Sentences with phrase «biblical figures from»

Many of the other characters, unfortunately, never really come to life and often sound stilted while drawing analogies between themselves and biblical figures from their past.

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Furthermore, they are discovering among politicians and powers on the present scene the long - hidden identities of figures in the biblical apocalypse — thus purporting to disclose the plan God has had for history from its beginning.
As I researched this biblical figure, I learned from the Jewish writings that the ancient Jewish sages declared Melchizedek was none other than Shem, the eldest son of Noah.
Christian biblical scholars have also shown a vibrant new interest in the historical Jesus, much of it utilizing an approach to Christologv «from below,» i.e., an understanding that begins with the humanity and ministry of Jesus, who, precisely as a figure embedded in history, moves toward God and lives as one wholly centered in God.
But, according to The Atlantic, «Scandal is no more salacious than the accounts of Old and New Testament biblical figures, from King David and his philandering - but-wise son, King Solomon, to Apostle Paul, pre-conversion.»
Since Paul is a biblical figure, one could argue that the Bible sets the standard for the nature of the church and, since that time, faithfulness requires that we do not deviate from the biblical standard.
Furthermore, by adding up the ages of the various Biblical figures backward from Christ to Adam, and by adding that sum to the years since the birth of Christ, many Biblical scholars believed they could determine just how old the world actually was.
There is an essential message here from our central Biblical figures.
We then develop our understanding by considering specific biblical figures, where we see this transition occur from a fallen state to a redeemed state.
It takes great care to list generations of biblical figures supposedly all the way from Adam, and even if you account for individuals living for hundreds of years and God's «day» being like a 1000 years, you're still only up to about 13,000 years, at most.
«Listener to the Christian message, «2 occasional preacher, 3 dialoguer with biblical scholars, theologians, and specialists in the history of religions, 4 Ricoeur is above all a philosopher committed to constructing as comprehensive a theory as possible of the interpretation of texts.5 A thoroughly modern man (if not, indeed, a neo-Enlightenment figure) in his determination to think «within the autonomy of responsible thought, «6 Ricoeur finds it nonetheless consistent to maintain that reflection which seeks, beyond mere calculation, to «situate [us] better in being, «7 must arise from the mythical, narrative, prophetic, poetic, apocalyptic, and other sorts of texts in which human beings have avowed their encounter both with evil and with the gracious grounds of hope.
David G. Roskie's compelling study Against the Apocalypse: Responses to Catastrophe in Modem Jewish Culture discusses the cross symbol's use not only in Chagall's painting, but in the literary work of Der Nister, Lamed Shapiro, Sholem Asch, S. Y. Agnon and the poet Uri Zvi Greenberg (Harvard University Press, 1984 [pp. 258 - 310]-RRB- In literature written before World War II (and under the influence of biblical criticism that had emancipated Jesus» image from its doctrinal Christian vesture), these authors used the cross symbol variously; for Asch, the crucified figure in all his Jewishness symbolized universal suffering; for Shapiro and Agnon, on the other hand, the cross remained an emblem of violence and a reminder of Christian enmity against Jews.
Moreover, the impressive breadth of Ruether's argument makes her susceptible to criticism from a variety of quarters: biblical scholars may disagree with her interpretation of Paul; environmental scientists, with her figures on atmospheric carbon dioxide content; and agricultural and nutritional experts, with her recipe for relying on consumption of seasonal, locally produced foods.
American Catholic history may not be so booming a discipline as biblical studies or medical ethics, but even the most cursory survey of the American Catholic Studies Newsletter (published by the Cushwa Center for the study of American Catholicism at the University of Notre Dame, itself an institutional expression of the growth of the field) reveals an extraordinary breadth of research, ranging from classic institutional histories and biographies of key figures to the new social history, with its emphases on patterns of community, spirituality, family life, and education.
There is speculation Christian who vanished in Israel eight weeks ago may suffer from so - called «Jerusalem Syndrome» believe he is a Biblical figure.
@Mass Debater «I have read many works that study the history of the Jewish people and their culture as found apart from biblical sources, I have yet to find one that did not include supposition about the veracity of it's own work, with none claiming absolute truth as to who the authors of the bible or who the historical figure of Moses could have been.»
Apart from the biblical obsessions, Aronofsky here again restages the creative act as trauma, down to the sadistic consumption of a muse figure.
From the Greek mythological references of the Sirens, who lured sailors to their watery graves, to Biblical figures like Delilah, whose betrayal led to Samson's enucleation and ultimate death, the femme fatale has taken on many forms in literature, art and other mediums.
The clergy team from St. Michael's have been in each Monday, telling the story of David and of Paul and how each of these biblical figures showed excellence through their faith.
Samson is recognized as being the Biblical figure that drew his strength from his hair which Delilah cut off.
They included David Butler (1898 - 1997), who fashioned animals, angels and people from cut and painted tin and other found items; the religious painter Sister Gertrude Morgan (1900 - 1980); Steve Ashby (1904 - 1980), who made raw figurative assemblages out of scavenged materials; and Elijah Pierce (1892 - 1984), whose carved and painted wood reliefs depict biblical scenes and national figures like the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr..
The exhibition title references female figures from mythology, literature and biblical sources, and creates connections across works from several of Bracha's past and current bodies of work.
From portraits, figure studies, and landscapes to mythological and biblical narratives, the drawings represent a dynamic array of sacred and secular subjects in media ranging from metalpoint, pen and ink, and chalk to graphite, pastel, and charcFrom portraits, figure studies, and landscapes to mythological and biblical narratives, the drawings represent a dynamic array of sacred and secular subjects in media ranging from metalpoint, pen and ink, and chalk to graphite, pastel, and charcfrom metalpoint, pen and ink, and chalk to graphite, pastel, and charcoal.
The work itself is a cycle of roughly 30 paintings and one sculpture from 2007 and 2008 that deal with the biblical figure of the Virgin Mary.
Figures from the Biblical Holy Family were represented in an entirely natural manner - a radical departure from Byzantine, even Gothic, artworks.
During these early years (1820s), landscape painting was divided into two schools or styles: the Italianate Neoclassical school of Southern Europe which promoted idealized imaginary views often populated with mythological, or biblical figures; and a more realistic school derived from the Dutch Realist tradition - more popular in England and Northern Europe - which remained faithful to the real nature rather than the idyllic version.
The hour figures from Legal Cheek's survey are not gold plated Biblical scripture.
It was completely dark except for the beams of two flashlights, and all we could see was the dust from the dirt floor, statues of the Virgin Mary with the babe ripped from her arms, a headless Jesus, and similarly «massacred» Biblical figures.
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