Sentences with phrase «biblical pattern»

His stirring opening statement invoked a repeating Biblical pattern of creation, death, and resurrection to new creation to suggest that Protestantism is not a diseased form that needs to be restored to its original health, but the historically - necessary senescence of something bound to die and rise again as some new and unforeseen synthesis.
We are dealing here with a familiar Biblical pattern, the clustering of all human need and hope round one event as creatures of the night gather around a solitary light.
There's certainly a biblical pattern of sending and calling, but I wonder if that's an exclusive thing, or merely normative that allows for non-normative modes of mission and ministry?
If a church follows the Biblical pattern of having elders, and those elders exercise their authority as elders, then any abuse will be nipped in the bud.
I'm not arguing here that this kind of society is right and just, far less that it is the biblical pattern — although I could point to Joseph's anti-famine measures in Egypt as a parallel.
Basing his hermeneutic on Oscar Cullmann's analysis of the biblical pattern of event and interpretation, new event and reinterpretation, he says:
Thus, Christianity holds that Biblical patterns are significant and normative.
A lot of theologians would say that the biblical pattern from Genesis through to Revelation is of marriage between a man and a woman.
The Biblical pattern and Christ's pattern for teaching in the gathering of the congregation is simply teaching the Bible simply.
This biblical patterning of yes - and - no justifies my choice of the nonviolent Jesus of the Incarnation over the violent Jesus of the Apocalypse as the true Jesus.
The biblical pattern is ALWAYS the same, God reveals Himself, then asks for a person's trust in Him.
This was the Biblical pattern.
Following the biblical pattern of going to a new place must begin with God's specific leadership.
Far from repudiating this biblical pattern of thought, a feminist denunciation of sexism as a primal expression of human fallenness can reinterpret that pattern with new power and meaning.
That is the Biblical pattern — beginning with an ideal and working toward it.
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