Sentences with phrase «biblical themes in»

In God's Voice in the Midnight Hours (2013), Grant audaciously plays with Judeo - Christian iconography and biblical themes in 24 small panels, each displaying a vignette with a caption.
Throughout the history of American public education, the practice of integrating the teaching of literacy and social awareness has taken many forms, from the explicit and blatant learning of religious vocabulary words and biblical themes in the primers of the 1850s to the more subtle lessons about the implicit social roles of the two - parent suburban life of Dick and Jane's family in the 1950s.
At the close of two weeks of daily growth group sessions, participants in one workshop could identify these biblical themes in their shared experiences: bondage and liberation, salvation by grace, judgment, death and rebirth, alienation and reconciliation, mutual caring, the transforming power of love, becoming a spiritual unity, growth.
I don't think someone who sees Christian or Biblical themes in King's work (as I do) is just «envisioning» a predetermined belief in what they're reading.

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This interpretation is grounded in biblical themes — the vision of the Hebrew prophets of a branch growing from the seemingly dead stump of the Davidic royal line, and, of course, the central Christian affirmation of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Obama continues to weave biblical themes and divine references into his speeches, including in remarks last weekend at the September 11 anniversary event in New York.
I could find similar common themes with biblical stories in Grimm's Fairy Tales.
In addition, with the overwhelming majority of people continuing to enjoy heterosexual marriage, I am not persuaded that the biblical theme of gender complementarity, which is modeled between Christ and the Church, is under threat, nor that this theme is authoritative for all relationships.
Like the other great American songwriters his poetic songs about politics, love and life are steeped in biblical imagery and spiritual themes that weave beautifully through guitars, string sections and banjos in brilliantly earthy compositions.
The Jeremianic theme of idolatry as falsehood has been recently explored by Thomas W. Overholt, The Falsehood of Idolatry: A Study In the Theology of the Book of Jeremiah (Studies In Biblical Theology; Naperville: Allenson, 1970).
The story of Abraham's intercession thus points to the central theme of biblical faith: the steadfast love of God — hesed, agape — that refuses to be frustrated even in the context of a most immoral society.
All of this — his deeply felt ideas, his biblical knowledge, his autodidactical education, and his convoluting development of a theme — shows to clear effect in what most critics think his greatest story, «Bartleby the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street.»
«Christians should be ready to engage with them about the main biblical themes that are portrayed in the film, namely sin, judgment, and salvation.»
We are hopefully free from the illusion that there can be a «biblical theology» in the sense that all the themes and ideas present in the Bible can be brought to a harmonious unity, which can then be reaffirmed as true Christian theology.
Answers In Genesis, which built and operates the religious - themed attraction, plans to build a full - scale wooden replica of Noah's Ark based on biblical descriptions.
With a number of fellow pastors who became lifelong friends, Rauschenbusch studied, read, talked, debated and plumbed the new social theories of the day, especially those of the non-Marxist socialists whom John C. Cort has recently traced in Christian Socialism (Orbis, 1988) The pastors wove these theories together with biblical themes to form» «Christian Sociology,» a hermeneutic of social history that allowed them to see the power of God's kingdom being actualized through the democratization of the economic system (see James T. Johnson, editor, The Bible in American Law, Politics and Rhetoric [Scholars Press, 1985]-RRB- They pledged themselves to new efforts to make the spirit of Christianity the core of social renewal at a time when agricultural - village life was breaking down and urban - cosmopolitan patterns were not yet fully formed.
In fact, their suffering is the best evidence of it, for as Jon Levenson has demonstrated in his powerful study on this biblical theme, it is the beloved, elect son who undoubtedly has the greatest sorrows in storIn fact, their suffering is the best evidence of it, for as Jon Levenson has demonstrated in his powerful study on this biblical theme, it is the beloved, elect son who undoubtedly has the greatest sorrows in storin his powerful study on this biblical theme, it is the beloved, elect son who undoubtedly has the greatest sorrows in storin store.
The word doctrine is therefore being used in a way that is flexible enough to accommodate the variety of biblical teaching on these and other subjects as well as the factor of development in some themes as we move from the Old Testament into the New Testament.
the Indian literary critic, writer of the post-colonized English says, «English, in this context is decolonized through a nativization of theme, space and time, a change of canon from the Western to the Indian... «19 These stylistic changes in language influence the modern - biblical translation, especially in the Indian context.
Yet, he deals with the biblical themes such as God, Christ, Cross, Baptism and symbols and images in the Bible.
The watchword for such conservatives was biblical inerrancy, and this became the dominant theme in their successful effort to transform the theological seminaries and mission agencies of the denomination.
Among his writings are the following: Christian Apologetics in a World Community (InterVarsity Press 1983); Let the Earth Rejoice: A Biblical Theology of Holistic Mission (Crossway 1983); Christian Art in Asia, (Rodop Amsterdam 1979, distributed by Humanities Press); Themes in Old Testament Theology, (InterVarsity Press 1979); Daniel in the Television Den: A Christian Approach to American Culture (Western Baptist Press 1975; and Rouault: A Vision of Suffering and Salvation (Eerdmans 1971).
Young evangelicals have been overwhelmed to discover the extent of biblical material related to themes of social justice — material largely ignored in the theology and writings of their elders.
My constant purpose was and is to adumbrate on every subject I handle a genuinely canonical interpretation of Scripture - a view that in its coherence embraces and expresses the thrust of all the biblical passages and units of thought that bear on my theme - a total, integrated view built out of biblical material in such a way that, if the writers of the various books knew what I had made of what they taught, they would nod their heads and say that I had got them right.
