Sentences with phrase «between walking speed»

Connections between walking speed and health improvements make a persuasive case for helping older clients pick up the pace.
There is a non-linear relationship between walking speed and rate of calorie burn.

Not exact matches

I walked to the plate and set up for slider speed and adjusted in between.
Then, they measured the distance between the footprints and used an equation based on observations of living, walking bipeds to estimate the dinosaur's walking speed, yielding a result between 4.5 and 8 kilometers per hour (2.8 to 5 miles per hour), they report online this month and in a forthcoming print issue of Cretaceous Research.
In addition to the connection with weak grip strength, Wu said there was a «very clear» inverse association between high blood pressure and mortality among those who weren't physically able to finish the gait - speed test in the latest study, measured over a 98.5 - inch walk.
As the comet hurtles through the inner Solar System at around 100,000 km / h, the relative speed between orbiter and comet will remain equivalent to walking pace.
The researchers observed similar associations between autoantibody levels and decline in grip strength and walking speed in the Chicago population.
Rather than simply walking or lightly jogging at a steady speed on the treadmill for an hour or so, HIIT requires you to alternate between periods of high intensity, and low intensity exercise, so for example:
Between the increasing running speeds and brisk walking, this 30 - minute routine is an effective way to get your heart rate up in a short amount of time.
A good walking speed would be between 3 - 4 mph and a good jogging speed would be 5 - 6 mph.
Fartlek means «speed play» in Swedish and allows runners to build speed by alternating between anaerobic sprints and aerobic recovery jogs or walks.
Walking distance and speed is good and steady state running between 6 and 8 mph is good too (8mph if you can!).
As a warm - up, the AG participants first walked on a treadmill at speed of 1.1 m · s − 1 for 5 minutes and then performed the prescribed exercise routine with 10 - 15 seconds of rest between each set.
One of her professors shared the story of an incident between an international organization and a rural village in Africa in which the mothers of the village opposed the construction of a new road through the community for fear that their children, who had to walk to school along the roadway, would be hit by speeding traffic.
The orientation, heat level, speed, and stability of your mechs matters, and fights between the durable walking tanks play out like heavyweight boxing matches.
Even when he's being chased by a horde of mutated naked ladies, all he can do is either choose between a lethargic snail pace or his much faster casual walking speed.
There does feel like a difference in speed between the monsters and Godzilla himself, with Godzilla moving like a slow tank as he walks compared to the others who looked much faster.
Between this and the slow walking speed, there is little reason to explore.
Whether you're doing touch - ups between deep cleans, or scrambling to get ready for unexpected company, our Speed Cleaning Checklist walks you through the steps.
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