Sentences with phrase «beyond argument for me»

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Beyond the two games competing for players, devotees of each are debating which is the better game, and the number one argument is related to skill.
Rapid growth and low unemployment are the key arguments for policy tightening and Kaplan predicted that the jobless rate could dip below 4 percent this year, beyond what is considered full employment.
If you make assumptions about why demand for loans is slack among small businesses and then treat that as a fact which underpins your whole argument, it makes it difficult to treat this as anything beyond opinion.
I still think that's partly the case, though we have heard some interesting arguments today for regulation beyond the Honest Ads Act and the EU's GDPR privacy regulations.
The idea of an «absolute antidote» suggests a different concept of the human than is presumed in Hitchens's argument: a being capable of enslavement by his darker side, one whose infinite desire for something beyond himself can be short - circuited into various «false infinities» (Ratzinger), who can redeem himself only by restoring the circuitry of his absolute relationship with his Generator.
When Tom Derr made him a gift of my book, Richard twitted me in print for an argument I had made about the logic of «supererogatory acts,» acts beyond the call of duty.
This is the concept of that beyond which thought can not go, in which it completes its search for understanding, at which it really affirms only itself, and through which it relates all else.2 Leaving aside his views on its historical character, this is what R. G. Collingwood seems to be suggesting when he says that Anselm's argument does not prove «that because our idea of God is an ideal of id quo maius cogitari nequit therefore God exists, but that because our idea of God is an idea of id quo maius cogitari nequit we stand committed to belief in God's existence.
This is a criticism very difficult to sustain, for it refers to something beyond rationalization and, thus, beyond what can be expressed in a rationalistic argument.
His argument for «building constituencies for change» is a plea to move beyond the intervention mode that passes for «international cooperation,» beyond the patronizing practices of private aid agencies driven by business competition rather than by civil constituencies and emancipatory agendas shared with others.
Justice Antonin Scalia, perhaps the leading exponent of this criticism, emphasizes the purely procedural quality of the argument by declaring abortion, for example, to be a matter entirely outside the purview of constitutional law and, therefore, beyond the jurisdiction of courts.
These words and the concepts associated with them were very useful for intellectual purposes, but they made no contribution to life, and Levin suddenly felt he was in the position of a man who had exchanged a warm fur coat for a muslin blouse, and who the first time he finds himself in the frost is persuaded beyond question, not by arguments but by the whole of his being, that he's no better than naked and is inevitably bound to perish miserably.16
i can't argue the argument of a creator, i can only ask for proof which is often thrown back at me for asking but in reality the burden of proof lays with those that believe beyond a doubt that what is IS what was created by said god (s).
For a detailed discussion of the Argument from Marginal Cases read Evelyn B. Pluhar, Beyond Prejudice: The Moral Significance of Human and Nonhuman Animals (Durham: Duke University Press, 1995).
The empirical support for this argument is so fundamental that Wieman considered this argument to be effectively beyond dispute.
James issues a stirring call for the Church to move beyond stifling arguments over gender roles and embrace a holistic understanding of God's calling for both men and women.
Unlikely as it may be for the Court to go beyond the arguments presented by the parties themselves to rule RFRA unconstitutional, the phrase «extreme religious liberty rights» is one defenders of religious liberty ought to prepare to hear a lot of in the coming years.
Hosts of people have prayed for the recovery of loved ones from sickness, have seen the tide turn and flow upward when physicians saw no hope, and are therefore convinced beyond all argument that prayer was the only decisive factor.
Perhaps the greatest argument for soaking whole nuts for PALEO / SCD / GAPS beyond neutralizing anti-nutrients and enzyme inhibitors, is due to the fact that whole nuts are considered an advanced food:
Why the f**k anyone is having an argument to suggest if we had someone other than Wenger then we should have been mopping up PL titles for fun in that period is beyond me.
«It's a way for us to engage the argument around drug policy for folks who might not necessarily think in those terms, or be familiar with the larger debate, which is our whole interest — taking the debate beyond the field, especially during a national opioid crisis.»
I would vote for most PR systems in a referendum, though (to complicate things) I think there is a good principled case for the type of compromise package I advocate, beyond the «it could happen in practice» pragmatic argument.
«It's disappointing to me that, despite many years of talk from people on both the left and the right of politics we are still stuck with this system which is antiquated and undemocratic... We need to try to get beyond the more tabloid version of this argument and really understand what it says about our democracy — you've got people appointed to the legislature without going through the proper processes of democratic accountability that are taken for granted in most countries in the world and you have people being influenced by making political donations.
But no one who makes this argument can articulate what, beyond her identity as a woman, qualifies Clinton as a passable candidate for socialist feminists.
