Sentences with phrase «biblical literacy as»

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I almost didn't put this item in the list because I am about as uneasy with the concept of a «biblical worldview» as I am with the concept of «biblical literacy
Biblical literacy should no longer be defined as «how much you know about the Bible,» but should be defined instead by «How much you love like Jesus, who reveals to us that God is love.»
When it comes to information, what is needed is not so much biblical literacy, as it is biblical understanding.
I wouldn't even consider that now, of course, (as it would be an unintended mockery) but I still think Biblical literacy is good for literary purposes in general and critical for anyone who claims to base their lives on the book.
Our standards for biblical literacy are much too low as Christians.
For example, I am not sure that knowing Bible facts is the same thing as biblical literacy.
They see people not living very biblically, and not really having a biblical worldview, and so they think that if they can raise the level of biblical literacy, this will raise the level of biblical living as well.
There is only one point in the New Testament, as far as I know, at which the gospel is preached to those entirely lacking in knowledge of the scriptures (most of the gentiles to whom Paul preached were among the sympathizers of the synagogue, so Paul could presume what George Lindbeck calls «biblical literacy»), and that is Paul's famous address on the Areopagus.
My tuppence worth: I totally agree that Biblical literacy / illiteracy is not the issue so much as Biblical application (which as Jeremy points out sometimes happens without any Biblical knowledge anyway).
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