Sentences with phrase «biblical scholarship on»

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furthermore, that ignores a very broad field of scholarship which often speaks to the contrary (again, exposing the fact that there are very intelligent people on BOTH sides of the biblical debate here).
1 Samuel: Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible by Francesca Aran Murphy Brazos, 336 pages, $ 34.99 He has never seen another field of study quite like it, says a political philosopher who follows biblical scholarship.
A great gap has opened up between biblical and theological scholarship on the one hand, and what went on at the parish level on the other.
From Origen's hope that salvation will eventually be received by all, to Karl Rahner's assertion that other religions can serve as pointers to Christ, to Clark Pinnock's biblical case for a more optimistic view of salvation, I've found that tucked away in the dusty corners of Christian libraries is a wealth of scholarship on the subject.
Moderates, especially those on the Concordia faculty, were convinced that their use of modern methods of biblical scholarship in no way undermined their commitment to Christian faith and Lutheran orthodoxy.
Since such a large part of most services is built around the lectionary, the finest biblical scholarship can have a great impact on the totality of the service through new commentaries and other resources.
If I am asked to identify more precisely what biblical scholarship and Reformation traditions have taught us on this subject, I quote one of the eminent theologians of the first part of this century, who wrote:
Hermann Gunkel, in a sense the unique father of us all in modern biblical scholarship, despite his insistence on saga's supervision of the Elijah narratives as we receive them, nevertheless affirms on the one hand Elijah's kinship with the greatest of all ministers of ancient Israel, Moses, in their mutual contention with their own people; and, on the other hand, Elijah's legitimate and immediate relationship to the great prophets who follow him and who, essentially, continue the work he began.
Although there is much work still to be done on this topic, I believe there is sufficient clarity in present Biblical scholarship to risk such a definition.
Three books on biblical scholarship and equality that changed my mind and resulted in repentence about the «issue» of women:
- I do not expect any return to the strict inerrancy assumption on the part of informed biblical scholarship
Feminist Skimpoles are able to bring much of the heavy artillery of biblical scholarship to bear on their targets.
Our discussion was also informed by the superb biblical scholarship of Father Joseph Fitzmyer, whose recent Commentary on Romans illuminates the Pauline meaning of justification:
Usually Jenny Lawson breaks the ice with a bizarre, profanity - laced story about a mummified bat (or peasant or ferret); then Scot McKnight jumps in with his thoughts on the latest biblical scholarship, followed by an update from NPR on today's news.
It is a bit ironic that increased attention is being paid to the biblical theme of covenant just at a time when biblical scholarship is moving on to other constructs for interpretation.
But it was also the case that, as Alter moved from making brilliant observations about a small selection of texts to writing large commentaries on entire biblical books, the weaknesses of his scholarship became more visible.
Before continuing to review the discussion as it has been carried on within Protestant theological circles, we may perhaps be permitted a brief excursus into the realm of Roman Catholic biblical scholarship, for Strauss's book produced an immediate reaction from a Roman Catholic New Testament professor in which what has come to be, to the best of our knowledge, the standard Roman Catholic viewpoint, was developed.
His seminary education (where «I could concentrate on critical biblical scholarship because I already knew the biblical content and narratives so well») and his later faith experiences and human encounters made it possible for him to analyze and interpret his own history in a way that has freed him to preach from the totality of that experience to the totality of human experience, encompassing as it does suffering and celebration, alienation and reconciliation, sin and redemption.
He reports on the renewal of biblical scholarship within Catholicism and the emergence of a new attitude to past formulations such as those of the Council of Trent.
On the apocalyptic generally, it's a much debated term in biblical scholarship (it originates there, as it describes various passages in the book of Daniel, attributed to Jesus in the gospels and of course the book of Revelation).
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