I think the case could easily be made that Murrow and Eldredge are actually calling us back to a form of Biblical manhood because the most common conception of «manhood» in Christianity today is one that borrowed themes and ideas from various forms of «paganism.»
Set in a not - too - distant future kingdom called Gilboa (the location where the real King Saul died), nearly every element of the story is a reference to biblical themes, stories and characters.
In our search for America's myth of origin we have considered the function the new continent served in the European consciousness and the way in which biblical themes, particularly as heightened by the Reformation, shaped its meaninIn our search for America's myth of origin we have considered the function the new continent served in the European consciousness and the way in which biblical themes, particularly as heightened by the Reformation, shaped its meaninin the European consciousness and the way in which biblical themes, particularly as heightened by the Reformation, shaped its meaninin which biblical themes, particularly as heightened by the Reformation, shaped its meaning.
As such, the work consists of a discussion and, in some instances, a development of themes of narrative theology in biblical and ecclesial issues.
The biblical story is a great symphony, whose opening is the announcement of the major theme, the creative love of God in action, and whose grand finale is the magnificent and triumphant re-affirmation of the same theme.
Ultimately this elliptical, even eccentric involvement of biblical themes, figures, and narratives does not make for a work of superior accomplishment in either religious or literary terms, whether by comparison to masterworks of the past or the finer novels in Coetzee's own oeuvre.
In the interpretation of Biblical themes, selectivity in the texts considered is one dangeIn the interpretation of Biblical themes, selectivity in the texts considered is one dangein the texts considered is one danger.
If you refer to Biblical prophecies relating to the second coming of Christ, you will find a similar theme, as well in other areas of the Bible.
We can not ignore the application of biblical themes to what Gaudium et Spes (51) called an «unspeakable crime» taking place daily in our midst.
Biblical theology has been helpful in clarifying some of the major themes of the Bible and in seeing that it has a complex unity.
Thus the idea of revelation in contemporary theology tends to converge with the biblical theme of creation.
In every age, church leaders consciously and unconsciously select biblical stories and themes that fit the needs of their time.
Less directly Bible centered, but with biblical titles and themes with which the Bible is concerned, are such books as Aldous Huxley's Eyeless in Gaza, John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, and Lillian Hellman's The Little Foxes.
In the remainder of this chapter we shall isolate features that illustrate divine persuasion drawn from the areas of creation, providence, and biblical authority, reserving for the next chapter the difficult theme of the interaction of persuasive and coercive elements within the biblical image of God as king.
In addition to these themes of creation and providence, let us look briefly at the problem of biblical authority.
Theology as an isolated discipline which is structured primarily or solely in reference to biblical and traditional dogmatic themes will decline in importance.
Is there a flaw here in one's use of Scripture or is it in the nature of Biblical materials that singleness of theme can be achieved only by their violation?
Biblical themes may be used in a painting but for irreligious purposes.
And the various documents, themes, and purposes of the Biblical writers have been leveled in a near word - magic use of the Bible that violates both spirit and letter of all Scripture.
Niebuhr introduces his own constructive discussion with several statements which are not only a correct report of the biblical - theological situation in our time, but also provide material for our effort to say something useful about the theme of this lecture: what are the requirements for preaching which are suggested by this search for a proper theological method?
That means that it rejects the apocalyptic themes in some Biblical writings or reinterprets them in prophetic form.
A second theme in biblical wisdom is the celebration of beauty, particularly the artistry of subcreation.
(We are speaking here of the formal theology of revelation and not of the concrete life of faith in which, at least to some degree, the theme of promise remained alive, though not always in the biblical sense.)
The recurring biblical theme of charitable concern for widows reveals their inferior status and poor treatment in the community.
In the biblical theme of creation we are reminded of the interconnectedness of humanity with all of creation — organic and inorganic.
In my own case, it was not only Tillich plus Troeltsch with his sometime roommate Max Weber and Adams with his colleague George H. Williams who were influential, but also Walter Rauschenbusch's use of the social analysis of his day to restate biblical themes; Reinhold Niebuhr's refutation in The Nature and Destiny of Man of Marx's, Kant's, Nietzsche's and Freud's understanding of human nature; Talcott Parsons's systematic study of the role of religious values in The Structure of Social Action; George Ernest Wright's exposition of the Prophets; and Masatoshi Nagatomi's gentle introduction to Asian modes of thoughIn my own case, it was not only Tillich plus Troeltsch with his sometime roommate Max Weber and Adams with his colleague George H. Williams who were influential, but also Walter Rauschenbusch's use of the social analysis of his day to restate biblical themes; Reinhold Niebuhr's refutation in The Nature and Destiny of Man of Marx's, Kant's, Nietzsche's and Freud's understanding of human nature; Talcott Parsons's systematic study of the role of religious values in The Structure of Social Action; George Ernest Wright's exposition of the Prophets; and Masatoshi Nagatomi's gentle introduction to Asian modes of thoughin The Nature and Destiny of Man of Marx's, Kant's, Nietzsche's and Freud's understanding of human nature; Talcott Parsons's systematic study of the role of religious values in The Structure of Social Action; George Ernest Wright's exposition of the Prophets; and Masatoshi Nagatomi's gentle introduction to Asian modes of thoughin The Structure of Social Action; George Ernest Wright's exposition of the Prophets; and Masatoshi Nagatomi's gentle introduction to Asian modes of thought.
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