Sentences with phrase «biblical truth does»

Biblical truth does demythologize the world, says Jenson, but replaces the myth of beginnings, gods, and goddesses with the message of the promised Kingdom.
Misusing Scripture to reinforce gender stereotypes based more on white, American, post-World War II cultural ideals than biblical truth doesn't protect women; it harms them.

Not exact matches

«While I applaud and agree with many of Glenn Beck's conservative and constitutional views, that does not give me or any other Bible - believing Christian justification to compromise Biblical truth by spiritually joining Beck.»
In fact, by failing to do so, you become a culprit by not probing their minds to make sure that whether they are aware of this biblical truth and hence being perished and away from that everlasting love for eternity — and for this very reason and negligence or misguidance, you will be responsible and accountable when you meet with your creator God of love whom he also loved you so much that if you were the only person living on the face of this earth and planet, still he would have come and died for you and the forgiveness of your since and loving you unconditional.
@truth prevails Might you be the same» truth» that insisted their were no nations in Revelation, then listed 20 or so Biblical translations and paraphrases that listed two nations in Revelation?If so, doesn't that kind of negate your credibility and your arguments?God bless
Boberino, do you think Rod Sterling sitting in the dark to record his thoughts to create his stories isn't biblical aka those that refuse Jesus» truth are in the dark, his followers that love Him stay in his light.
Now did I talk of failed Bible prophecies that u quote as evidence for the truth of Biblical God?
What the camels in Genesis reveal, in fact, has nothing to do with the «truth» of the biblical story at all.
Jeremy as usual you blow the dust off biblical concepts and when you do those people who read your writings find truth and revelation.
Not only do my own private experiences of the bible's truth claims give me good reason to believe it's assessment, but the success and consistency of biblical anthropology in other quarters (not least literature and philosophy) means that I have absolutely no reason to be ashamed.
There is some Biblical truth for what the preacher was saying even though he did not put it across with better understanding and in love (Ephesians 4:15).
A wise interpreter would set this verse aside as too vague and unclear on this particular issue and seek Biblical truth on this subject in the clear passages throughout the Bible that teach that God does not hold children to account for the sins of their parents!
It is as if the Queen has genuinely internalised the biblical truth that «whatever [we] do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus» (Colossians 3:17).
Science may tell us much that the biblical writers did not know about the processes by which God continually fashions an unfinished world, but it can not go beyond the great truth stated in Genesis 1:1, «In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.»
Only through the biblical writers» testimony do we encounter the message of God's grace; only the revelation of Jesus Christ, disclosed uniquely and irreplaceably through the testimony of the evangelists and apostles, tells us the truth about the merciful God and our relationship to that God.
One has the sense that Barr thinks there is a philosophy somewhere that authorizes these judgments, but what it is and how, if at all, it can be critiqued in turn by biblical truth he again does not say.
Just wondering: do you believe the pre-trib rapture doctrine is biblical, or is this just pure fiction from your point of view (I e. Not grounded in biblical truth)?
The pastor added: «Nowhere in my answer did I diminish biblical truth or suggest that I or Hillsong Church supported gay marriage.
The largest truth we can discover about the Fundamentalist war cry of «biblical inerrancy» is that it has almost nothing to do with anyone's actual experience of reading the Bible.
In «Myth and Truth» he maintains that the truth of mythical utterances can be shown only by restating them in nonmythical terms.113 Yet adequately to demythologize Christian myths will require not just any nonmythological language but one, such as process philosophy provides, which can do justice to the biblical view ofTruth» he maintains that the truth of mythical utterances can be shown only by restating them in nonmythical terms.113 Yet adequately to demythologize Christian myths will require not just any nonmythological language but one, such as process philosophy provides, which can do justice to the biblical view oftruth of mythical utterances can be shown only by restating them in nonmythical terms.113 Yet adequately to demythologize Christian myths will require not just any nonmythological language but one, such as process philosophy provides, which can do justice to the biblical view of God.
The truth is that we have no business trying to impose our falsely fabricated morality on other people by claiming it is «biblical» when (1) it is not biblical and (2) when we don't follow it ourselves.
What he does not address is why it took centuries for Christianity to place empirical scientific truth over biblical dogma.
Even if his statements about faith don't measure up to a traditional Christian standard, the fact that Kanye is making them should be seen as an opportunity to talk about real biblical truth in honest ways and be a part of the cultural dialogue.
I think most of us can all agree that homosexuality and abortion are sin according to the Bible but when we decide to put people in power who are willing to evict people from houses and refuse to serve them at restaurants because of their orientation and boldly proclaim pro-life values but want to leave these children left at the border out to dry we do evil in the name of biblical truth.
With respect also to earlier Christian thinkers and their various statements, there is Hodgson's further remark — which those of us who were his students vividly recall — that we must always ask something like this: «What must the truth be for us now, if people like that» — he was referring both to biblical writers and theologians in the past history of the Church --» «put it in the way they did
Frei did not deny that biblical truth is often cognitive or that it is sometimes expressed in scripture in propositional form.
I do not mean to say that there are no preachers who are communicating biblical truth in its fullness.
You don't have to buy - in to the «truth» behind what the Bible puports to be divine revelation... but the idea that archeology has not unearthed historically supportive evidence of biblical accounts, is ridiculous... thousands and thousands of finds support an historically accurate account portrayed in the Bible...
Why do we need to reach a lot of people all at once with biblical truth?
Biblical teaching requires perfection and truth and so does science.
This of course is sociological language for the biblical truth of being unable to avoid doing the harm we know perfectly well we are doing (Rom.
He even says that if the church is going to survive, it must return to the one thing it has which nobody else doesBiblical truth.
Now that modernity is waning (a slower process than advertised by some), this position will become more exposed as heresy by its lack of support from the biblical and orthodox truth (the Bible does not teach what MacArthur is peddling and the church has historically not taught this) and by its lack of cultural support, which was able to mask the lack of legitimate support for a while.
But Christians compare and contrast a Biblical truth (how one brings up a child) with a quote from an evil man who brainwashed millions in Germany to follow an evil path of destruction and we are doing something evil.
This is exactly what Paul says will happen to churches that do not remain true to Biblical truth, and Alan Wolfe has documented it.
You say It's really disappointing to see someone who rides on the notion of unity and truth of scripture to use little to no logical, biblical or historical proof to make a sound case against what many do see as overly harsh.
Though all the points made above are part of the biblical gospel, note that when you present the Gospel, you do not need to present all the truths.
An astronomy expert explains that he draws on the same data as his secular colleagues, but arrives at different conclusions because «I start from the assumption of biblical truth and they do not.»
@Mass Debater «I have read many works that study the history of the Jewish people and their culture as found apart from biblical sources, I have yet to find one that did not include supposition about the veracity of it's own work, with none claiming absolute truth as to who the authors of the bible or who the historical figure of Moses could have been.»
I have in my life time attended many churches and I do know tyhe biblical meaning of the word, but in the «christian» world there are so many factions and every one of them believing that they hold a corner on the truth!
If there are instances of controversial material in the title, do they have the potential to be used in an age - appropriate discussion or learning activity that can point students towards Biblical Truth or another value which your school supports?
I do this through integrating biblical truths and proven psychological tools.
My mom used to do stuff like this for us - now she hosts elaborate tea parties for her granddaughters... she uses the time to teach Biblical truths and good old fashioned manners.
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