Sentences with phrase «bf babies»

What I don't like is the tendency of the extended - breastfeeding - brigade to scold women who would rather not, or can't, BF their babies and toddlers for years by suggesting that their children won't reap these magic benefits.
Neither DD had smelly poos though - they usually say BF babies have less smelly poos than FF.
She was the one who started sleeping through the night at 2 months vs. 4 1/2 to 6 months for my exclusively BF babies.
It might help if you consider that breastmilk gets most of its calories from fat (some 50 - 60 %, much of that being the dreaded arterycloggingsaturatedfat ™) and while the percentage of carbs is greater than the percentage of protein, you could say bf babies are all on a «low carb» diet so long as they are exclusively bf.
I didn't even consider that blw was for bf babies only and just assumed you could follow the philosophy with ff babies too!
As I was reading on a BLW site, BF babies are already used to the flavors from BM anyway.
How old is a BF baby when they are able to go 12 hrs without eating?
I give them, appear to manage their appetites well and weaned their own milk (ff) as I think a bf baby would.
For the comment about the eating and drinking, my BF baby is the best eater and drinker I know.
I just bfed my son for 6 months and am expecting my next in 2 weeks and will hopefully do the same for him, but if you are still nursing the only advice I can give you to solely bf your baby is just that - Only breastfeed your baby, that is the only way your milk will come in properly.
Never ONCE have a seen a women bf her baby.
And I too see nothing wrong with the picture and can't wait to start BF baby # 3 in public!
No, and, frankly, many a BF baby has allergies, ear infections, and spits up, just as formula - fed babies do.
All the side effects of formula you listed, happened to my cousin's BF baby, who even had to sleep upright in a sling.
I'm 26 weeks pregnant atm and I am so terrified that I won't be able to bf my baby girl because of these stupid tubular breasts I've been cursed with: (Ive spoken to my midwife about it but all she said was that we just have to wait and see what happens after birth.
I tried to BF my baby, but he refused to latch.
The double gussets are amazing too, especially for a BF baby!
Is this normal and to be expected of a BF baby?

Not exact matches

Together, BFS Capital employees and their family members helped give more babies a fighting chance.
To support this amazing initiative, the BFS Capital team raised over $ 7,300 and attended the organization's annual March for Babies walk in May.
Lately, I dreamt that I was having a baby boy and my bf's mother wanted to name the baby Taylor.
I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to lure my BF into finally eating cauliflower if I make these babies!
I was adamant about exclusively BF in the hospital (I was there 4 days due to the c - section), but was told that my baby was «hungry» and that's why he cried, and that due to his jaundice (which was not as bad as I was led to believe) I needed to give him a bottle.
I was wondering if you could make a separate post asking bf» ing moms how long their babies preferred the boob to food?
The only thing offensive I've ever heard are those who make blanketed statements like «There are never medical contraindications to BFing» or say things like «Me and my baby went through [insert really challenging / emotional experience], therefore, no one has an excuse not to BF» I think it's important to continue to address this as a systemic issue rather than a «personal choice» issue.
when he is sick he is back to that baby stage of cuddling up to me but now he will only let me bf him close to bedtime and in the mornings.
My baby will be 4 months next week and I am getting ready to introduce cereal with BF at that time.
Maybe I am part of the problem — if all of us stopped taking crap from strangers BF would cease to be a freak show for them — but all I want to do is feed my baby in peace.
I had always thought that BF must have had significant benefits for the baby — everyone says «breast is best», right?
Yes, it is true that not all babies will wean themselves, but YOU will know when it has been too long.For all of you criticizing extended bf, do you really think it is more natural to give them milk from another creature.Yes, feeding a child formula after 6 months is pointless, it only has the nutrition needed to get them to that point.
Most moms do what «sbest for their kids.And yes, there are women out there who legitimately can not bf, so formula is a WONDERFUL choice for them.I exclusively bf both of mine, but think it's okay to ff if you don't have enough milk.there are other situations where i think it's selfish.As for drugs during pregnancy and birth, I had to take 3 doses of medication while pregnant so that I could morning sickness was so bad I couldn't even keep water down.I made the choice to do that so I didn't starve my unborn child, but I only took what was neccessary to keep something down, and then had no other drugs and plan not to until my son is done bf.And as for the «natural» baby, carcinogens are EVERYWHERE, even in your organic this industrialized world you can not get away from them, and to attack other moms for their choices is a sad statement of your morality and on how your child's persoality is going to turn out.also, having multiple kids is definately more demanding than one.
Spread the word, BF is not natural for everyone — moms and babies.
I read and believed the unfounded claims that children who were exclusively BF had higher IQs, and were healthier than formula fed babies.
i WANTED to bf, it seemed so... odd... to have had my baby inside me for so long and then start feeding her from a packet when she was out.
That is fine, except when they withhold information from mothers who desperately want their babies to be healthy, and yearn for mental and emotional health for themselves when they can not BF.
Determined to keep going with BF, and consumed with guilt about my failing, my GP eventually pointed out to me that the one thing you CAN buy for your baby is substitute milk.
But then, I've extended nursed two kids, as have my mama friends, so maybe BF - ing has become totally normal to me (in fact, bottle - fed babies surprise me more at this point!).
So I am currently still doing everything I can to get my baby to the breast (I try BF at every feeding, with some success about 50 % of the time).
I was bf but couldn't get latch and baby was unhappy.
Among other things she advocates crying, a 3 hourly feeding schedule if you BF or 4 hourly if you FF, overwrap babies with excessive bedding (which is what The Analytical Armadillo has been questioning recently), has some very misinformed views and ideas which are all based on her observations and opinions, rather than any that can be substantiated by scientific evidence and had some weird notions that babies can poo and vomit on cue to manipulate their parents.
As your baby is 5 months old, you can reduce on extra fats we as Indian BF moms add on in our diet.
I wish others knew that some FF moms don't have another choice, and it hurts when everything around you alludes to the fact that BF is best, because you feel like you're failing your baby by not giving him what's «best».
The reason for starting that way is to be sure baby will eat the solids, but if he likes them and will eat them, BF both sides first.
I tried to BF while he was crying but then I read baby can just get stressed?
I think women are becoming more comfortable in telling others that they are still nursing older babies so hopefully there will be a shift in attitudes but I have recently «lost» a few facebook followers after posting a status regarding full - term breastfeeding (I think they were most likely from a giveaway I did ages ago and not on the same page re: bf etc) Apart from that, I love telling Mums on the ward (I'm a bf peer supporter) I'm still feeding as it opens their mind to that possibility and I think I look pretty normal so it mostly doesn't freak them out My son is far too busy to nurse out and about and prefers juice so we've not nursed in public (apart from support group) since he was 18 mths and that was as I had a blocked duct!
This means you must BF on demand at the hospital (so have the baby sleep in your room), this means you MUST make sure no well - intentioned nurses give your baby formula so you can rest or because they thought the baby was hungry — the baby won't be hungry enough to stimulate your production enough.
Here are a few things that worked for us: stick with 1 nipple (we tried a million which is confusing to the baby - ended up with Dr. Brown wide neck), WARM milk, sideways outward facing hold (feels awkward at first), BF a little first so they aren't starving (we tried the starvation method) and DO N'T GIVE UP!
Baby had BF ok at the hospital, but was refusing the breast at home and was just SCREAMING.
I'm doing it because I like BF, it's an easy way to feed and my baby can be fed while I go about my life.
It's the same thing as someone stopping at a LLL booth to plop down their bottle and can of formula, mix it up, and then feed the baby while having it photodocumented so you can piss off BF activists online.
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