Sentences with phrase «bible verses»

Biblical literacy isn't just knowing a bunch of bible verses or getting 100 on a bible quiz.
There is not one single bible verse in which man is said to be superior over women.
This is more like a marriage counseling book that has bible verses at the beginning of each chapter.
Your favorite bible verse as a headline can make for a great conversation starter.
You do realize, as soon as someone sees you quoting bible verses, they ignore your post right?
It is quite amusing to see people defending the legitimacy of the bible by using bible verses.
Apparently, atheists also cherry - pick bible verses, the difference is, they follow the other way around.
This is a neat way for kids to learn bible verses.
Tell her you love her and spend time reading a bible story and sharing bible verses with her that will help her with this life journey.
Also I am an atheist, so really bible verses mean absolutely nothing to me.
Are you just throwing out random bible verses and hoping that it fits what you're talking about?
Ten people can read the same bible verse and come out with 10 different takes on it.
It is right that if two people try to interpret the difficult bible verses in a bible study, chances are that they might come up with different interpretations.
My point was that selectively posting links to studies is about as much of a final proof as is proof texting bible verses.
Thank you for the wise words and connecting bible verses with others to prove your points.
I incorporated bible verses into my script and that my husband read to me.
We had a lot of our favourite bible verses and worship songs hung throughout the venue.
Of course, whining is not weakness, as it leads to quoting bible verses and prayer.
All I want is such view should be supported with bible verses.
Posting bible verses doesn't make you a Christian, Bob.
They can put bible verses on their receipts or their wrappers or their cups.
From her earliest years, Winfrey, singing for the choir and reading bible verses aloud, the rising star learned how to capture an audience.
Jewish children memorize bible verses written on a cookie, and then eat it: Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Every one of the Christian fanatics on this site wield bible verses like some sort of sword, as if a line from an Iron Age catalog would ever sway the intelligent people on this site.
i just told Christine, a baptist, from downstairs that god doesn't exist and she started spouting bible verses at me and told me that she would enjoy seeing me burn in hell.
The station's scary owner warns them of their impending doom while citing bible verses and spitting tobacco.
People should not take bible verses out of context, however it still validates the author's point that the bible is interpretation based on the surrounding context, not just the words surrounding the passage, but society at the time.
They can show bible verses that back up their beliefs.
There are a lot of folks who tell a story of being beaten or abused to the cadence of bible verses just like those deployed by preachers who don't consider consequences of theology.
I volunteer at a homeless NPO and as much as I enjoyed the first part of the post, I do not agree with leaving bible verses and the implication of forgetting about sharing Jesus out completely... I understand the reasoning and that people have been hurt, but to leave Jesus out of the equation unless they ask doesn't sit well with me.
And kooks who write bible verses and don't engage just confirm what I'm not missing.
Instead what we see are religious moon - bats using cherry - picked bible verses as justification for hatred and bigotry.
But also, many bible verses (not all) are about ethical and lawful behaviour and not about religion at all and contain things that anyone should do, including atheists, Hindus, Muslims, Wiccans and so on.
It should be noted that the author of this post is missing key hermeneutical principles in regards to selecting bible verses.
I'm also not that knowledgeable with the contents of the bible (yet) but I'm a fighter and I have a lot of determination so eventually I will be able to reference certain biblical facts or even bible verses to relate to a persons struggles.
So you merely say stuff about the catechism, but ignore the parts where it references specific bible verses.
Oh and before you spout off about the bible, every self - professed christian cites certain bible verses or certain interpretations to justify their definition.
Then he could go back to cutting and pasting lucid arguments from apologist sites (that is meant as a joke) and / or those oh so clever bible verses, just as boring.
@ HeavenSent, Oh you wan na go bible verses with me do you?
Thats my favorite bible verse next to Jermiah was a bull frog.
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