Sentences with phrase «bible quotes what»

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Ya, all the ideas are wrong, what mister «pastor» says is right... The answer is in the bible, but he never quotes texts explaining why suffering.
Your problem is that you're so busy quoting what the Catholic Church dictates and the bible (a man made book), that you don't see the real problem.
1914, while you are quoting bible bile, let's have a look at what's really in that Christian book of nasty.
She seems to have taken a shine to you and since you can quote the bible back and forth, you can understand what she's trying to say.
Here's a nice bible quote for you thumpers, please do what Jeebus tells you.
Dirt, if quoting from your bible and sincerely interpreting what it says is a crime in the eyes of your nasty sky fairy, and if your god is as murderous and evil as your folklore shows him to be then I feel that I can fairly call your «god» an ASS HOLE.
The author of the review thinks this book sinks under its own weight, for its author makes no secret of his loathing of the whole homosexual community, quoting every passage in the bible that can even remotely be translated against them, often twisting passages to say what they do not mean.
Do you see what you are doing / You are quoting the bible, then using it to support your as - sertion that «if god exists we'll end up with him».
In other words, just like the bible, he has plenty of quotes that can support either case depending on what you want it to say.
I'm just trying to point out that basing an argument against someone based on the bible is not very convincing, due to the fact that they are quoting it to someone who has no faith in what they believer believes.
Bob, what part of «quoting the bible to prove its claims is circular reasoning» do you not understand?
, so, again, re what your bible says, here are direct quotes from a common version of your book of nasty AKA the bible.
The act of quoting from the bible, as if it could be used to settle an argument, and not so much the quote itself, is what I think HawaiiGuest is deriding.
b) but what if they simply quoted the bible?
What you quote is a bunch of propaganda published a century or more later that has been tailored to express the bible framers beliefs.
What a crackup... you sit there and bag on me about original thinking because I quote the bible and your are cutting and pasting from some Atheist Site!!
El Pibe, here are just a few quotes from hundreds from the Christian book of nasty AKA the bible, that show what a complete ass hole and human rights abuser your nasty sky fairy would have to be classed as, if he existed:
I hate when people bring god in there politics.Both the democrats and the republicans have it wrong no sloth and no greediness but time and time again both sides like to quote the bible when it agrees with what nonsense they are spewing at each other.
You might as well just do what HS does, and quote random bits of the bible that have NOTHING to do with any topic at hand.
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