Sentences with phrase «beyond the classroom walls»

Your contribution will help strengthen family engagement in the homes of low - income students and enable teachers to extend learning beyond the classroom walls.
We can welcome students into our classrooms with the possibilities of learning that lasts longer than any exam and goes far beyond the classroom walls.
Through that, with open walled learning, we can engage experts and technology and resources so that the learning goes beyond the classroom walls.
My heart is in working with diverse adolescents and teens and this experience highlighted for me that I could have a positive impact on students beyond the classroom walls.
The report contends that high school students also need to learn about potential careers, have a familiarity with the world of work beyond the classroom walls, and develop some occupational competencies.
Every pupil can benefit from the opportunity to experience life and lessons beyond the classroom walls as a regular part of growing up.
Everyone knows most learning happens beyond the classroom walls and outside learning management systems.
An outdoor classroom expands the learning space beyond the classroom walls, creating a designated outdoor learning area.
For example, does the technology allow students to collaborate beyond the classroom walls?
Of course, online learning also has the natural advantage of enabling learners to learn at their own pace, and acquire skills beyond the classroom walls.
Through an extensive network of community partners, student learning extends well beyond classroom walls.
But the impact of literacy reaches far beyond classroom walls.
He also encourages students to work with local industry and businesses and to share their work beyond the classroom walls.
Through our direct work with families, including workshops and family events, we help schools engage parents in their children's education and extend learning beyond the classroom walls.
The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC) is the national voice for learning outside the classroom, providing support on the ground to ensure that every child has the opportunity to experience the world beyond the classroom walls as an essential part of their education.
Collaboration beyond the classroom walls: Deepening learning for students, preservice teachers, teachers, and professors.
Projects focus on leveraging Committee for Children's nearly - forty years of leadership in the social - emotional learning field, exploring ways to increase access to SEL beyond classroom walls.
«Teachers and their students should know that the development of Web projects that benefit children allows them to extend their reach beyond the classroom walls to a world in need of their creativity, zeal, and enthusiasm,» Fleitas told Education World.
Ideally, PBL is an authentic experience, whether for the class or an audience beyond the classroom walls.
You are about to embark on a fantastic journey — one that will take you and your students to all seven continents and expose you to the many wonders that lie just beyond your classroom walls.
If you dream of sharing your creations beyond your classroom walls (and making extra money in the process) the following ideas will help:
It's vital we have conversations with our students about the inequities in our society and empower students to take their voices beyond the classroom walls — particularly for those of us who work in schools located in communities of color.
To reach the many scholars beyond her classroom walls, Angie leads the 25 Book Challenge; students are able to track their individual progress through graphic organizers and data bulletin boards.
Extending learning beyond the classroom walls requires learners to develop digital literacy as they engage in regular opportunities to evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility, and relevance of media, data or other resources.
Flipping Reading Joe Corcoran A Title I school extends reading lessons beyond the classroom walls for struggling students.
Internally motivated character lays the groundwork for academic success and motivates continued growth and wise choices beyond the classroom walls.
At Acknowledge Alliance, we provide the support and resources from one to many educators, school administration and youth that result in life - changing effects that go far beyond classroom walls.
Featuring keynote addresses by prominent Project Zero researchers who have been exploring questions about education in the digital era, the sessions discussed practical and relevant ways to help young people make important connections — to curriculum, to the world beyond the classroom walls, to their peers, and to their mentors.
I share stories about how our school has partnered with other schools and organizations in the neighborhood to share resources because our commitment to Newark's students goes beyond the classroom walls.
«each student is considered the centre of their own network of learning, which recognises that learning happens beyond classroom walls and outside of school time and is facilitated by many people, not just teachers.
Collaboration beyond the classroom walls: Deepening learning for students, preservice teachers, and professors.
Projects focus on leveraging Committee for Children's 30 - plus years of leadership in the social - emotional learning field, exploring ways to increase access to SEL beyond classroom walls.
Teachers enjoy teaching with Quaver resources and their students are motivated to learn, which benefits students beyond the classroom walls.
At St. Francis, education extends beyond the classroom walls as our students are encouraged to develop their talents and discover their passions in every area of their lives.
Level of support, redundancy of servers, easy way to jump in and expand learning beyond the classroom walls.
Since I started in education, I have been trying to find ways to connect students» learning beyond the classroom walls.
I want them to have real - world experiences that will take them (both physically and virtually) beyond classroom walls.
... They talked about teachers who went beyond the classroom walls to find out how they're doing, and particularly talked about teachers who they were working with in their homework clubs, more so because the teachers would have one - on - one time and they would support them, they would be able to know what they were struggling with and then support them through that process.
Positive psychology suggests that learning to be thankful has benefits that extend far beyond the classroom walls, including lifelong happiness.
The development of students» awareness of their potentials to achieve success, through effort and response to feedback, extends far beyond the classroom walls.
While it's important to implement and manage processes within a school, it's arguably just as important to extend this beyond the classroom walls.
Sharing narratives set within and beyond the classroom walls, these next generation educators embrace technology but are never so dazzled by it that they lose sight of their common goal.
These opportunities enhance personal growth and allow students to extend their learning beyond the classroom walls.
For five years, Educators for Excellence - Los Angeles has been building a movement of rebels who agitate the status quo by advocating for the students within and beyond their classroom walls.
Schools that do so are finding the benefits reach far beyond the classroom walls.
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