Sentences with phrase «biblical definition as»

Class2 Dead sea scrolls, commentaries on Isaiah, Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah psalm 37, historical jewish messianic theology is foundational to biblical definition as for instance many symbols are clearly defined repetitively and ignored.

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In July, Don Cathy told the Baptist Press that «we,» as in Chick - fil - A, «are very much supportive of the family — the Biblical definition of the family unit.»
Biblical by definition excludes the other faiths and widens the debate, such as it is.
Of course, we haven't yet agreed as to the biblical definition of «judgemental.»
It affirmed the centrality of evangelism in this concept of mission, and provided an authoritative definition of evangelism: «the proclamation of the historical, biblical Christ as Saviour and Lord, with a view to persuading people to come to him personally and so be reconciled to God»
My disagreements with the five points of both Calvinism and Arminianism iare not exactly with their theology or understanding of Biblical texts, but with something much more basic than that: their definition of certain biblical words and theological ideas, such as election, grace, salvation, atonement, justification, eternal life, forgiveness of sins, etBiblical texts, but with something much more basic than that: their definition of certain biblical words and theological ideas, such as election, grace, salvation, atonement, justification, eternal life, forgiveness of sins, etbiblical words and theological ideas, such as election, grace, salvation, atonement, justification, eternal life, forgiveness of sins, etc, etc..
In Rhetoric and Biblical Interpretation they recommend that the definition of rhetoric be broadened to its fullest range in the classical tradition, namely as «the means by which a text establishes and manages it relationship to its audience in order to achieve a particular effect.»
Mission Study or Missiology (as we interchangeably use the two terms) as an academic discipline is closely related to the study of (other) living religions, and the discipline itself by definition is incomplete without its biblical - theological, historical, and practical - ethical dimensions and foundations.
What would a day be in the Divine circadian cycle of an omnimodal, omnipotent being, 24 hours, 24 billion years, 24 milliseconds??? Nowhere in the Bible coes it say that evolution does not exist within the living realm, but Simon Peter does say that to the I Am»... one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day...» (the Bible DOES recognize the effects of animal husbandry, which is a form of artificially - induced evolution on livestock species, and narrates accounts of Divine intervention to influence it, so you can not factually say that it is outside the realm of Divine probability by biblical accounts, as Divine probability contains, by textbook definition, the sum of the laws of nature.
Three biblical models, three remarkable lives, summarize much of what the Hebraic and Christian writers regarded as central definitions of goodness.
Once the non-believer repents by receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior then their eyes will be opened up to the excellence of God's biblical definition of Family.
He clarifies his rather vague definition of the field by contrasting biblical theology with five other modes of study: doctrinal theology, nontheological biblical studies, history of religion, philosophical and natural theology, and «the interpretation of parts of the Bible as distinct from the longer complexes taken as wholes.»
Their strategy is to bombard us we as much rhetoric as possible until we submit and part from the Biblical truth and the definition of marriage.1 man + 1 woman in covenant with God = equal Holy Matrimony or commonly put marriage.
My goal was to listen, learn, explore, and show that «biblical womanhood» might not be as straightforward as we'd like to think, that there does not exist in the Bible a single definition, or list of rules, for something as complex as womanhood.
We need not recall here the history of what led up to the declaration of Humani Generis (which is doctrinal in character, even if it does not constitute a dogmatic definition), starting with the pronouncement of the local synod at Cologne in 1860 rejecting evolution in any form, the censure passed on the works of theologians favourable to evolution, such as M. D. Leroy (1895) and P. Zahm (1899), the decree of the Biblical Commission in 1909, the tacit toleration of works favourable to evolution by theologians such as Ruschkamp (1935), Messenger (1931), Perier (1938), down to Pius XII's Allocution to the Papal Academy of Sciences in 1941.
So, the dictionary meaning is used as a basis, but then is expanded or contracted depending on the Biblical definition.
When a Lutheran and a Catholic each talk of faith, does each define the word by some comprehensive abstract system, or by the complex associations the word has in a great range of shared biblical texts, such as Romans 1 with its talk of faith as that by which we live, I Corinthians 13 with its association of faith with hope and love, and Hebrews 11 with its definition of faith as assurance and conviction?
@stevie 7 The biblical definition of a fool is not the English word stupid.The Bible defines fool as someone who has lied to themselves by saying there is no God.In a paraphrase of the brief, out of context passage you reference, one could say, professing themselves to be wise, they became atheists.Which one could agree is extremely stupid.
Chick - fil - A has been ruffling feathers since its president Dan Cathy was quoted saying he supported the «biblical definition» of marriage as between a man and a woman and prayed for «God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we would have the audacity to try to redefine what marriage is all about.»
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