Sentences with phrase «between telomerase»

You also discovered that there was a relationship between telomerase and stress.
What about the relation between telomerase and cancer?
Is there a relationship between telomerase and aging?

Not exact matches

Augmenting and regulating telomerase function will have to be performed with precision, walking a narrow line between cell rejuvenation and a heightened risk for cancer development.
Adding telomerase to dividing cells in culture can lengthen their lifespan (ScienceNOW, 13 January 1998), but no one has found a direct link between telomeres and animal aging.
No matter where the source of their DNA, as soon as the embryos became hollow balls of cells, between the developmental stages known as blastocyst and morula, telomerase lengthened telomeres to the right size.
In addition, an inverse relationship between the expression of SA - beta - Gal activity and telomerase activity was noted in cells undergoing immortalization.
Of the two telomerase components analyzed, Tert (telomerase reverse transcriptase) expression did not show any differences between groups, but Terc (telomerase RNA component) transcription was significantly higher in the IVC testes (Fig. 2B).
Observed close relationships between changes in telomerase levels, levels of depression, and anxiety and distress are novel and deserve further examination.»
«The relationship between telomere - dependent senescence, telomerase and stress remains a subject of debate.
Q: What is the difference between a Telomere and Telomerase?
For five years, the researchers followed 35 men with localized, early - stage prostate cancer to explore the relationship between comprehensive lifestyle changes, and telomere length and telomerase activity.
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