Sentences with phrase «biblical marriage as»

From Genesis to Revelation, the authority of Scripture witnesses to the nature of biblical marriage as uniquely bound to the complementarity of man and woman.
Firstly gay marriage is not marriage in a biblical sense as it is homosexuality or lesbianism so you cant compare the two on grounds of biblical marriage as that is only between a man and a women.

Not exact matches

To equivocate a gay marriage to these Biblical references would be the same as equivocating a straight marriage to prostitution, rape, orgies, or child molestation.
Christian women should dress modestly (no showing too much skin, no luxury) and keep purity before marriage as if life depends on it, just like the Biblical women did.
He wonders if a new biblical approach is needed today, as people grapple with polarizing issues like gay marriage.
This above statement is as ridiculous as proposing gay marriage and calling it Biblical.
The lawyer continued: «He argued that Mrs Davis's position is based on the Biblical view of same - sex marriage as a sin; when challenged, he provided quotations from the Bible supporting his view.»
In which I disagree with Candace Cameron Bure about «biblical» marriage:: I read Bure's comments about «biblical marriage» and I had to respond to that phrase in particular as she re-ignited the conversation in pop culture about what Christians really believe about headship / submission in marriage.
The initiative has sparked a campus - wide debate about biblical interpretation and the roles of women, as well as a second group called Students for Egalitarianism in Marriage.
Obviously, I'm a big advocate for mutual submission in marriage, as that is what I believe those biblical passages ultimately teach and this is what works best in our marriage, but more important than adopting a single household model — either patriarchal or egalitarian — is adopting the posture of Jesus Christ, who emptied himself of power and took the role of servant.
She is not alone in adopting this as the standard of «biblical marriage
Choosing as his subject the biblical account of the marriage at Cana, he takes the Scripture's «sustaining myth» and transforms it (in the style of the 15th - century Old Masters) into a mythic self - portrait.
We are called to be light and salt, and one way to do this is to stand up and speak out FOR BIBLICAL VALUES and against sin... yes, of course we should be preaching / teaching / living God's «theology of marriage» in our own marriages...... but God has clearly defined marriage as between one man and one woman, and therefore, when our government says it's otherwise, we should be light and salt and speak up, and vote accordingly.
«We are blessed with organisations such as the Evangelical Alliance, CARE, Christian Concern and others who seek to present the biblical case for marriage and family clearly and intelligently.»
I hope that the Synod boldly lifts up the biblical and Christian view of marriage and the family as the Church's evangelical answer to the contemporary crisis of marriage and the family.
As we commend the biblical vision of marriage to our neighbors, we must not shy from aspects of it we have been loath to behold.
Their strategy is to bombard us we as much rhetoric as possible until we submit and part from the Biblical truth and the definition of marriage.1 man + 1 woman in covenant with God = equal Holy Matrimony or commonly put marriage.
As the middle class continues to slide toward underclass levels of illegitimacy and family dysfunction, the fundamental egalitarianism of the biblical ethic of sex, marriage, and family will become evident.
No matter how you read the bible, you could not justify gay marriage as «biblical
Biblical visions and images of the rule of Christ such as a heavenly city, the household of God, a new heaven and earth, a marriage feast, and an unending day culminate in the image of the kingdom.
As an example, that was a big reason why I wrote the post about «biblical marriage» last week.
When Evangelicals claim adultery as biblical grounds for divorce, they not only put words into Jesus's mouth that the Gospels do not record him as actually saying, but they mutilate the essence of the uniqueness of the Christian witness to marriage.
And there's a big problem, Stewart went on, with reducing «biblical values» to one or two social issues such as abortion and gay marriage, while ignoring issues such as poverty and immigration reform.
'' reducing «biblical values» to one or two social issues such as abortion and gay marriage, while ignoring issues such as poverty and immigration reform.»
Mr Ngole said he had argued that Mrs Davis's position was based on the «Biblical view of same - sex marriage as a sin».
«That said, if the churches do not take the opportunity now to «advocate» and «teach» why same - sex marriage is wrong for everyone (i.e., harmful to children, to the couple, and undermining of a culture of marriage), religious people should not expect to find a lot of sympathy for their right to exercise their religious freedom to dissent from same - sex marriage,» Esbeck told CT. «In other words, church leaders no longer enjoy the luxury of not teaching biblical marriage, as much as large numbers of the laity don't want to hear it.
But I also believe that social justice is important given the systemic disadvantages in our country; heterosexual divorce is probably more detrimental than gay marriage; caring for the poor goes a long way toward reducing the «felt need» for abortion; and that setting Biblical morality up as civil law is probably not the way to go in a pluralistic society...
