Sentences with phrase «biases does»

'' I suspect not, because holding those in power to account for their biases does not seem to be on the agenda.
If you're a hiring manager, or when you're seated at the negotiating table, make sure that your own unconscious bias doesn't discount or give an undue advantage to a given candidate.
Survivorship bias doesn't get talked about as much, in part because it benefits whoever is currently popular or powerful.
But while beating people up over unconscious bias is pointless (especially as science shows basically everybody has hidden biases), we all do have a responsibility to take action to make sure bias doesn't influence hiring.
What bias does this reflect in the West?
Correcting a home bias doesn't necessarily require reducing Canadian exposure to a weight that mirrors the world index (i.e. 3 %).
Boehner isn't half bad as you make him out to be, but you are apparently so biased you don't know the difference... BTW, This Catholic church has a major problem with pedophile priests, so they really ought to shut to he11 up.
Saying that you're dedicated to tearing down systemic race - based bias doesn't mean that you have to make sure that you go hug a black person, it means that you no longer find yourself as the center and most important part of your story.
Looking at it with pure bias does not mean you understand what you read.
Selection bias does not beg questions, it predicts answers.
Yet this is the reason we must not succumb to it but must instead take measures to ensure that bias does not overcome God's truth.
Now, just because news is inevitably biased doesn't mean it's inevitably false.
However I am guessing your bias does not allow you to see this.
As we can see, bias doesn't just affect our final decisions; it can permeate our whole judgment and decision - making process.
On that same website it also showed that bias does not in fact even out during a season, Man United DID consistently get more wrong decisions for them over the years and Arsenal did consistently get decisions against them.
Chiesa reckons he was Lee reckons he wasn't Since both sources are somewhat bias I don't know who to believe.
For psychologists conducting evaluations for custody disputes involving a gay or lesbian parent, it is important to understand the relevant law and research, ensure that personal biases do not influence the evaluation or conclusions, and consider how the nature of these cases may influence both the evaluation and the information provided to the judge in the case.
These kinds of biases do serve an evolutionary purpose, many other researchers have found.
«Physician bias does not affect hypertension treatment for minority patients, study suggests.»
However, doctors» individual observer bias does come into play.
I am not sure why confirmation bias does not occur in groups.
Then I ask what kind of people did the study (what prior bias did they have, and what are they trying to prove).
The animated characters made sure that any racial or other biases did not creep in and the video was suitable for a variety of audiences.
If we have conversations at scale about what our biases do to black and brown children and how these biases show up in our classrooms, then we will have students who believe they have a right to be something.
Karen Mapp of Harvard Graduate School of Education stated that it is vital to transform yourself before doing transformative family engagement work, asking the audience to consider «what assumptions or biases do we have about families as they sit across the table from us in our schools».
The test effectively cuts past intentions to illuminate biases we don't even know we have.
My «fairest» interpretation of the current albeit controversial research surrounding this particular issue is that bias does not exist across teacher - level estimates, but it certainly occurs when teachers are non-randomly assigned highly homogenous sets of students who are gifted, who are English Language Learners (ELLs), who are enrolled in special education programs, who disproportionately represent racial minority groups, who disproportionately come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, and who have been retained in grade prior.
Just so that you do nt think I'm totally biased I do agree it could have more toys.
Now, the change in the bias does more.
[Response: You're missing the point, which is that the UHI is accepted, of course, but the point at issue is whether it affects temperature * trends *, which a constant bias doesn't.
When you don't, bias does creep in.
What led Steig et al astray was the desire to «explain» discrepancies between projected GHG driven warming in Antarctica and measured warming; confirmation bias did the rest.
However, these biases do not matter so much that they would seriously undermine the model projections over the next century or so (see discussion around Fig. 9.42 a In Ch9 of Working Group I in the 5th IPCC Report; and discussion around Fig. 2 and Appendix B in Hawkins and Sutton, 2016).
Just because an investigation disagrees with your bias does not make the results null and void.
Along with what biases do they have?
Third, the source of funding is not the only bias in research, and the greatest bias does not necessarily come from industry funding, see these posts:
Either of those would bias the sensitivity upwards, and if everyone is doing it then this bias does not average out in the ensemble.
There is no explanation in your analysis as to why those biases do not affect the global temperature record at any time other than WWII.
To characterise this coverage as biased doesn't capture the magnitude of their treatment of climate science.
As only one reconstruction (Moberg et al., 2005) shows an early period that is noticeably warmer than the mean for the calibration period, the possibility of a bias does not affect the general conclusion about the relative warmth of the 20th century based on these data.
What bias did we fall into at the time?
One such strategy is ensuring that implicit biases don't leak out in the first place.
Which reasoning biases did judges and jurors both evidence, though judges to a lesser degree, in Viscusi's research?
Age bias does exist, and employment gaps do cause problems.
Workplaces that welcome these character traits will likely benefit from having these job seekers on board — as long as bias doesn't stand in the way of hiring them.
This suggests that whatever bias did occur worked against the detection of beneficial nurse effects.
We have taken several steps in our research to ensure that a reporting bias does not account for the assessment of early environment.
Those biases don't often tend toward understanding of the offender.
What biases do you have?

Not exact matches

«I think in general, most VCs are trying to do their jobs, but there are a lot of unconscious biases
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