Sentences with phrase «between spanking»

There may be a relationship between the spanking of children, the type of neighborhood the children live in and the likelihood of a report of abuse or neglect to Child... Read more →
If there is a link between spanking and behavior problems, we need to be sure it isn't driven by these pre-existing differences between kids.
Larzelere's team tested this prediction by re-analyzing data from an older study that reported correlations between spanking and antisocial behavior.
We need to rule out alternative explanations for the link between spanking and behavior problems.
Suppose that the observed link between spanking and antisocial behavior is driven by the kids themselves.
Robert Larzelere and his colleagues — who have voiced skepticism about the causal link between spanking and antisocial behavior — have proposed another approach (Larzelere et al 2010).
And while some research has failed to find a link between spanking and cognitive outcomes (Maguire - Jack et al 2012), the link between early spanking and later behavior problems is well - established:
When Elizabeth Gershoff and her colleagues (2012) tracked over 11,000 American families, they found no evidence that ethnicity moderated the link between spanking and aggression.
Research has shown a positive correlation between spanking and physical abuse.
Longitudinal links between spanking and children's externalizing behaviors in a national sample of White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian American families.
Either case would artificially inflate the apparent link between spanking and aggression.
The summary consisted of several sentences describing the link between spanking and short - and long - term child behavior problems, including aggressive and delinquent acts, poor quality of parent - child relationships and an increased risk of child physical abuse.
Although associations between spanking and maternal depression have been previously reported, 31 this is the first study, to our knowledge, to report an association between spanking and paternal depression.
When Jennifer Lansford and her colleagues tracked a group of children for more than a decade, they found links between spanking and aggressive behavior problems, but the effect depended on how long parents used spanking as a disciplinary tactic.
Robert Larzelere and his colleagues — who have voiced skepticism about the causal link between spanking and antisocial behavior — have proposed another approach (Larzelere et al 2010).
We need to rule out alternative explanations for the link between spanking and behavior problems.
And while some research has failed to find a link between spanking and cognitive outcomes (Maguire - Jack et al 2012), the link between early spanking and later behavior problems is well - established:
If there is a link between spanking and behavior problems, we need to be sure it isn't driven by these pre-existing differences between kids.
Moreover, there is a mountain of data flatly refuting her claims that can be found in thousands of carefully planned and executed studies on the relationship between spanking and later aggressive behavior.
Literature on the links between spanking (and other types of physical punishment) and adverse outcomes has been conflicting.
I think there's a difference between spanking and «harsh» spankings that induce fear in a child... The idea of spanking a child is that by doing it they won't repeat bad behavior... if a parent has gotten to a point where they find themselves spanking more often than not for the SAME action then it's time to find something else.
Among the 79 statistically significant effect sizes, 99 percent indicated an association between spanking and a detrimental child outcome.
Research has shown a positive correlation between spanking and physical abuse.

Not exact matches

The ties between Christianity and corporal punishment are so strong that a large number of conservative Christians parents simple deny studies that suggest spanking does more harm than good.
Toddlers aged between two and three are more likely to be spanked than their older or younger siblings.
The distinction between hitting in anger (as in «the heat of the moment») as opposed to hitting as part of a purportedly «calm» regimented spanking is an academic one, but not a practical one.
Twelve months is probably too early to spank children, but there's no established point between ages 1 and 2 at which it is appropriate, he said.
The best use of spanking, Larzelere said, is in children between the ages of 2 and 6 when milder discipline tactics, such as time out, fail.
Having said that, anyone wishing to promote forced weaning, sleep training, routine infant circumcision, spanking, or any parenting method which contributes to detachment between child and parent should be prepared for strong opposing views.)
In addition to a link between antisocial behavior and spanking, the researchers also found links between
Although the use of corporal punishment in children has been controversial, evidence continues to emerge highlighting the negative developmental impact of this form of discipline in children.21, 29 Moreover, this finding is particularly concerning given that children were only 1 year of age in our study, a developmental stage when children are unlikely to understand the connection between their behavior and subsequent punishment and when spanking is more likely to cause physical injury.30
Notably, in a national sample of 499 fathers of children under 3 years of age, Lyons - Ruth et al32 did not find an association between paternal depressive symptoms and spanking but did report an association between a father's depressive symptoms and his report of «hitting, slapping, or shaking» his child.
In the post, the author discussed the arbitrary lines drawn between «spanking» and «abuse,» as well as the rationales given for corporal punishment.
The study indicated that spanking by the child's mother, father or mother's current partner when the child was a year old was linked to child protective services» involvement between ages 1 and 5.
Johnson, an interesting foil at first, becomes a quivering Mary Wollstonecraft, protesting her fiery independence between explosive orgasms during getting - spanked sessions and flying around on helicopters.
But in the movie this leads to an odd dichotomy between the drily cerebral and the powerfully sexual: on the one hand, decorous scenes of intellectual jousting between the two esteemed gentlemen, and on the other, primal shots of Jung (Michael Fassbender) and Spielrein (Keira Knightley) getting it on, which culminate in a bound Spielrein shouting with pleasure as Jung spanks her with a leather belt.
Anyone who makes a film about a sexual relationship between a boy and his mother and derives its title from a colloquialism for male masturbation is clearly a director who wants you to sit up and take notice — and that is just what David O. Russell did with his feature debut «Spanking the Monkey» (1994).
The two movements overlap each other, the final short, Dottie Gets Spanked (1994), coming in - between Haynes» first and second features, Poison (1991) and Safe (1995).
Sandwiched between the brick buildings here at Broadway and West 110th Street, Columbia University's spanking new laboratory school has computerized «smartboards» in every classroom, teachers with doctoral degrees and six - figure incomes, a dance studio, and a cafe that dispenses Cheerios, fruit, and salads free to students.
Another DLC pack is due for release for Shift 2: Unleashed and this time around it's a nice mix between old school muscle cars and shiny brand spanking new, bank balance busting modern roadsters.
Despite the art connection, the town of Marfa, located just 68 miles from the Mexican border, is a bastion of conservatism, with 11 o'clock curfews for young adults, spanking of children in schools, rampant racial suspicion between Whites and Latinos, and police surveillance.
Holden (echoing Gershoff's concerns) notes that because so few studies really accurately differentiate between abuse and non-abusive corporal punishment, between for example an open - handed smack on the butt or hand and a closed fist to the face or chest, it is hard to draw conclusions about spanking as opposed to abuse based on these studies.
In addition to a link between antisocial behavior and spanking, the researchers also found links between
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