's freedom for others.16 According to Bonhoeffer, freedom functions as a middle term between transcendence and acts of love.
The agreement between black power and neoclassical philosophies can, therefore, be symbolized by transforming the black power slogan — «Power to the People» — into a more neoclassical formulation — Creative Synthesis to the People; and, conversely, the philosophy of creative synthesis may be understood as a metaphysical affirmation of the social ethical imperative to empower the people.
The Catholic writer understands the necessary relationship between truth and beauty, which is not mere social convention or cultural accident but an essential form of human knowledge — intuitive, holistic, and experiential.
That collective emphasis, that understanding of man as fundamentally social, was derived from the classical conception of the polis as responsible for the education and the virtue of its citizens, from the Old Testament notion of the Covenant between God and a people held collectively responsible for its actions, and from the New Testament notion of a community based on charity or love and expressed in brotherly affection and fellow membership in one common body.
Its sociality, as a result, becomes largely «technical dialogue» with the social understood either as an organic, objective whole or as the mere communication and interaction between human beings who may in fact relate to each other largely as Its.
To understand how ideas change, we need to consider not only subjective needs and values but also the relations between actors who articulate ideas and actors who provide an audience for these ideas, the institutional contexts in which these dynamics take place, and the larger social resources that institutions have at their disposal.
One who understands the essence of man in terms of the dialogical relation between men must walk a narrow ridge between the individualistic psychology which places all reality within the isolated individual and the social psychology which places all reality in the organic group and in the interaction of social forces.
The conservative and largely evangelical Family Research Council said in an email to supporters Tuesday night that Santorum's announcement «was clearly disappointing news for those looking for a nominee who understands and articulates the connection between the social and fiscal challenges facing America.»
While Biblical hermeneutics provided the key to an understanding of the role of women in the church and family, dialogue between those whose traditions have heard the Word of God differently in other times and places held the key for the discussion of social ethics, and engagement with the full range of cultural activity (from psychotherapy to radical protest, from personal testimony to scientific statement) was the locus for theological evaluation concerning homosexuality.
One of the «four factors which decisively govern the fate of social groups» according to his analysis, is «the iron compulsion of nature that the bodily necessities of food, clothing and shelter be provided».20 Whitehead continues: «The rigid limits which are thereby set to modes of social existence can only be mitigated by the growth of an understanding by which the interplay between man and the rest of nature can be adjusted.»
It is a symbol which can be the basis for understanding between the American social gospel and the Continental insistence that God's Kingdom can not be identified with human schemes.
Out of the quest of social groups for an understanding of the connection between specific beliefs and actions, and the reactions of the universe, as well as the meaning of human salvation, religion grows and develops.
My supposition is that the individualization of sin is the trivialization of sin, and given the systematic connection between our understanding of sin and our understanding of God as the one who addresses us in our human plight, the trivialization of sin has an inexorable affect upon two areas: the doctrine of God, and the sense of individual and corporate responsibility for social ills.
I want to interpret the tradition in terms of the present and the present in terms of the tradition, thus setting up a communication between past and present in the service of enhanced self - understanding.1 Such an enterprise differs from an effort to explain American society in terms of social and economic variables.
To understand the aspects of social protest in Pulaya conversions it may be helpful to draw a fine distinction between dalit consciousness and caste consciousness.
Similarly no one can understand the long conflict between the baals and Yahweh, with its story of attraction and repulsion, assimilation and revulsion, culminating in the prophetic determination, from Elijah on, to tear Yahweh's worship free from baal entanglements, unless one sees, underneath, the fierce hostility between two economic and social cultures.
This point will be understood better when we examine the Manuscripts where Marx decided that human self - alienation could and should be grasped as a social relation between human beings.
He explores how Methodism grew from a barely perceptible impulse in the Church of England in the 18th century to a foremost expression of Christianity in the modern world; how the mixing of Enlightenment rationality and evangelical enthusiasm resulted in Methodism's perennial doubleness of vision; how the Methodist message was heard, internalized and enacted in a bewildering variety of social and geographic locations; how opposition from Outsiders fostered strength while conflict between insiders fostered weakness; how money was raised, spent and symbolized; how women and racial and ethnic minorities found nourishment in the Methodist message; how the movement managed to circle the globe completely; and finally, how a gaggle of theories about secularization might help us understand Methodism's decline in the latter half of the 20th century.
The Adolescent Development Lab at UCLA exists to generate knowledge about the development about youth from diverse ethnic and immigrant backgrounds, and to understand the interaction between social and biological development as it relates to behavior.
The Health Belief Model guided the formative research and supported information delivery, while Social Cognitive Theory was predominately used in shaping the intervention and in facilitating understanding of the potential interaction between overestimation of new parents capacity to cope and underestimation of potential problems.
