Sentences with phrase «biblical concepts»

Some go so far as to call it a «perfect holiday movie» that «promot [es] biblical concepts
These are not biblical concepts.
In moving back from philosophical to biblical concepts, however, we find ourselves in a domain of shifting and fluid patterns, and the image of God as king is no exception.
It's one of those biblical concepts meant to be more accepted than understood.
One may teach Biblical concepts in Sunday School, another in public university, another by writing books [or maintaining a blog; ^)-RSB-, another in a home daycare, another on a street corner, and another during breakfast, lunch, dinner, playtime, bathtime, and bedtime.
The non-religious interpretation of Biblical concepts means that the concepts must be interpreted in such a way as not to make religion a precondition of faith.
Biblical concepts should not be strait jackets for the mind, but wings for it.
In Part Two we will take an in - depth look at the biblical concepts of the temple, sacrifice and the law in order to understand them in their biblical context.
«Because we have forgotten the biblical concepts of true authority and submission, or more accurately, have rebelled against them, we have created a climate in which caricatures of authority and submission intrude upon our lives with violence.
The government should not be enforcing Biblical concepts.
Perhaps, the most influential and enduring concept, which to some extent subsumed other biblical concepts of mission, is missio Dei (mission of God).
A condition of community is described in the biblical concepts of salvation and shalom.
«38 Thus Bonhoeffer exhorts us to interpret the Biblical concepts in terms of responsible involvement m life itself.
Replace rote prayer patterns with Biblical concepts that will transform your spiritual life.
He even confessed that «I am only gradually working my way to the non-religious interpretation of Biblical concepts; the job is too big for me to finish just yet.
One need not be surprised if in the conflict between the apparent implications of Biblical concepts, understood to be analogical, with metaphysical concepts, understood to be univocal, it is the implications of the Biblical concepts that give way.
This is the direction in which he would have the Biblical concepts guide us.
Jeremy as usual you blow the dust off biblical concepts and when you do those people who read your writings find truth and revelation.
It further asserted that the biblical concepts of dominion and stewardship were «arrogant» and to be rejected.
This is the Biblical concept known as Compatibilism.
I have experience with a «church bully» GROUP... and I have since left that group... but my question is: being corrected and not being prideful IS a biblical concept, but how do we discern when such correction is necessary?
The biblical concept of the jubilee year (Lev.
The United Church of Christ's study paper, Christian Faith and Economic Life (1987), for example, declares that the purpose of the church's political advocacy must be «to achieve the biblical concept of economic justice.»
But the Biblical concept of prayer, as practiced by Christ Himself as a model for us, is to seek and obtain God's will, and they pray for God's will to be done (even if that means going to the cross).
Instead, Greenberg came to a new understanding based on the biblical concept of covenant and the rabbinic concept of hester panim» God's hiding His face.
I have been searching all my adult life for the biblical concept of ekklesia — a gathering led by the presence of God where ordinary people are free to share and minister to one another according to 1 Corinthians 14:26.
Thinking of one person / pastor / teacher to figure out «what to offer» or «what to feed us» isn't a Biblical concept either...
Christians, especially American Christians, love to talk about how God's desire is to bless us, which is a totally biblical concept.
Genetic science proves that wrong and that while the first humans may have evolved from one subhuman species, all subsequent humans, from every race, were descendant from those first humans — thus confirming the very biblical concept of all humans having a common ancestor.
But there is here no attempt to reconceive the Augustinian notion of sacrament as «sign» in the light of the biblical concept of mystery.
The biblical concept of holiness is equivalent to the idea of being whole, and so should our understanding of ways we can participate in God's work of justice, both in our local communities and in the global community.
Genetic science proves that wrong and that while the first humans may have evolved from one subhuman species, all subsequent humans, from every race, were descendant from those first humans - thus confirming the very biblical concept of all humans having a common ancestor.
Yes, there is the biblical concept of being «in Christ.»
The Biblical concept of holiness is that of a power capable of exerting both a destructive and a hallowing effect.
Closely related to Buber's concept of direction is the Biblical concept of emunah, or trust.
The last point in Exodus Nineteen that casts light upon our understanding of the Ten Commandments is the biblical concept of the otherness of God.
Judaism has always held belief in the biblical concept of Teshuvah, which means «return to God».
For a Biblical concept of justice has been the real concern of a few of these writers.58 Evidence is of course mixed, but the overwhelming thrust of Scripture's discussion of «social justice» suggests the following Biblical definition: «to each according to his or her needs» Rather than act on the basis of society's most common definitions of «social justice» those of merit or equality - the Christian seeking a Biblically derived social ethic must respond, first and foremost, on the basis of need.
I do NOT believe in a everlast torture and do not believe it is a true Biblical concept.
This corruption of the fundamental biblical concept of conscience into self - interest is one of the most serious of all the electronic church «s distortions.
Sin is a biblical concept, nothing more.
You are who you are, and all too often we expect people who are new to the faith to «have it together», but fruit is also a very Biblical concept and growth.
It's these ideas — not the biblical concept of an actual Satan — that serve as motivation for their high - profile civic activities.
Now the interpretation of the perfecting of the human / word process, leading to a threshold of radical change, is both in keeping with the pattern of evolutionary change evidenced in the natural world, and the biblical concept of the eschaton as the threshold of the new aeon, and the total transformation of humanity and cosmos.
In this he emphasised the Greco - biblical concept of «Logos» as that «foundational wisdom of the universe.»
Though judgment carries negative connotations in our minds, the biblical concept of judgment is not always negative.
Celebration is a wonderfully biblical concept, and one worth exploring during the holiday season.
Our analysis of the biblical concept of revelation has prepared for us a first degree analogical use of the term and here we are led to a second degree analogy.
I don't believe it's a biblical concept.
His subject, as one might expect, was theology and the philosophy of science, and he argued that the biblical concept of the Holy spirit may provide the missing link, so to speak, in the controversy over whether mind or language has precedence in the creation of human thought.
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