Sentences with phrase «between wealthy countries»

[T] he divisions between wealthy countries and poorer countries that are making such a treaty difficult, and have long bedeviled international climate talks, were on display yet again in Berlin.
Not only is the vast majority of the world's population breathing unsafe air, but also the gap between wealthy countries and poor countries are increasing.

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Between 700 and 900 women die each year in the U.S. from causes related to pregnancy or childbirth, and the rate has risen even as it has declined in other wealthy countries.
Well, Thomas, that's the difference between America and some two - bit third world country; we have actual laws instead of roving militias and our sensible policies have made us incredibly wealthy by world standards.
However, we can say with some confidence that central government schemes aimed at social justice tend to undermine community, retard economic growth, and exacerbate the differences between the poor and the wealthy in this country just as they did in South America.
Today the European Union is a Union of 28 hugely different countries with a significant wealth disparity between the richest and poorest countries... This creates a massive incentive to migrate from poorer countries to wealthier countries; an incentive that did not exist when the Treaty of Rome was signed and the principle of free movement established in 1950s.
The deal is not between the bank and the sovereign state, it's between the bank and the wealthy interests within the country.
Much has been made in recent days about the gulf between wealthy Remain - supporting Londoners and the poverty of Brexit - supporting areas in the North of the country.
At the same time, the agency said, adverse health effects from climate change «will be distributed unequally within and between populations,» with wealthier countries and regions generally being better able to adapt to and mitigate against the harshest effects.
In most of developing Asian countries like the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, there is class difference between the poor and the wealthy.
From these subtle yet powerful opening scenes (it's the poor and the disenfranchised who fight for the wealthy and powerful), The Manchurian Candidate explores a multitude of political «issues» to a lesser or greater extent: the ill that is committed under the guise of defending a nation; the behind - the - scenes machinations of any country's political process; the unpalatable relationship between entertainment, money and politics, and most specifically, the enormous influence big business has on politics and politicians.
The gap between poorer and wealthier children varies across the country.
is impregnated with the idea of a dichotomy between developed and underdeveloped countries, ignoring the existence of islands of poverty in the wealthy nations and islands of wealth in poor ones, and also implying that the so called developed countries, with heir unsustainable patterns of consumerism, were a model to be followed.
The concept of sustainable development is being criticized, in Brazil and in other Latin American countries, since the word development is impregnated with the idea of a dichotomy between developed and underdeveloped countries, ignoring the existence of islands of poverty in the wealthy nations and islands of wealth in poor ones, and also implying that the so called developed countries, with heir unsustainable patterns of consumerism, were a model to be followed.
In 2008, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reported that «the gap between rich and poor has widened more in Finland than in any other wealthy industrialized country over the past decade.»
Despite decades of widespread implementation of such reforms, significant achievement gaps still exist across the country between white and black students, and wealthy and poor students.
Despite decades of one - off interventions and reforms, such as improved curriculum, greater choice and accountability, or teacher training, significant achievement gaps still exist across the country between white and black students, and wealthy and poor students.
-- Brahm Fleisch The North - South or Rich - Poor Divide is the socio - economic and political division that exists between the wealthy developed countries, known collectively as «the North,» and the poorer developing countries, known...
Pennsylvania has the largest funding gap between wealthy and low - income school districts of any state in the country, a problem exacerbated by the current impasse in the state budget fight.
Even if they open in the most deprived parts of England, it will be difficult to establish catchment areas which do not include wealthier suburbs, especially as some of the poorest areas of the country exist within larger cities and metropolitan regions where deprivation can vary greatly between postcodes.
The unforgettable, heartbreaking story of the unlikely friendship between a wealthy boy and the son of his father's servant, The Kite Runner is a beautifully crafted novel set in a country that is in the process of being destroyed.
Artist Statement «Reducing the gap between the wealthiest Americans and low - wage workers is one of the greatest challenges we face in our country today.
She slammed the New York school system for being «the second most unequal in the country,» noting that there is a $ 10,000 per - pupil funding gap between students in the wealthiest versus poorest school districts.
Social Security, Medicare, those funds are under tremendous pressure and it's going to be extremely important for the wealthy in this country to step up to make possible these social safety nets for those who didn't have the same opportunities or fell between the cracks.
Careers are ignited, financial introductions between artists and the wealthy are made, and Americans are re-educated as to what Art is supposed to mean in this country.
For one thing, it would allow us to objectively and quantitatively estimate national obligations to bear the burdens of climate protection (obligations to support adaptation as well as obligations to mitigate) and to meaningfully compare obligations even between wealthy and developing countries.
What target will wealthy countries and major developing countries like China, India and Brazil set for reducing emissions between now and 2050?
This critical realization points the way forward, for it shows us that the Kyoto Protocol's division between wealthy «Annex 1» and developing «Non Annex 1» countries, the division that sets the terms of the global impasse, is not our perpetual fare.
The wealthier nations promised in 2009 to provide developing countries with US$ 30 billion by the end of 2012, and said this should be «new and additional» finance balanced between support for adaptation and mitigation activities.
However, Paula Dobrianski, top U.S. delegate to the conference stood firm on the Bush position that the best approach was for voluntary partnerships between developing and wealthy countries that promote economic growth while limiting pollution.
One major obstacle besetting global negotiations was the problem of disparity between developing and developed economies: advanced countries would take a bigger hit from a policy, while increasingly wealthy, but still (rapidly) «developing» economies such as China and India would soon be given a substantial competitive advantage.
The event exposed the tension that exists between incentives of developing countries to generate much - needed revenues from cutting down their rainforests, and those of wealthier countries to pay for rainforest protection.
«The gap between the wealthiest Americans and the rest of the country continues to grow.
Also on the basis of Simpson's models, the effect upon competition from private legal services providers (without distinguishing between informal or formal providers) is as follows: In either type of country (wealthy or poor), wealthy social groups are willing to pay hefty premiums for access to private legal institutions, whereas poor or disadvantaged groups will prefer private legal systems only if they are cheaper to access than the state's.
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