Sentences with phrase «biblical message from»

Dr. Acheampong, revealed how at the residence of the said «Opposition Leader» was also offered a whopping US$ 50,000 to constantly attack the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC) through statements to be churned out from that offeror's political party, but disguised as biblical message from the Presby Church on good governance.

Not exact matches

«Attendees will have an opportunity to respond to the Gospel Evangelistic message, be encouraged by Fort Bragg Chaplains and trained counselors from off post Churches and on post Chapels, and then be offered ongoing Biblical Spiritual Resiliency training at our military chapels and local churches,» the information sheet said.
However, he is only able to formulate a biblical theology by a process of transforming the cosmic and transcendent dimensions of the New Testament message into an existential anthropology (supposedly borrowed from Heidegger's Sein und Zeit, but Bultmann's categories are almost a parody of Heidegger's).
The «new world order» conspiracy theories clearly draw upon the Revelation account of the Beast; abduction - by - aliens tales evoke the rapture; and persons who report messages from aliens offer a variant of numerous biblical accounts of direct communication from God.
Other feminists, more critical of the Bible itself, have attempted to expose and analyze the patriarchal elements in the biblical text in order to show how the patriarchal values can be separated from the essentially liberating values that form its primary message.
(I.v.) Demonstrations of the Bible's thematic coherence were made by various writers of the British Biblical Theology school: e.g., A. M. Hunter, The Message of the New Testament (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1944); A. G. Hebert, The Bible from Within (London: Oxford University Press, 1950); H. H. Rowley, The Unity of the Bible (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1955).
It is related to the idea of conversion, the turning from evil to good, from self to God, which is close to the heart of the biblical message in both testaments.
Cox pointed to the significant work of hermeneutics which needed to take place in order to translate the gospel message from the biblical rural environment to an urban one.
There is an essential message here from our central Biblical figures.
In my experience the people who most benefit from this are people with a negative experience of Christianity who find the message of grace attractive, but claim that seeing God from a perspective of grace is «not biblical».
In the ensuing conversation, the evangelist «assumes» that the fish agrees with the biblical message, and focuses on showing the fish how to present the biblical message to someone else from John's gospel.
«1 What theologians have to show if they want to be heard is the biblical view that the world is unintelligible apart from Christ.2 The theological hang - up on the problem of the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith is irrelevant for the ordinary man whose goal is the understanding of the message of Christ and which task is theology's very purpose.
The last two chapters turn from theological analysis and biblical study to the relations of these to the individual Christian and to the message and the service of the churches in the present world.
«Listener to the Christian message, «2 occasional preacher, 3 dialoguer with biblical scholars, theologians, and specialists in the history of religions, 4 Ricoeur is above all a philosopher committed to constructing as comprehensive a theory as possible of the interpretation of texts.5 A thoroughly modern man (if not, indeed, a neo-Enlightenment figure) in his determination to think «within the autonomy of responsible thought, «6 Ricoeur finds it nonetheless consistent to maintain that reflection which seeks, beyond mere calculation, to «situate [us] better in being, «7 must arise from the mythical, narrative, prophetic, poetic, apocalyptic, and other sorts of texts in which human beings have avowed their encounter both with evil and with the gracious grounds of hope.
To follow Christian and biblical principles requires one to proclaim the Kindom message and stay away from all violence whether actual warfare or games of combat.
What may be far more helpful is to preach from passages that are not so obvious and to show that such concerns are not an occasional tangent for both Bible and preacher, but are rather at the heart of almost all of the biblical message.
And, when seen from this perspective, it is a very important book for our total understanding of the biblical message.
There's a seduction / rape in the picture that spools out slippery like a biblical allegory, climaxing with a message of self - abnegation written on a bathroom window and a realization by our antihero that he's doomed to learn something from the destruction of every single thing in his life that's pure, of everything that comes with the potential for a future.
Drawing from the biblical story of Jonah and the Whale — in which the prophet's resolve and message is galvanized whilst he meditates within the dark body of the great beast that has swallowed him whole — this group exhibition brings together artworks and objects to trace various transformations of meaning, reception, and use over time.
In fact, the idea is to convene a meeting with the religious leaders of the main religions to make all people aware of the state of our climate and the tragedy of social exclusion starting from the biblical message that man is the steward of nature and of its environmental and human development according to its potential and not against it, as Paul IV intended.
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