I too am tired of selective appeals to «biblical marriage» that tend to glorify the modern nuclear family as the only ideal and render real people with real lives into a mere political / religious «issue,» and I too am reluctant to support an establishment that sends part of its profits to the Family Research Council, an organization that has fed blatant misinformation about homosexuality to Christians for years.
Speaking in response to the Scottish Episcopal Church's decision to allow gay marriages, a spokesman for the Presbyterian Church in Ireland told the Belfast Telegraph: «Many people in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland will be deeply saddened at this week's developments in Scotland, which seems so obviously at variance with the traditional biblical understanding of marriage as being between one man and one woman.
The church for a very long time apparently did not interpret biblical teaching as an edict for one - man, one - woman marriage.
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood's list of 14 beliefs, referred to as the Nashville Statement, proclaims that marriage is between one man and one woman and «homosexual immorality» is sinful.
Years before the nation's capital legalized same - sex marriage in March, one church in Washington, D.C., opened its doors to gay couples as part of its mission to establish an «inclusive body of Biblical believers.»
Marriage and motherhood are not the only way to biblical womanhood, as we see in so many of our spiritual mamas, despite our collective evangelical habit of treating single women and men as our personal match - making mission field.
And should it be used to persecute a minority that is simply seeking equal rights?If you are going to selectively use your Bible to justify hating homosexuals and our quest for marriage equality, then why do you happen to ignore many many other parts of the Bible such as: the Biblical support of slavery (Luke 12:47 - 48, Ephesians 6:5, 1 Timothy 6:1 - 2), selling your daughters into slavery (Exodus 21:7 - 11), Biblical Incest (Genosis 19:36), Biblical polygamy (1 Kings 11:3), Forbidding women to speak in church (I Cor 14:34 - 35), stoning stubborn children (Duet 21:18 - 2), stoning your daughter if she loses her virginity out of wedlock (Deut 22:20 - 21) or killing the children born out of affairs (Rev 2:22 - 23).
If you are going to selectively use your Bible to justify hating homosexuals and our quest for marriage equality, then why do you happen to ignore many many other parts of the Bible such as: the Biblical support of slavery (Luke 12:47 - 48, Ephesians 6:5, 1 Timothy 6:1 - 2), selling your daughters into slavery (Exodus 21:7 - 11), Biblical Incest (Genosis 19:36), Biblical polygamy (1 Kings 11:3), Forbidding women to speak in church (I Cor 14:34 - 35), stoning stubborn children (Duet 21:18 - 2), stoning your daughter if she loses her virginity out of wedlock (Deut 22:20 - 21) or killing the children born out of affairs (Rev 2:22 - 23).
Chick - fil - A has been ruffling feathers since its president Dan Cathy was quoted saying he supported the «biblical definition» of marriage as between a man and a woman and prayed for «God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we would have the audacity to try to redefine what marriage is all about.»
as pursuing a woman for marriage, looking at dating from a Biblical perspective,.
Trinity Western University views sexual relations outside of a marriage between one man and one woman as inconsistent with «biblical and TWU ideals», and requires its students and faculty to agree to abstain from such activities.
[For those that prefer their absurdity straight - up, The Atlantic built a highly entertaining Netflix Genre Generator that spits out such must - see gems as: «Dysfunctional - Family Psychological Space - Travel Slashers Set in Biblical Times About Marriage Directed By Herbert Ross»,» Gangster Disney Thrillers Based on Bestsellers For Ages 0 to 4» and «Tearjerker Thrillers Based on Books From the 1940s About Cats».]
Our hope is that will be the one site that you'll want to come back to over and over again for biblical insight on relationships, faith, sex, money, family, and other issues that all couples face as you prepare for marriage.
Practitioners of Biblical marriage counseling usually receive much of the same training as practitioners of secular marriage counseling, though they often base their therapeutic techniques in Christian teachings.
Typically, Christian marriage counseling differs from secular traditional forms of marriage counseling in that marriage is discussed as it relates to Biblical principles as opposed to secular view points.
Biblical marriage counseling therefore generally draws upon specific passages of the Christian Bible, as well as Christian beliefs about marriage, to help spouses resolve their differences and learn to repair their troubled marital relationships.
Jerry has a Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, as well as a Master's in Biblical Counseling.
The author uses the research of John Gottman in his book Why Marriages Succeed or Fail, as well as the Biblical statement in Ephesians 5: 30 - 31 — the two will become one flesh — as a basis for his theory and for the book.
Dennis Welch holds a Master's degree in Biblical Counseling and served as a pastor for 15 years before joining Marriage Rescue.
Based on secular research, his own experience as a counselor, surveys, and personal interviews, he provides biblical perspectives on the differences between men and women, rekindling love in difficult times, sexual intimacy, habits of unhealthy marriages, fidelity, and the role of faith in marriage.
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