Sentences with phrase «biblical account of creation»

Students thoroughly enjoy this documentary as it is engaging and promotes good debate between literal and liberal interpretations of Biblical accounts of creation.
[4] Biblical Account of Creation Analysed, Sep. 12 1979 [5] On the Dignity and Vocation of Woman § 25.
Too often, the classroom has been a battleground in which science loses out to ideology — either directly, as with fights to equate biblical accounts of creation with research illuminating natural selection, or indirectly, when fears of such fights cause teachers or administrators in a more subtle way to skip or skim over science that has big implications for society.
For example, he or she may be asked, How does the biblical account of creation relate to the Big Bang theory?
This uncertainty is borne out by polls, which show that as many as 75 per cent of those surveyed thought it only fair to give class time to the biblical accounts of creation, or a «creation model» derived from them — as if they were of the same order as contemporary scientific accounts («Division on Creation,» Events and People, September 29, 1982, Century).
A new collection of luxury biscuit tins have seemingly re-written the Biblical account of Creation by appearing to feature same - sex couples in the Garden of Eden.
«Every single human being who walks on the face of the earth has a lense that they view the world through... Since Evolution / Atheism denies the existence of God and the biblical account of creation, they have to make sense of the fossil record and geologic formations somehow.»
Since Evolution / Atheism denies the existence of God and the biblical account of creation, they have to make sense of the fossil record and geologic formations somehow.
Bill Nye is absolutely correct; it's well - known that «Creationism» and a belief in the biblical account of Creation as literally true is primarily a US phenomenon.
@Francine Carranza — the problem is that the Biblical account of creation and the modernly accepted THEORY (it is not a hypothesis, it has been observed in nature — see: viruses, transitional fossils) of evolution are in direct opposition to each other.
There are plenty of people who believe the Biblical account of creation and are extremely talented scientists, because they understand the difference between observational science and historical science.
Our survey question about the «most important» way that theology meets science offered three options: theology 1) gives meaning, 2) defends the biblical account of creation or 3) provides ethics.
A new collection of luxury biscuit tins have seemingly re-written the Biblical account of Creation by appearing to feature same - sex couples in the Garden of Ede...
kevin, The biblical account of creation — in fact all creation myths — do not match our knowledge of how the universe, the solar system, and species on earth came to be.
Funk opines that «we are having increasing difficulty these days in accepting the biblical account of the creation and of the apocalyptic conclusion in anything like a literal sense.»
Gawrisch, W. R. «The Biblical Account of Creation and Modern Theology» in Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly 59 (1962) pp. 161 - 202.
He volunteered to Darrow — it was not wormed out of him, as the play suggests — that the «days» in the biblical account of creation were not twenty - four hour days; he cited Genesis 2:4, in which the word «generations» seems to be used as a substitute for «days.»
Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection questioned the benevolence of God, but more immediately it questioned the biblical account of creation and the authority of the Bible itself.
Although there are some Christians, such as the Creationists in the USA, who insist on the literal accuracy of the biblical account of creation, the majority of Christians would now see the stories as mythological.
Only when the great minds were liberated from the biblical accounts of creation and the controls and censures of ecclesiastical authorities were they able to make a qualitative leap in scientific progress, bringing about the un-fettered birth of modern science.
A new collection of luxury biscuit tins have seemingly re-written the Biblical account of Creation by... More
Lesson evaluating the Biblical account of creation.
Indoor Container Gardening Grow a Bounty of Herbs, Fruits, and Vegetables in Your Home Before the existence of man, there was the garden, that is, according to the biblical account of creation.
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