Sentences with phrase «between words in language»

«Humans organize their knowledge of social relationships into a hierarchical structure, and they also make use of hierarchical structures when deducing relationships between words in language,» notes study co-author Robert Seyfarth.

Not exact matches

Adding further detail to the situation discussed in Vaughn's lawsuit, Tesla referred to a number of «conflicting accusations and counter-accusations between several African - American and Hispanic individuals, alleging use of racial language, including the «n - word» and «w - word,» as well as the threat of violence towards one another.»
«When you write out an idea from start to finish in simple language that a child can understand (tip: use only the most common words), you force yourself to understand the concept at a deeper level and simplify relationships and connections between ideas.
He writes: «None of the difficulties women in Hollywood face are caused by the word «actress,» but they are the product of the language and thinking that creates and reinforces a false separation between men and women — almost always to the detriment of women.
It is this naïveté that The Handmaid's Tale addresses with its appended «historical» commentary, challenging us to think about something otherwise difficult to see: the relationship between the crises of our civilization and its historic textual politics — the continuing story of who controls, legitimates, engenders and eliminates whom and what through the power of authoritative language, grounded in the Word.
Skill in perception check is needed when asking about perceived incongruities between someone's words and his or her tone of voice or body language.
But the word can be spoken and heard in the authentic experience of reconciliation, and it stands in the language of the Gospel as the Word of God clothing itself in human speech and opening the way for the language of redemption to be spoken between God and word can be spoken and heard in the authentic experience of reconciliation, and it stands in the language of the Gospel as the Word of God clothing itself in human speech and opening the way for the language of redemption to be spoken between God and Word of God clothing itself in human speech and opening the way for the language of redemption to be spoken between God and man.
A word written in the book numbers might have had a different meaning from the same word in revelations as there is 1000 years of language evolution between the two writings.
In another closely related picture, Christ is the Word of God, God's address to man, the communication of God's thought, the mode of God's approach to his world, and, in accordance with the language of contemporary philosophy, the embodiment of that divine reason which permeates the cosmos, or the intermediary divine link between God and his creatures, the mode in which the transcendent God becomes immanent in the rational creatioIn another closely related picture, Christ is the Word of God, God's address to man, the communication of God's thought, the mode of God's approach to his world, and, in accordance with the language of contemporary philosophy, the embodiment of that divine reason which permeates the cosmos, or the intermediary divine link between God and his creatures, the mode in which the transcendent God becomes immanent in the rational creatioin accordance with the language of contemporary philosophy, the embodiment of that divine reason which permeates the cosmos, or the intermediary divine link between God and his creatures, the mode in which the transcendent God becomes immanent in the rational creatioin which the transcendent God becomes immanent in the rational creatioin the rational creation.
I myself have listened to conversations between otherwise thoughtful, intelligent Christians in which the words «think,» «seem,» and «feel» were used at a rate previously unheard of in English language history.
Another means of dealing with the problem of the content of the word event was recently proposed: a marriage between linguistic analysis and the Heideggerian language tradition found in the new hermeneutic.
On the strictest biblical terms there must be something in common between the words we use to speak about God's being and about our being, otherwise it is impossible to see how language about God the Father, and God the Son can be meaningful at all.
This relationship is particularly clear in the Polish language because of the lexical link between the words stworca (creator) and tworca (craftsman).»
This moving episode between Moses and the Word moreover has the quality of psychological and emotional authenticity; its vastly strengthened language of protest is an appropriate response to Moses» apparently abject failure in his preliminary meetings with Pharaoh and with Israel's representative foremen.
Since there is not a perfect one - to - one match between English words and words in these ancient languages, interpretation was implicit in the translating.
(If he's being raised in a bilingual environment, the number of words he can speak may be split between the two languages he's learning.)
In small children, reading is proven to help with language development and increased word recognition, create a positive bond between parent and child, provide a great wind - down before bedtime, and spark an early interest in learning that carries over to later yearIn small children, reading is proven to help with language development and increased word recognition, create a positive bond between parent and child, provide a great wind - down before bedtime, and spark an early interest in learning that carries over to later yearin learning that carries over to later years.
But scholars interested in the interaction between ideologies and language, like Freeden, and also post-Marxist scholars like Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, have resurrected the study — and the word.
Rong Zeng, a graduate student at China's Beijing Normal University and a visiting researcher at UCLA, and Patricia Greenfield, a UCLA distinguished professor of psychology, analyzed the words used in 277,189 Chinese - language books published between 1970 and 2008.
«The relationship between language and mortality is particularly surprising,» Schwartz said, «since the people tweeting angry words and topics are in general not the ones dying of heart disease.
In most spoken languages, there is a trade - off between verb agreement and rigid word order when it comes to expressing who did what to whom.
«By the end of the third year of life, the average bilingual child uses two words for most concepts in his or her vocabulary, so young bilingual children gradually acquire more experience in switching between languages,» says Poulin - Dubois.
