Sentences with phrase «between sodium and potassium»

What is the relationship between sodium and potassium?
It's important to maintain a balance between sodium and potassium in the diet, because sodium intake can affect potassium excretion, and vice versa.
Importantly the analysis also looked at the association of the ratio between sodium and potassium intake and the risks for cardiovascular disease mortality.
This imbalance between sodium and potassium causes water retention, leading to weight gain.
A clean diet, rich in fresh fruits and vegetables provides the right quantity of potassium to maintain a balance between sodium and potassium.

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Colostrum is characteristically high in sodium (> 30 mmol / L) and low in potassium (< 15 mmol / L) as a result of open paracellular pathways between mammary epithelial cells [14].
When an eel zaps its prey, positively charged potassium and sodium atoms inside and between these cells flow toward the eel's head, making each electrocyte's front end positive and tail end negative.
The blast was caused by a reaction between water and a mixture of sodium and potassium in waste dropped down the shaft.
VDACs are present in all neurons, especially the sodium and potassium channels along the axons, which play a fundamental role in the generation of action potential and signaling between neurons.
This imbalance between potassium and sodium is what causes nearly all of the hypertension seen in 1st world nations.
One cited study, which attributes stroke to excessive salt intake, is a meta - analysis of thirteen studies published between 1966 and 2008 in which most measurements of sodium intake were highly inaccurate estimates based on food frequency questionnaires.22 The second is a review of fifty - two studies, which concluded that strokes are not caused by excess sodium but rather by insufficient potassium, a finding that is consistent with the preponderance of evidence.23 Cordain ignores more recent large clinical and epidemiological studies, which have found that sodium intakes of less than 3 grams per day significantly increase cardiovascular risk.3, 4
The main difference between this type of salt and the others mentioned in its unusual color, but it has also been found to contain trace elements of calcium, magnesium and potassium, and it also has a slightly lower sodium count that other varieties.
If you've ever felt puffy, or after you go out and have a lot of sodium, you feel puffy, because you don't have that balance between potassium and sodium like you normally do.
Dr. Appel stated that the Subcommittee had five level «A» research questions related to sodium and potassium for which evidence tables were available: What is the relationship between salt intake and blood pressure?
Examinations and testing of affected and unaffected dogs before and after strenuous ball - chasing or sheep herding exercise found no difference between the the normal and affected groups in blood sugar and calcium, the muscle enzyme creatinine kinase, and electrolyte (sodium and potassium) concentrations before or after exercise.
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