Examining the mom's relationship status alone, even with large numbers of moms, offers inconsistent results and is not sufficient to understand the relationship between postpartum depression and social support.
Another rioter quoted had a intuitively understood how what Andy Chadwick calls the «political information cycle» is not contained within any one media platform, but cross between offline communications, social media, and legacy media organizations:
At 9 a.m., Approximately 900 specialists from a variety of scientific, psychological, social service and educational communities will gather at The Egg, Center for the Performing Arts Hart Theatre to consider promising research on how, through understanding the emerging connections between trauma and the science of brain development, children can overcome the long - term consequences of extreme trauma and adversity.
She was right, Zimet, but hasn't budgeted for a competent assessor yet, one that knows the difference between Supplemental Security Income and Social Security, nor understand that you shouldn't lie to the IRS about disabled parcel owners, both of them, in fact.
But the link between scientific evidence and economic and social gains is not necessarily respected or understood, he said.
«There is a close link between getting better in understanding oneself and improvement in social intelligence,» says Böckler.
«There's definitely been a shift,» said Taylor Dimsdale, senior research associate with E3G, about the understanding of linkages between social strife, food prices and climate change.
To understand Hack Crash it's necessary to continue exploring the relationship between social media, the market and its algorithms.
Examples of such areas include understanding relationships between intended genetic changes and an organism's observable traits, the unintended effects of genetic changes on target and non-target organisms, predicting and monitoring ecosystem responses, and quantifying the economic and social costs and benefits of biotechnologies.
«It's a major contribution toward [understanding] the relationship between economic indicators and social well - being,» says sociologist Fernando Rivera of Rutgers University in New Jersey.
According to Professor Judith Stephenson: «Bringing together natural and social scientists with people from different organisations and communities in the global South and global North is essential to improve understanding of the interactions between consumption, demographic change and the climate, and to devise more scientifically and politically integrated solutions for global health.»
Research to date has failed to understand the link between autistic traits and suicide but this study suggests that promoting social inclusion and independence could literally save lives.»
To better understand the link between GABA and the development of stress resilience, Berton, Beck, and colleagues also devised an optogenetics - based approach to directly manipulate levels: Lifting GABA inhibition of serotonin neurons reduced social and anxiety symptoms in mice exposed to bullies and also fully prevented neurobiological changes due to stress.
Understanding the interactions between the social and physical environment will help to explain health disparities and create interventions to prevent health and developmental problems in children.
Dr Clint Perry, another lead author of the study, added: «Despite the obvious differences between humans and other animals, understanding social learning and culture in animals holds a key to understanding the evolutionary roots of the peculiarities of social learning and culture in humans.»
Martin wants to understand the connections between political, social and economic change and our ideas about ourselves.
The discovery could help scientists understand how social, cultural, and environmental factors interact with genetics to create differences in health outcomes between different ethnic populations, the authors say, and provides a counterpoint to long - standing efforts in the biomedical research community to replace imprecise racial and ethnic categorization with genetic tests to determine ancestry.
This idea understands the relationship and interconnectivity between many different facets of life; ecological, social / cultural, economic, and institutional.
Mobile eyebrows gave us the communication skills to establish large, social networks; in particular to express more nuanced emotions such as recognition and sympathy, allowing for greater understanding and cooperation between people.
«Understanding the biology and commonalities between trusting social relationships and the opioid system can change the way we think about treatment,» Young says, noting that neither the punitive approach of the criminal justice system nor harsh treatment tactics are likely to increase connectedness.
Within the fields of microbiology and immunology, neurologic diseases, neuropharmacology, behavioral, cognitive and developmental neuroscience, and psychiatric disorders, the center's research programs are seeking ways to: develop vaccines for infectious and noninfectious diseases; understand the basic neurobiology and genetics of social behavior and develop new treatment strategies for improving social functioning in social disorders such as autism; interpret brain activity through imaging; increase understanding of progressive illnesses such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases; unlock the secrets of memory; treat drug addiction; determine how the interaction between genetics and society shape who we are; and advance knowledge about the evolutionary links between biology and behavior.
She is also a Nereus fellow, which means she is part of the collaborative Nereus program between six leading marine science institutes with the aim of undertaking research that advances our comprehensive understandings of the global ocean systems across the natural and social sciences, from oceanography and marine ecology to fisheries economics and impacts on coastal communities.
I would say that as far as advancing our ability to really look at the issue of climate change, I think one of the things we really need to do is to make our models interact more between the physical sciences and the social economics, and to really understand the link a little more closely between climate change and the drivers and impacts of climate change.
Stand Alone: You need to understand the difference between a dating app or site and Facebook or other social networks for that matter.
Formed between dark and light, cold and heat, North and South, Good Luck immerses its viewer in the precarious natural and social environments of two distinct labor groups so as to better understand the bonds that men share.
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