Sentences with phrase «beyond current capabilities»

Taking a term from dialectical behavior therapy, we must radically accept the reality of our child's life: they are who they are, and moving them towards a healthier outcome will not be hastened by overly harsh control or excessive demands beyond their current capabilities.
Such services may not be core to today's law firms and may even seem incongruous or beyond their current capabilities, but they are most certainly going to be core to the Big Four and the new generation of alternative legal service providers.
It said «a definitive, unequivocal position on the science of global warming... quite simply is beyond current capabilities
Even then it seems beyond current capabilities.
LO: I firmly believe that workshops can benefit writers at all stages of their writing careers, though one of the reasons I created the Breakout Novel workshops with Don was that I didn't see much out there for intermediate and advanced writers and very little for published mid-list authors who wanted to push beyond their current capabilities.
«I am really looking forward to collaborating with Gladstone researchers to expand and advance the Core beyond its current capabilities
Breakthrough: this is great leap in capabilities for planetary exploration beyond any current capability.

Not exact matches

None of the current crop are anywhere close to possessing the capabilities, let alone the wit and wisdom, of a human assistant in most areas (even if their language translation abilities are beyond most humans, though).
That distinction may be beyond the capabilities of a store's current software.
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