Sentences with phrase «biblical version»

It is false to say that the biblical version of marriage is polygamy.
Religious people can't just take one tiny part of cosmology and point to that as definitive evidence of a Judeo - Christian biblical Genesis, and then ignore all of the other evidence disproving the biblical version of creation.
Of course the biblical version of quantum mechanics and particles physics will be explained by our fundie friends, be patient.
Explain in your own words what quantum fluctuations are, with reference to certain operators, and then explain how that leads specifically to the biblical version of genesis.
This fact just does not fit with the biblical version of earths history or the account of Adam which means there was no «first man» and no inherrited sin and thus no need for a savior or a ransom sacrafice.
Once chocolate calendars were trialled in the 1950s, the biblical versions became no match for festive gorging.
The unbiased and tested evidence that you crave is already out there and easy enough to research now a days, but you refuse to not only believe this evidence and call it bias, but you also then insert the biblical version of god as the answer because that makes more sense to you.
In Sunday school, they always made Esther out to be the biblical version of a Disney princess — young, pretty, dressed in fine clothes, and blessed, no doubt, with a fine singing voice.
After an apparent rapture that didn't fit the biblical version he had understood and imagined, Jamison finds himself living that challenge for real.
The opening chapters of the Book of Proverbs can be read as the biblical version of Plato's ladder of love, one that draws upon the vision of male and female reciprocity in Genesis.
In the Qur» an, these stories are retold in the tradition of «dhikr,» (i.e. remembrance or a reminder) to emphasise the most important details, either to make a point or distinguish it from the Biblical version of events.
Speaking at a meeting sponsored by the New York Institute for the Humanities last October, Dawkins drew a sharp yet dazzlingly poetic distinction between a science - based spirituality and the kind of religious literalism that, for example, esteems a biblical version of creation against the mass of geologic and paleobiological evidence that contradicts it.
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