Sentences with phrase «between telomere»

Association between telomere length and experimentally induced upper respiratory viral infection in healthy adults
Q: What is the difference between a Telomere and Telomerase?
«The relationship between telomere - dependent senescence, telomerase and stress remains a subject of debate.
doi: 10.1038 / 35036093; and Harris SE et al. «The association between telomere length, physical health, cognitive ageing, and mortality in non-demented older people.»
Titia de Lange of The Rockefeller University is honored for her studies of how telomeres shield chromosome ends and of the relationship between telomere dysfunction and cancer.
Association between telomere length and type 2 diabetes mellitus: a meta - analysis.
The genes may be involved in moderating the link between telomere length and underprivileged upbringings, the study suggests.
Past research suggests a strong correlation between telomere dynamics and the processes that determine human aging and lifespan.
«We also found an association between telomere shortening and thiamine deficiency (TD),» said Yamaki.
«The positive association between telomere length and lung adenocarcinoma should be further investigated with the long term goal of improving prediction and prevention of this common cancer subtype.»
A large - scale genetic study of the links between telomere length and risk for five common cancers finds that long telomeres are associated with an increased risk of lung adenocarcinoma.
Some studies have shown associations between telomere length and exercise, stress, diet, and smoking.
Studies comparing the telomere length of white blood cells among groups of volunteers show distinct correlations between telomere length and lifestyle.
And maybe people who use the test can help clarify the connection between telomeres and health: If Telome Health lets users contribute (or actively entices them to contribute) their results and detailed medical histories to science, we could all help bring the picture into better focus.
«The complex relationship between telomeres and cancer risk is one that we need to further understand,» Pierce said.
With the discovery of ZBTB48's novel linkage between telomeres and mitochondria, which both have key roles in cellular ageing, we will also be studying whether this interplay contributes to telomere maintenance.»
One key difference between telomeres and cassette leaders is that leaders stay intact as long as the tape does, whereas telomeres become ever - so - slightly shorter every time the cell replicates itself or is hit by damaging agents like free radicals.
Blackburn: Every sign, including genetics, says there's some causality [between telomeres] and the nasty things that happen with aging, the really nasty diseases that kill us — heart disease, diabetes, cancer, even Alzheimer's.
It wasn't until the late 1980s that a strong connection was made between telomeres and cellular aging, in a breakthrough that resulted from a bit of scientific serendipity.
In order to study the relationship between telomeres and liver damage, the researchers generated a mouse line deficient in TRF1 protein in the liver, thus leaving the telomeres in hepatic cells unprotected and compromising their function.
Adding telomerase to dividing cells in culture can lengthen their lifespan (ScienceNOW, 13 January 1998), but no one has found a direct link between telomeres and animal aging.
We have shown that recombination between telomeres occur in specialized PML bodies specifically found in ALT cells.
«In fact, if sheep like Dolly and other mammals made by this [cloning] technique are continually shown to be perfectly healthy and not age prematurely, that would just prove that the whole link between the telomeres and ageing is an unreliable one and not worth worrying about.»
For the past 13 years her work with Elissa Epel, a UCSF psychologist, has studied connections between telomeres and stress.

Not exact matches

Parental responsiveness moderates the association between early - life stress and reduced telomere length.
In people with recurrent depressions, a correlation could also be found between low cortisol levels and short telomeres.
Some studies suggest there's a connection between shortened telomeres and some types of cancer, but not other types of cancer (see a comprehensive listing of papers on the Telome Health site).
«The mean difference in leukocyte telomere length between the most active and least active subjects was 200 nucleotides (chemical structural units of DNA and RNA), which means that the most active subjects had telomeres the same length as sedentary individuals up to 10 years younger, on average.»
«Such a relationship between leukocyte telomere length and physical activity level remained significant after adjustment for body mass index, smoking, socioeconomic status and physical activity at work,» the authors report.
Surprisingly, the researchers found no associations between shortened telomeres and cancer risk.
Because telomeres can vary greatly due to factors such as age, lifestyle and cancer progression, efforts to study the direct associations between cancer risk and telomere length have been difficult.
«There is no reason to suppose any connection between centromeres and telomeres in function, in time of action, or in sequence,» he says.
This revealed telomeres as dangerous structures during mitosis, because the cells momentarily lost the ability to distinguish between damaged DNA strands and normal telomeres.
She found that ASF1 loss initiated an intra-nuclear ping - pong game: cells replicated the tag and then tossed it back and forth between different chromosomes in order to build disorganized but serviceable telomeres.
There may be a link between socioeconomic status and shortened telomeres (pink), which cap the ends of chromosomes (blue).
To see what might go wrong with the telomeres of cloned animals between cell fusion and maturity, a team led by Lenhard Rudolph of the Hannover School of Medicine and Heiner Niemann of the Institute for Animal Science at Mariensee, Germany, tracked the length of telomeres during development.
No matter where the source of their DNA, as soon as the embryos became hollow balls of cells, between the developmental stages known as blastocyst and morula, telomerase lengthened telomeres to the right size.
In the study, Cohen and his team measured the telomere lengths of white blood cells from 152 healthy volunteers between the ages of 18 and 55.
«The social environment really conditions the way that these children are living, and their health,» says Notterman, who warns the link between shorter telomeres and health outcomes is not fully established.
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have found an association between lower socioeconomic status during childhood and adolescence and the length of telomeres, protective cap - like protein complexes at the end of chromosomes that ultimately affect the susceptibility to colds in middle - aged adults.
The researchers found a correlation between the stressful male reproductive strategy and a shortening of their telomeres, which are protective DNA caps at the end of chromosomes.
Geneticists Christa Martin and David Ledbetter have been probing the relationship between mutations or recombination in the regions of the chromosome adjacent to telomeres and developmental disorders such as autism and mental retardation.
Vicki Lundblad employs a single - cell genetic system to study the interplay between the activities that lengthen and shorten telomeres.
It was also found there wasn't any significant difference in the length of telomeres between the low or moderate physical activity individuals and the sedentary individuals.
The relationship between this ratio and the length of the telomeres was statistically significant.
There are associations between shortened telomeres and many age - related diseases such as osteoporosis, dementia, and arthritis.
Since then, researchers have documented connections between short telomeres and stress, attitude, sleep, and mood issues.
It shows the relationship between the energy that 50 — 70 - year - olds (male and female) burned by doing physical exercise and their telomere length.
Also, on the telomere improvement — how much time passed between the 2 measurements?
This «inverse association» found between fish and telomere length was ignored in the discussion.
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