Sentences with phrase «biblical figures of»

Being a messenger of god and having to experience watching and taking pictures of biblical figures of the bible are hard to see let alone spread the message.Write me back and tell me where i can send you pictures that are biblical this aren't made by computer or touched up.
(CNN)- Archaeologists are reveling in the discovery of an ancient synagogue in northern Israel, a «monumental» structure with a mosaic floor depicting the biblical figure of Samson and a Hebrew inscription.
CNN: Mosaic in Israel shows biblical Samson Archaeologists are reveling in the discovery of an ancient synagogue in northern Israel, a «monumental» structure with a mosaic floor depicting the biblical figure of Samson and a Hebrew inscription.
Exploring the biblical figure of Salome, who performed an erotic dance for Herod in return for John The Baptist's head as payment, Fatale definitely has a unique premise.
The work itself is a cycle of roughly 30 paintings and one sculpture from 2007 and 2008 that deal with the biblical figure of the Virgin Mary.

Not exact matches

Any pre-Jesus reference to resurrection were mythical figures and the comparisons to the Biblical account of Jesus» resurrection are minimal and would need to be stretched quite far in order to apply.
-------- Tiggy, you won't like this, but that is part of youand so many others problems of figuring out Biblical issues.
Of course, the power to bring the dead back to life was not unique to biblical figures.
Almost without fail, he turns his back on representational scenes, opting rather for abstract, geometric patterns out of his feeling that traditional biblical scenes or saintly figures create a distraction to true worship.
But, as with other classical figures Eke Luther and Calvin, Wesley reveals another side which is illustrated in his dealing with problems of chronology, his understanding of the biblical use of non-biblical sources, his judging of much of the Psalms as «unfit for Christian lips,» and so on.
Willett, who taught at the University of Chicago Divinity School and who was later to become a controversial figure in the battle over the new «higher biblical criticism,» was already an editor at The Christian Century.
And yet, while all this is true and must be emphasized unfailingly in the Church, we can not, on the other hand, make Jesus simply a figure with Jewish significance and interpret him only in terms of biblical patterns of thought.
Furthermore, they are discovering among politicians and powers on the present scene the long - hidden identities of figures in the biblical apocalypse — thus purporting to disclose the plan God has had for history from its beginning.
As I researched this biblical figure, I learned from the Jewish writings that the ancient Jewish sages declared Melchizedek was none other than Shem, the eldest son of Noah.
Thinking of one person / pastor / teacher to figure out «what to offer» or «what to feed us» isn't a Biblical concept either...
ddeevviinn, you said; «It is in this land of reality that 90 % (in actuality a little less, but for sake of argument we'll use this figure) of the population has determined that the Judeo - Christian God revealed in the biblical literature is valid.»
In an interview about his book on Israeli radio, Mr. Golan described Stern as a figure of biblical proportions.
Christian biblical scholars have also shown a vibrant new interest in the historical Jesus, much of it utilizing an approach to Christologv «from below,» i.e., an understanding that begins with the humanity and ministry of Jesus, who, precisely as a figure embedded in history, moves toward God and lives as one wholly centered in God.
They would have had hundreds of years to figure it out, just like people have been working on the actual meanings of the various biblical prophecies.
It is in this land of reality that 90 % (in actuality a little less, but for sake of argument we'll use this figure) of the population has determined that the Judeo - Christian God revealed in the biblical literature is valid.
Meanwhile, a plethora of sources — biblical, mishnaic, talmudic, midrashic — indicate that while we do deeply desire the repentance of most, there are a few figures whom we are entitled, and obligated, to hate.
Jenson's ambitious enterprise requires familiarity with the sources of Christian teaching through the centuries as well as with the biblical roots, and he displays an intimate knowledge of the Eastern Fathers as well as of Western figures such as Augustine and Thomas Aquinas.
But, according to The Atlantic, «Scandal is no more salacious than the accounts of Old and New Testament biblical figures, from King David and his philandering - but-wise son, King Solomon, to Apostle Paul, pre-conversion.»
Since Paul is a biblical figure, one could argue that the Bible sets the standard for the nature of the church and, since that time, faithfulness requires that we do not deviate from the biblical standard.
James Sanders, for example, a well - known and respected figure in American biblical studies, receives less than a page, since, Barr explains, «he does not do much to claim that [his work] leads toward an «Old Testament theology» or a «biblical theology,»» while David Brown, a British theologian of whom Barr says the same, is the subject of a substantial and highly laudatory chapter.)
Furthermore, by adding up the ages of the various Biblical figures backward from Christ to Adam, and by adding that sum to the years since the birth of Christ, many Biblical scholars believed they could determine just how old the world actually was.
The memre were on biblical figures — Joseph, Samuel, Solomon, Job, John the Baptist, Paul, Mary and others; on New Testament events such as the birth of Jesus, temptations etc, and on the events in the history of salvation: Resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost.
