Sentences with phrase «biblical account»

Students thoroughly enjoy this documentary as it is engaging and promotes good debate between literal and liberal interpretations of Biblical accounts of creation.
Instead, it's a biblical story that demands whatever degree of belief that's prescribed by one's faith and by one's inclination to believe in biblical accounts.
For example, certain Biblical accounts were once held in question by scholars.
A short and often overlooked biblical account sometimes referred to as «the widow's offering» reminds us what is required of us individually.
The christmas myth as told by western culture, is a jumble of faith, popular culture, earlier festivals, and it is held at a time of year that is clearly not in line with biblical accounts of the birth of Jesus.
From biblical accounts of atonement situations, however, we are able to uncover the connection between rite and disrupted reality.»
I honestly still haven't been able to completely wrap my head around Marcus Borg's «post-critical naivete» phase of reading the bible and treating biblical accounts as being «true», whether or not they factually occurred.
Biblical accounts state that Jesus just «wasn't there» in the tomb and that the linens that were around the body were just lying there in the tomb.
Jesus keeps it simple plus we can avoid judgments and speculation about biblical accounts of war, slavery etc. that related to a specific nomadic tribal people or at a minimum require taking into account a people, time and place some say never existed.
Rembrandt's maturation serves as a parable of our own posture toward such biblical accounts.
The fosil record, DNA and the geological record DO NOT JIVE with biblical accounts without a great amount of twisting logic and constant re-interpretations of the bible.
[4] Biblical Account of Creation Analysed, Sep. 12 1979 [5] On the Dignity and Vocation of Woman § 25.
And we see God breaking through in other biblical accounts, particularly in the conception and naming of children.
That along with mountains of geological data (litteral mountains being included) that disprove the global flood theory and the young earth theory and the earth stood still biblical account and the order of creation, pretty much all of Genesis can be discarded as no more than Egyptian mythology repackaged for the Hebrews by their educated ex-egyptian prince leader Moses.
But since God and divine action permeate the entire biblical account of history, one is obliged to begin with a complicated anatomy of the scriptural word.
Thallus (52AD), Pliny the Younger (61 - 113AD), Suetonius (69 - 140AD), Tacitus (56 - 120AD), Mara Bar - Serapion (70AD), Phlegon (80 - 140AD), Lucian of Samosata: (115 - 200 A.D.), Celsus (175AD),... These all were non biblical accounts... Escape from atheism while you can before it wipes your common sense out the window... I did...
Building a Better Vocabulary: techniques, tricks, word exercises Biblical Account of the Temple's Construction.
As in these works, in this canvas of 1998, Kiefer has taken as his guide to the divine moment of Creation, not the famous Biblical account in Genesis, but the Gnostic account of Isaak Luria, founder of the modern Kabbalah.
Too often, the classroom has been a battleground in which science loses out to ideology — either directly, as with fights to equate biblical accounts of creation with research illuminating natural selection, or indirectly, when fears of such fights cause teachers or administrators in a more subtle way to skip or skim over science that has big implications for society.
====== @Mass Debater «The fosil record, DNA and the geological record DO NOT JIVE with biblical accounts without a great amount of twisting logic and constant re-interpretations of the bible.»
As Barack Obama continues to widen his lead in the polls, conservative evangelicals seem to have rediscovered an affinity for biblical accounts of the Babylonian Captivity.
Any pre-Jesus reference to resurrection were mythical figures and the comparisons to the Biblical account of Jesus» resurrection are minimal and would need to be stretched quite far in order to apply.
WHat does invalidate the Biblical account is the measurable and observable passage of those events, that would take more of what humans call time than the Bible allows for.
The literal nature of the Biblical accounts, especially regarding Christ's miracles and the Creation account in Genesis (To me theistic evolution is ok although I struggle with this one as I am a evolutionist but also am trying to be literal)
The other, in my opinion, is your denial of the biblical accounts, period.
Even the creation story is misaligned... everything written in the biblical account is misaligned.
The Case for Christ, as you're probably aware, is based on the true story of Lee Strobel, a Chicago journalist who set out to disprove the biblical account of Jesus and ended up doing the total opposite.
The Biblical accounts are not some late, great stuff, as many like to spout off to say and thus dismiss the whole thing.
For example, he or she may be asked, How does the biblical account of creation relate to the Big Bang theory?
It might be that Satan, if you'll allow me, works to screw scientific results to show things that would lead one to dismiss the biblical account.
In effect, Ally admits that Jesus was put on the cross, but that he did not die on the cross, and therefore the koranic and biblical accounts are, to some degree, in harmony.
That would lend credence to the Biblical account, rather than denigrate it.
Your defense of your previous characterization of the biblical account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah reveals a person who has flatly refused to engage in even the most basic of educational pursuits.
And in either case, they could both be remembering the same true event; it's a matter of faith that the Biblical account is more correct than the Sumerian.
a) Given the Biblical account that begins with the creation of matter, energy and time, b) Given no other religions (other than the Abrahamic branches) begins with the creation of matter, energy and time, Therefore, this implies that only the Abrahamic religions are worthy of consideration.

Phrases with «biblical account»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z