In a separate study, a team at the University of Reading in England reviewed cognates (similar sounding words in different languages for the same object or meaning, such as «water» and the German «wasser») to determine how all Indo - European tongues progressed from a common ancestor that existed between 6,000 and 10,000 years agIn a separate study, a team at the University of Reading in England reviewed cognates (similar sounding words in different languages for the same object or meaning, such as «water» and the German «wasser») to determine how all Indo - European tongues progressed from a common ancestor that existed between 6,000 and 10,000 years agin England reviewed cognates (similar sounding words in different languages for the same object or meaning, such as «water» and the German «wasser») to determine how all Indo - European tongues progressed from a common ancestor that existed between 6,000 and 10,000 years agin different languages for the same object or meaning, such as «water» and the German «wasser») to determine how all Indo - European tongues progressed from a common ancestor that existed between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago.
Adding further support to the intersection of CNTNAP2 and language, Fisher's collaborator Daniel Geschwind of the University of California, Los Angeles, reported in January on an association between a variation in the gene and a delay in the use of first words in children with autism.
When the language model is combined with the beads - on - a-string model of phonemes, the result is a model of how the phoneme states may change in the course of a sentence, including silences that may or may not occur between words:
The subject of the movie is lobbying in Washington, D.C.. It's specifically about the political battle between those who believe that there is room within the Constitution to enact regulations on the ownership of firearms and those who take the final four words of the Second Amendment — «shall not be infringed» — as the only language in it that really matters.
Teachers are also urged to emphasise the language of fractions by asking students to write in words expressions such as: 1/2 x 1/2 (one half of a half; a quarter), and 1/3 — 1/6 (the difference between one third and one sixth; one sixth).
Those adults who manage to form direct connections between words of a foreign language and symbols or concepts they describe are capable of forming a new language speech center in the brain.
The worksheets cover in particular the following aspects: fun with French words idiomatic aspects of the language the essential role of synonyms common vocabulary in context linguistic links between French and English the oddities of the French language modern uses of the language anecdotes to stimulate interest and discussions the pitfalls to avoid with false friends variety of French language usage
The left temporo - parietal cortex showed a relationship between increased activity after remediation and improvement in oral language ability and word blending, a measure of phonological awareness (Fig. 2).
By the time children are between three and four years old, they have learned most of the approximately 40 phonemes (discrete sounds in words) which comprise the English language.
In middle and high school, students are expected to use vocabulary word knowledge in writing and to be able to decipher between inferred and non-literal nuances of languagIn middle and high school, students are expected to use vocabulary word knowledge in writing and to be able to decipher between inferred and non-literal nuances of languagin writing and to be able to decipher between inferred and non-literal nuances of language.
Two researchers, in their work with second language learners, suggest that multimedia can be highly effective for enhancing the meanings of words.37 Their research showed that multimedia - enhanced instruction significantly narrowed the gap between English language learners and non-ELL children in knowledge of targeted words.
These events represent important teachable moments — informal opportunities to engage in word learning, somewhat parallel to the types of language exchanges between parents and their children.
Other teaching suggestions include: playing games with rhyming words and alliterative words to develop students» awareness of how sounds combine to form words (Antunez, 2002; Kaufman & Franco, 2004), and, in the case of Spanish - speaking ELLs, building upon the similarities and differences between the sound systems of the two languages (Helman, 2004).
In Orwell's own mind there was an inextricable connection between language and truth, a conviction that by using plain and unambiguous words one could forbid oneself the comfort of certain falsehoods and delusions.
At the edges of language, caught between here and elsewhere, there is hope that if we look out of the corners of our eyes, we can sometimes catch the metaphors lying round about, hidden in the most ordinary words, in wait for the possibility of surprise.
For this lecture Mellors will introduce his multidisciplinary and collaborative practice and discuss recurrent themes in his work including the manipulative qualities of language and the relation between words and reality.
The exhibition will address how written language can be a central question in the relationships between different cultures and civilizations, and how artists across the world play with alphabets, characters, words and phrases.
Fascinated by language and meaning, he has always been interested in the connection between working in the visual field and working with words
To accompany her exhibition Between the Dog and the Wolf, Van Meel has produced a publication which brings together a group of peer contributors to explore the ways in which specific use of language and words can create a sense of space, time, class and cultural identity.
My process is very much based in language, and a project can really be born in the relationship between two words.
With two distinct approaches to contemporary painting, Bresson and Prata mute stylistic expectations in the service of a visual language that has no spoken form; a collection of simplified narratives, signs and symbols that communicate from the silences between words or thoughts.
Much of Arceneaux's work is fueled by his fascination with language and his interest in establishing unexpected connections between words, objects, places, and people.
In the dynamic and open compositions, language (or a text) is passed between the performers, starting with emcees whose spoken or signed words are performed by blind and deaf actors through collaboration with American Sign Language interpreters.
Housed within sophisticated sculptural installations, his spoken word performances oscillate between extreme didacticism and poetry, ultimately serving to undermine our belief in language as a form of communication in the age of over-sharing.
The response was overwhelming, with over 3,500 words and phrases in seven languages submitted, equally split between men and women.
It is in the discrepancy between words and any other language, say, images, emotions, bodily movements or sounds, that his art is located.
Starting in the mid 1950s, the movement known as concrete poetry sought to explore the space between poetry and visual art, creating works that were visual (words in shapes and 3 - D form) but also played with the sound and cadence of language.
In a sense, word art - whether painted, printed or sculpted - occupies a sort of no man's land between language and visual imagery.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z