David Willetts discovered this when he was moved from his job as education spokesman for laying out the arguments of the leader's own declared position: that the party needed to move beyond support for grammar schools in order to widen opportunity in secondary education.
If the «yes» camp can't drum up enough popular enthusiasm for AV beyond the political community, its arguments could run into trouble.
The core argument does not amount to much beyond «something must be done», and that something was done for women.
As a committed Labour supporter who has been immersed in the political and economic arguments over Britain's place in the European integration project for some forty years — from my role in overseeing JML expand its business beyond Britain to acting as Secretary of Labour Euro - Safeguards Campaign since 1975 — my views have evolved as the European Union has radically changed form.
«Our work... helps move beyond mere speculation about the economic importance of biodiversity and lends an economic argument to biodiversity preservation for climate protection.»
There's no question that Dennett is a fine thinker and an accomplished writer, but for me he piled argument upon argument beyond what was necessary and intellectually digestible.
His books «Biocentrism» and «Beyond Biocentrism» lay out the scientific argument for his theory of everything.
But beyond that, the web is studded with debates and arguments for and against green juices and smoothies.
Perhaps the greatest argument for soaking whole nuts for PALEO / SCD / GAPS beyond neutralizing anti-nutrients and enzyme inhibitors, is due to the fact that whole nuts are considered an advanced food:
Dr. Seyfried and Dominic D'Agostino aren't making that argument either, but I think what they bring to this is a fresh perspective that in many ways if it's true, it can be more empowering for people that are dealing with cancer, and the risk of cancer, because it offers a lever for intervention and treatment above and beyond just the idea that «Oh, I have bad genes and there's not really anything I can do about it.»
Beyond expressing the importance of supporting our local foodsheds, I love Kingsolver's argument for eating sustainable, humanely raised meat which quelled my remaining guilt at the time for reverting to a carnivorous diet.
It's unclear HOW they became friends, WHY nothing ever happened (beyond the truly weak argument of lack of physical attraction), HOW they maintain their old married couple ease, and WHY he doesn't bend over backward like this for any other woman.
«Persepolis» pulls off something that's not easy for any film, even a live - action one, to do: It gives us a sense of how a kids» - eye view of the world — particularly the way kids are capable of grasping the idea of injustice, even when more delicate political arguments are beyond their reach — can emerge and grow into an adult sensibility.
Beyond that great zinger, Zappa's whole life was an aggro argument — and a quest for brainy personal expression.
There's little time to develop them beyond the bare minimum required for the eventual argument that unfolds before they can figure out how to start up the festivities.
It is for his funny ideas and skillful inclusion of many pop culture arguments within his films that he has built up a formidable fan base; It is for his oft - amateurish directing that his films aren't polished enough to reach much farther beyond this base.
The logic of the argument that it is the Asian culture or something «beyond their textbooks» that produces math success leads to the conclusion that, as NCTM adherents often contend, content doesn't matter nearly as much as the teacher or the culture that produces the «proper conditions for learning.»
In this important read, she goes beyond the well - researched argument that hiring teachers of color improves education for kids of color, to argue that a more diverse teaching force will positively impact the worldviews of white kids.
Making a persuasive argument for moving beyond the long - established idea of operating schools with traditional classroom instruction to personalized learning for individual students, the authors detail six crucial elements of schooling — community, instruction, time, technology, facilities, and funding — and how to address them concurrently to improve secondary schools.
A veteran teacher suing New York state education officials over the controversial method they used to evaluate her as «ineffective» is expected to go to New York Supreme Court in Albany this week for oral arguments in a case that could affect all public school teachers in the state and even beyond.
Toyota will use the Special Edition to gauge whether it should offer an upmarket 86 for 2018 and beyond, and there's no reasonable argument against it.
On a material level, Beyond Page and Screen functions as an argument for engaging with the interface between page and screen rather than assuming they are two unconnected entities.
Fanfiction writers are perceived by many to have no rights over their fanfic stories (although there is an argument for «fair use» (see this interview with Rebecca Tushnet, a legal advocate for the Organization for Transformative Works), and thus there is an assumption that they will leap at the chance to earn 35 % royalties, even if they sign away all rights beyond basic copyright.
In these pages we offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense: and have no other preliminaries to settle with the reader, than that he will divest himself of prejudice and prepossession, and suffer his reason and his feelings to determine for themselves that he will put on, or rather that he will not put off, the true character of a man, and generously enlarge his views beyond the present day.
There are arguments for and against doing this, and they're all beyond the scope of this post.
This question is probably a good argument for abolishing the distinction between products and services, but that's beyond the scope of this SE.
In other word, for argument sake, let's just say my Rollover IRA does not grow beyond $ 146K until I'm 59 1/2, can I then use $ 15,476.40 as non-deductible dollars of my $ 146K, thereby, only ~ $ 130K is taxable?
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