Sentences with phrase «biblical standards»

That said, Eddie Long no longer meets Biblical standards for church leadership.
There are no biblical rules as to how to deal with bloggers and the motley crew who visit here can't be held to biblical standards since half of them look at the Bible as a few steps down from the Sunday comics.
The prohibition against marriage between close relations has reasons beyond any «moral» code, and certainly does not come from biblical standards in which such relationships seem to be common, if not celebrated.
If you start standing up for what is right according to Biblical standards in our church, in our families, in our neighborhoods, in our city, in our state, in our nation, and in our world, again, I guarantee that you will catch some flak, you will be slandered, you will be persecuted.
A fundamental Christian can use the same Biblical standards to examine the belief systems of an individual and say... there is something wrong.
Some Christians do indeed welcome those ««heretical» opinions,» because, in their view, they serve to correct doctrine by its proper biblical standard.
If Millennials are criticizing the church for upholding Biblical standards, that's not going to change... or shouldn't.
If tradition may specify limits to community action within biblical norms, then tolerance should emerge among Christian groups whose group customs - say, the weekly day of worship - may oppose each other and yet lie within biblical standards.
The event will feature speakers and presentations and culminate in the presentation of a document outlining agreed upon biblical standards and principles that should guide an Evangelical Christian understanding of how to engage the refugee community.
No doubt you are also familiar with their position statement on sexuality: «The Salvation Army believes that God's will for the expression of sexual intimacy is revealed in the Bible, and that living fully in accordance with biblical standards calls for chastity outside of heterosexual marriage and faithfulness within it.»
In the case of Jesus we find a person who lived by biblical standards of goodness.
Putting aside Bentley's sometimes bizarre behaviour and doctrines, the apparent lack of remorse and space to attempt reconciliation with his wife, and then the hurry to divorce and remarry, is clearly contrary to biblical standards of behaviour.
Alice said: There are no biblical rules as to how to deal with bloggers and the motley crew who visit here can't be held to biblical standards since half of them look at the Bible as a few steps down from the Sunday comics.
A biblical standard of justice must be a core value that we understand is essential to the work of announcing the kingdom of God.
To begin, there is a biblical standard for marriage.
A Christian is someone who is saved according to the Biblical standards.
That's the biblical standard.
My whole point to her was that if she was going to charge in here and start smearing David... and smearing him is different than the sort of challenge that you give him... and when you are questioning him remember that you are his peer, not a disgruntled exparishoner... she should expect anything she got and had no cause to be whining... we play rough in here... if she wanted to be treated with respect and love, she needed to deal with it by biblical standards.
And, those who hold to a biblical standard of marriage are «paraphras [ing] a book written thirty - five hundred years ago» (a phrase taken from «Same Love,» which many would say was the key song of the night).
2) It is clear that a «loving committed long - term relationship» is not the Biblical standard.
This, by the way, is not according to Biblical standards or guidelines.
Due to his false prediction that the world would end in September 1994, he is already deemed a false prophet by Biblical standards (Deuteronomy 18:22)
Obama's a strong supporter of abortion and gay marriage which are two issues that are totally wrong by Biblical standards.
Since Paul is a biblical figure, one could argue that the Bible sets the standard for the nature of the church and, since that time, faithfulness requires that we do not deviate from the biblical standard.
The Christian church has not dealt seriously, according to Biblical standard, with the violence and destruction brought by the principalities and powers.
If we could live perfectly by the Biblical standards we wouldn't need a Savior in the first place.
The Bible is also full of examples of things people did that were not considered wrong by Biblical standards, yet we would label them wrong today.
Later in this series of articles we will examine what the biblical standards are on repentance and restoration before even considering the possibility of restarting a public ministry.
In contrast, complementarians «believe the Bible establishes male authority over women, making male leadership the biblical standard
We can't expect other religions to not look into their mirrors if we will not — and I repeat — if we will not (that's the biblical standard as far as I can tell from Matt 7).
While we are called by the same God not to hate anyone (gays, or even our enemies), we are called to refrain from, and speak against, behavior that is contrary to God's biblical standard (commonly known as «sin»)
To publish an article that explicitly extols a lifestyle condemned by the biblical standards this country is founded on is unworthy of a national organization that purports to represent its constituents.
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