Sentences with phrase «bias when»

Data from private listing sites, including our own, tends to skew toward luxury apartments, which introduces sample bias when estimates are calculated directly from these listings.
@Daniel Cuevas You also have to take into account that there is a heavy degree of survivorship bias when it comes to posts and replies on BiggerPockets.
In fact it was The Verge that showed his lack of bias when he was interviewed by the site.
Consider this possible bias when you're evaluating advice from an insurance agent, especially one who's pushing a permanent policy when your needs can be met by a term life policy.
«Unfortunately, juries typically have an unfavorable view of motorcyclists, so we often consider that bias when we prepare a case pursuing damages in a personal injury lawsuit involving a motorcycle.
The most common problem in these cases is a lack of due diligence or bias when determining fault.
Justice, especially when blind, is more prone to bias when it lacks significant components of the human experience in its analysis.
Otherwise, only address lawyer antics and judicial bias when it hurts your case, not when it hurts your feelings.
But whatever one thinks of this general notion, there can be little doubt that district judges will have a considerable personal / professional bias when considering an appellant's claim that the sentence imposed below was unreasonable.
«In jury selection, «race - neutral» isn't: New rules are needed to keep prosecutors from concealing racial bias when choosing jurors.»
Kerr references a recent draft article by Professor Minna Kotkin which concludes that «a disproportionate number of selected articles were authored by men» and that journals must reexamine their selection processes to eliminate any bias when it comes to choosing articles for publication.
Admittedly, I tend to have a certain, shall we say, bias when it comes to stories dealing with the oceans; however - even if that weren't the case - I must say that I still would've been hard - pressed to find any one issue that inspired as much concern in me as did the oceans» health - or, more accurately, lack thereof - this past year.
I believe it is called sample selection bias when one looks at only a small subset of the data and attempts to draw conclusions about he validity of the full dataset.
== > «But any critical thinker ought to smell the distinct possibility of bias when research, by known advocates, goes out of the way to pose questions that produce the «right» answers, answers that support their advocacy.»
Have you forgotten about their intriguing confirmation bias when they loudly and erroneously claimed that the planet was not warming, but allegedly cooling?
This contradicts what McIntyre says the Bristlecone proxies do, which is to put in a hockeystick bias when they are included in the proxy network.
I'm unsure whether this is purely down to the sheer volume of studios in the capital, a lack of recognition from industry press, client bias when commissioning work or there is a genuine difference / advantage (beyond convenience) for those designers and agencies based in London.
I grew up watching each movie Disney popped out of their majestic, and perfectly proportioned, heads so I had to give Epic Mickey some huge bias when I saw the trailer, but as I saw the interviews I realized Warren Spectre loved the subject matter as much as I always did and I saw how genius this game was going to be.
Everyone here, I'm sure, knows that I, admitedly, hold a certain bias when it comes to the works of Kikuta in soundtracks, which some may find is swaying my view on this matter, but hear me out for a second.
Can't say Sakurai's bias when it's our fault entirely in the first place.
It's only bias when it's not in your favour.
You have only painted PS4 fans here in a light of overreacting and using it to support their bias when the other side has done the exact same thing.
«This use of tramadol is a classic example of failing to acknowledge and control for bias when evaluating a potential treatment.»
As I was reading about hindsight bias, I began reflecting on my analysis of Radio Shack and how I should try to avoid any hindsight bias when and if the moment comes to contemplate a significant investment.
«You should try and make sure that you do not use survivorship bias when you are doing any studies on other past companies.»
Historically, American investors have displayed a strong home country bias when it comes to fixed income, investing more in U.S. bonds than international bonds.
Then there's the author's own bias when Gill claims Hachette «won against Amazon» with regard to e-book pricing.
The limited - slip differential uses a helical gear set in place of traditional clutch packs, which Chevy says continuously adjusts torque bias when going through corners.
In European markets Skoda offers the 135kW / 380Nm diesel with all - wheel drive which provides useful extra traction in teeming wet conditions and an entertaining rearward bias when pushed — but this version isn't coming to Australia.
VAMs introduce bias when missing test scores are not missing completely at random.
While, as a whole we might be less concerned about bias when such factors are included in VAMs, there (likely forever will be) cases where bias will impact individual teachers.
I'm not kidding or bias when I say he is one of the cutest kids ever.
In 2014 the U.S. Department of Education and the Department of Justice sent a joint letter to every school district in the country, urging local officials to avoid racial bias when suspending or expelling students.
Stanford researchers have found that youth are susceptible to bias when politicians and organizations post messages on social media.
Bottom Line: Most students would not notice any sort of bias when using this site.
The black astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson addressed how it feels to be on the receiving end of this type of bias when he was asked to make a speech at his elementary school.
In January 2014, the Obama administration's Department of Justice and Department of Education jointly sent each school district a «Dear Colleague» letter urging local officials to avoid racial bias when suspending or expelling students.
But fun aside, there is a more depressing gender bias when it comes to finding a partner.
(I'm a July baby, so I'm slightly bias when it comes to seasons).
This may produce selection bias when performing cross-sectional studies of athlete groups.
Double - blinded studies are designed to prevent bias when conducting the trial or analyzing the results.
He betrays maybe a little bias when he closes with the phrase: «Perhaps only time will tell.»
A new analysis challenges a troubling 2011 study that suggested that black researchers encounter racial bias when they seek funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Women were also more likely to attribute their supposedly poor performance to gender bias when their evaluator had espoused racist beliefs than when he was neutral.
The UK government even considers optimism bias when planning large infrastructure projects and deciding which projects should be funded (HM Treasury Green Book).
Studying blobby, asexual amoebas could absolve biology of its animal bias when it comes to uncovering the mysteries of sex
The software isn't accurate enough to reliably issue arrest warrants or fines without a human checking the match first, but individual officers may not know that, and could be influenced by unconscious bias when presented with an «infallible» machine's results.
«Not only that, «Sullivan said, «the New York media has a bias when it comes to taking Upstate people seriously.»
Where was the bias when YouGov correctly (under its old methodology) predicted the London Mayoralty?
BW is also currently working on a story on racial bias when it comes to DA Difiore's office prosecuting white men vs men of color for domestic violence in Westchester County.
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