Sentences with phrase «biblical justification»

(This kind of biblical justification of genocidal violence against the native peoples of North America continued throughout the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.)
Several decades ago, when I was filling out my application for seminary admission, I came to a question that asked me to provide biblical justification for my calling.
I Timothy 5:8 is a favorite of anti-SAHD pastors to toss out and use as biblical justification for why men MUST be the breadwinner and leave the responsibilities of full time child - rearing and running a household to their wives.
Of course, if you did find biblical justification for meeting on Sunday (as you might), you can still ask «What if we didn't meet on Sunday?»
Christians could invoke biblical justifications for slavery just as easily as they could proclaim that all men are created equal.
Brandon D. Smith, another leader of the Center, has called the Lord's Supper «more than a memory» and set forth a careful biblical justification for its weekly celebration in worship.
As if I'd give ANY credence to a mouthpiece for a so - called «church» which was LITERALLY founded for the purpose of providing Biblical justification of slavery.
In fact, 1Timothy 2 appear in a list of «key texts» on the CBMW site and is commonly cited as biblical justification for limiting the roles of women in church leadership.
He had to admit there was biblical justification for that kind of mysticism.
Do I find myself defending this work based purely on secular reasoning, or is there a Biblical justification?
But to claim some biblical justification for something so directly contrary to the teaching of Christ is (I think I have said this before) a perversion of the text.
These «conservative» Christians think they represent all Christian, but their school of Christianity is the same one that claimed a biblical justification for black slavery.
Nuclear war's total devastation could have no biblical justification consistent with the command to seek shalom.
Those claiming biblical justification for their homosexual bigotry are finding themselves ever more in the minority and will soon be relegated to nutjob status just like those still clinging to their biblical justifications for misogyny and racial prejudice.
For my Evangelicals brothers who remain unconvinced and still believe adultery is a biblical justification for divorce, pastoral integrity seems to demand you either inform those you marry that you will not hold them to their vows in cases of unfaithfulness, or you instruct the couple to use conditional wording in their vows.
Biblical justification is sought: Genesis is used in the reverse.
The suspicion is that we begin a priori with the idea of universality, starting perhaps largely unconsciously from the orientation and mystique of the modern world missionary enterprise, and then going back into the Scripture in an effort to discover the biblical justification for the universal activity of the Christian world mission.
According to the Times, there were posts on Cenedella's blog about a «new holiday for men» that involved women providing steaks and oral sex, and a separate entry that endorsed a link to a Biblical justification of polygamy.
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