Sentences with phrase «biased school curriculum»

Did anyone try to alter the biased school curriculum?

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Humanists UK has long been involved in campaigning for an end to the laws that allow schools with a religious character to discriminate in their admissions and employment policies and to teach a biased RE curriculum.
Consumers Union, the publisher of Consumer Reports magazine, found a «disturbing» trend that includes not only more outright advertising in schools but also an increase in company - sponsored curriculum materials that often include biased or misleading information.
A San Francisco Bay Area school board will use broad lessons against bias to replace a curriculum against bullying gay people.
Helpful criteria What can school boards and school - district administrators do to avoid this type of «confirmation bias» and make sure their textbooks, curricula, and instructional materials are truly aligned to the Common Core — particularly when they are trying to make sense of the veracity of sales pitches from some of American education's richest and most influential forces, the textbook publishers?
Given the public conversation about bias and injustice — especially recently — several prominent national education organizations including the NEA, AERA, NCTE and AFT have called for addressing equity in schools and society, specifically recommending that educators and school leaders «receive the tools, training, and support they need to build curricula with substantive exploration of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination.»
Among them are a focus within preschool programs on teaching pre-academic skills; the conceptualization of the role of the adults who provide center - based care as that of a teacher; a bias towards delivering pre-K services through school districts; a press towards common standards and curriculum across pre-K providers; accountability regimens that are tied to children's performance on measures that correlate with later school success; disproportionate spending on four - year - olds as opposed to younger children; and marginalization of the family's responsibility.
«As a starting point, we could ask ourselves if our schools are doing three things,» writes Bonnie Chiu: «taking away the gendered nature of school subjects; enabling students to question gender bias in curriculum; and enabling relatable role models for students to look up to.»
One recent theory - driven program in Sydney has delivered promising results in reducing intergroup bias, with a long - term impact — positive results sustained over a 12 month period — and as a pointer to how schools and teachers could reduce racism and discrimination via the curriculum.
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