In fact, the number of theologians and exegetes is increasing who consider that nothing more is expressed in this feature of the biblical narrative than the important truth that Eve is of the same equal nature with Adam, «made of the same stuff», as we might say today, using a similar figure of speech to the dramatic one in Scripture.
The use of biblical figures to express the meaning of American history was by no means an Anglo - Saxon monopoly.
Ultimately this elliptical, even eccentric involvement of biblical themes, figures, and narratives does not make for a work of superior accomplishment in either religious or literary terms, whether by comparison to masterworks of the past or the finer novels in Coetzee's own oeuvre.
My forthcoming booklet Facing Difficulties in Christian Family Life5 also explores how families today are able to rediscover life as God intended in light of these biblical figures, but here we concentrate on drawing out the connections with the theology of the body itself.
The biblical figure had a checkered past, but now he is finally alone with «his good self and his dark twin» of his imagination.
One figure who has consistently called for a re-evaluation, purification and augmentation of the prevalent method of biblical exegesis is Joseph Ratzinger.
The continuity between the image of the Bible in the painting and the image of the French novel thus lies in its emphasis on the Christ - figure — even more apparent when one considers the subject of the biblical passage depicted in the painting.
I am, of course, not enough of a biblical expert to write a commentary, but I figure that if I start now, by the time I'm 80 or 90 and know enough to write a commentary (although does anyone ever know enough?)
John Locke, they said, was the key figure in setting forth a «radical philosophical defense of individual rights» of a seventeenth - century political perspective «that owed little to either classical or biblical sources.»
Thus all of the pre-Abrahamic Biblical figures are a part of Islam's background as well as of the Hebrews», and he makes constant use of those who came after Abraham and who had a significant part in developing the Hebrew faith.
Contemporary preaching is full of dramatic and piquant turnings of the text, irresponsible arbitrariness in strained if ever so personable interpretations of biblical figures, events, and statements.
Though she misidentified the biblical figures, she reminded one correspondent of the plea issued by the father of an epileptic boy whom Jesus heals (in Mark 9:24): «1 believe.
Even a more moderate historian — one who suspects that the biblical account of Solomon's reign is based on folk tales and legends that circulated more than a half millennium after the real Solomon lived, yet is open to the possibility that these folk tales and legends hark back to a historical figure — may have reservations about crediting this legendary Solomon with the fortifications and gates at Hazor, Gezer and Megiddo.
Start a Jesse Tree tradition in which ornaments representing various biblical figures and events in the redemption story are placed on a tree, their stories unfolding one at a time each day of Advent, building up to the arrival of Jesus.
The Abraham - Isaac - Jacob and David cycles are brought back in Chapter Four as evidence that Biblical narrative together with lyric is in fact rich in figures of speech and can afford insight into characters» internal and external features.
We see this especially when Enns describes St Paul's use of the figure of Adam simply as a «biblical idiom» available to him as he seeks to express what God has achieved in the death and resurrection of Christ.
As time has passed, evidence has in fact emerged for some of these figures, and so more biblical personalities are brought to life.
It takes great care to list generations of biblical figures supposedly all the way from Adam, and even if you account for individuals living for hundreds of years and God's «day» being like a 1000 years, you're still only up to about 13,000 years, at most.
«Listener to the Christian message, «2 occasional preacher, 3 dialoguer with biblical scholars, theologians, and specialists in the history of religions, 4 Ricoeur is above all a philosopher committed to constructing as comprehensive a theory as possible of the interpretation of texts.5 A thoroughly modern man (if not, indeed, a neo-Enlightenment figure) in his determination to think «within the autonomy of responsible thought, «6 Ricoeur finds it nonetheless consistent to maintain that reflection which seeks, beyond mere calculation, to «situate [us] better in being, «7 must arise from the mythical, narrative, prophetic, poetic, apocalyptic, and other sorts of texts in which human beings have avowed their encounter both with evil and with the gracious grounds of hope.
Neither the label «fiction» nor the First Amendment gives Universal the right to libel, slander and ridicule the most central figure in world history...» The Rev. Donald Wildmon charged: «The script... is the most perverted, distorted account of the historical and biblical Jesus I have ever read.»
David G. Roskie's compelling study Against the Apocalypse: Responses to Catastrophe in Modem Jewish Culture discusses the cross symbol's use not only in Chagall's painting, but in the literary work of Der Nister, Lamed Shapiro, Sholem Asch, S. Y. Agnon and the poet Uri Zvi Greenberg (Harvard University Press, 1984 [pp. 258 - 310]-RRB- In literature written before World War II (and under the influence of biblical criticism that had emancipated Jesus» image from its doctrinal Christian vesture), these authors used the cross symbol variously; for Asch, the crucified figure in all his Jewishness symbolized universal suffering; for Shapiro and Agnon, on the other hand, the cross remained an emblem of violence and a reminder of Christian enmity against Jews.
King interweaves biblical figures, themes, and phrases with his words of protest.
A Muslim response to Sacks's invitation will therefore need to begin with rereading the Qur» anic accounts of Abraham and Ishmael and other biblical figures.
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