Sentences with phrase «biblical statements»

You will get yourself all wrapped around the axle if you try to take Biblical statements as fact.
I soon became a Calvinist given the Bible's very direct statements about predestination, election etc - and even biblical statements addressing Calvinistic conclusions (and anti-Calvinistic objections) from those statements.
No interpretation of data can be put forward as Christian on the authority of Biblical statements as such or on the authority of the empirical church.
To rush biblical statements into this arena, as though they were of the same order as Charles Darwin's Origin of Species or Stephen Jay Gould's The Panda's Thumb, or as though scientific conclusions could be drawn from them, is to be very confused about what it is the Genesis materials are teaching.
Psalm 139 contains, in verses 13 through 16, the clearest and most complete biblical statement regarding fetal life:
We are told that Bruce Reichenbach is an example of such a FWT in that he «says that he rests his belief in the omnipotence of God solely on the fact that this doctrine is implied by various biblical statements» (ER 50).
[Here, almost as an aside, Matthew makes a very important point: «Focusing on the reason behind biblical statements is not a new principle.
However, I'd suggest using an actual biblical statement: «Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you» (Exodus 20:12).
This is another biblical statement in direct conflict with reality.
How does Rev. Dollar reconcile that biblical statement?
I will leave it to others reading this exchange to judge if and / or where you and I might «fit» in this Biblical statement.
Now this variety of usage in the biblical talk of God (and modern scholarship has shown that the biblical statements can not all be neatly fitted together into a systematic whole, in the way some earlier Christian thinkers assumed that to be possible) makes it clear that the Bible is not wedded to any particular form of words concerning God.
Each biblical statement is a sentence which must be understood in terms of the vocabulary and grammar of its original language (Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek), but the better modern translations, such as the Revised Standard Version, have made it possible for one who understands English vocabulary and grammar to read and study the Bible without being seriously misled on most points.
It is against such a form of criticism that the biblical statement quoted above rightly protests.
To the Biblical statement that in Christ «there is neither Greek nor Jew,... bond nor free» the reply was made that this pertains only to man's soul, not to his external bodily condition.
However, I further suspect, that all would agree on the Biblical statement that Jesus is the Son of God.
Yeah, John, nothing will change the biblical statements that the earth is flat (as well as round), and is young.
For example, there are those who have tried existential and personalistic categories; those who have applied linguistic analysis to biblical statements; those who have advocated the dehellenization of traditional formulations; those who have experimented with political and social categories of the secular city; those who believe in the relevance of pragmatic philosophy or Whiteheadian process philosophy, and so on.
(One of the merits of Paul Tillich's book, Biblical Religion and the Search for Ultimate Reality (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1955), is the fact that it shows how ontological positions underlie the biblical statements and therefore can not be avoided or denied by theology as a whole).
At this point, further consideration of the biblical statement that the spouses «become one flesh» [9] may lead us deeper into the God - given mystery of conjugal sexuality.
Biblical statements, if taken literally, are not credible to modern man.
This Biblical statement about the deadness of all humanity is hard to reconcile with everyday experience.
In religion man projects his own nature or nature itself into something superhuman and supernatural Feuerbach reverses the biblical statement «God created man in his own image «24 into man created God in his own image.
Biblica 75 [1994]: 240 Jacob Kremer, «By far most exegetes hold firmly to the reliability of the biblical statements concerning the empty tomb» Rudolf Karl Bultmann, Joseph A. Fitzmyer, Stanley E. Porter, Gnilka, Hoo.ker Raymund Schwager Paula Frederickson Pinchas Lapide Geza Vermes And on, and on, and on.
I don't know that «Jesus suffered and so should you» is a Biblical statement as its phrased, either.
He blames lots of things — the government, universities, religion — but perhaps the culprit is closer to home and perhaps part of the problem is that leading scientists are bent on creating the sort of bleak and biblical statements that Kroto himself comes out with.
The author uses the research of John Gottman in his book Why Marriages Succeed or Fail, as well as the Biblical statement in Ephesians 5: 30 - 31 — the two will become one flesh — as a basis for his theory and for the book.
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