Sentences with word «biblicist»

McDermott's Meliorists (post-conservative evangelicals) are the true Biblicists in the divide among evangelicals that he describes.
Insistence on literal inerrancy, whatever its uses in arresting doctrinal laxity, leaves the LCMS vulnerable to charges of biblicist obscurantism.
A true Biblicist reads the Bible to understand the message God desires all to have, namely that He loves people, whom He has created, and how we can have a relationship to Him through His Son Jesus Christ.
That conversation is what is at issue in today's dispute between biblicists and revisionists.
The Reformers spoke in biblicist terms when trying to rid Christendom of what they identified as Catholic errors, but biblicism became a less functional standard once Protestants began to disagree among themselves about the meaning of the Bible.
Though the Puritans believed in the primacy of Scripture, they were not narrow biblicists and drew widely on early Christian writings in polemical, homiletical, and exegetical works.
One may view the fundamentalist wing of modern Protestantism as that branch which was unable to assimilate these modern forms of thought because of its roots in more rationally articulated forms of theology and its ahistorical and biblicist patterns of thinking.
According to Smith, «Biblicists very often engage in what we might call «uneven and capricious selective literalism.»
My liberal colleagues were even less interested in puzzling out the continuity of truth in classical doctrine than were hard - nosed biblicists.
You are right, Lutherans are not simple biblicists.
Grasping the full implications of his argument may be hard not only for strict biblicists but also for those who take the Bible seriously and study it critically.
The strongest challenges to a biblical Christendom in America came not, as in Europe, from secular thinkers, but from fellow biblicists.
Some hermeneutical perspectives would choose to eliminate the differences either by making the interpreter's proposal conform to the author's (that is the way of dogmatic or Biblicist orthodoxy) or by making the author's proposal conform to the interpreter's (that is the way of a modernizing exegesis).
Old Adam, We are only biblicists to the extent that the text supports our presuppositions and prejudices.
It is only very recently that conservative Biblicists have openly expressed regret for their long support of racist policies and practices.
In these cases the practical difference between biblicists and revisionists emerges.
«Talking and acting as if the Bible is God's only and highest self - revelation is completely «unbiblical,»» he writes, «even when considered in Biblicist terms.
Gerald McDermott's description of evangelicalism as divided between «Traditionists» and «Meliorists» would be improved by recognition of the huge divide between so - called «Biblicist» and «paleo - orthodox» versions of «Traditionism.»
They hoped for a Lutheranism less pietist, biblicist, and theologically parochial.
Biblicists will no doubt reject this approach as being wishy - washy and insufficiently prophetic, just as some activists have criticized Riverside Church's proposed «center for health of the city,» a think tank on urban problems.
Biblicists are spared such mental aerobics since they have rejected efficiency as an important value in the first place.
For Smith, these include: 1) blatantly ignored teachings, 2) arbitrary determinations of cultural relativism, 3) strange passages, 4) populist and «expert» practices that deviate from Biblicist theory, 5) lack of Biblicist self - attestation, 6) the genuine need for extra-biblical theological concepts, 7) the dubious genealogy of the Bible - only tradition, 8) lack of a Biblicist social ethic, and 9) setting up youth for unnecessary crises of faith.
And it happened further that the representatives of the other theological schools and tendencies in Germany — Liberal, Pietist, Confessional, Biblicist — who had previously.
But the mandate is not quite so clear except to the biblicist.
For this reason they have retrenched into what Berkouwer calls «a biblicist misinterpretation of the church's dealings with Scripture and its confession 6 Interpretations have seemed to lead in questionable directions — directions which either have moved away from traditional Biblical consensus or have disputed current cultural analysis.
The American experiment diverged immediately from the experience of European Protestants, for whom the biblicist ideal had a short history.
For instance, when was the U.S. more Protestant, or biblicist, or evangelical than around 1861 - 1865, the time of the Civil War?
Luther wasn't a biblicist.
If Biblicism worked the way its proponents say it should, he argues, there would not be the vast variety of interpretive differences that Biblicists themselves reach when they actually interpret and apply the Bible.
Encyclopedia articles about Calvin feature a fairly predictable cluster of terms still associated with his name: strict, moralistic, legalistic, authoritarian, rigorous, rigid, severe, cold, logical, systematic, biblicist, theocratic, dictatorial and austere.
It a person really wants to be a biblicist or fundamentalist they are also should accepting that the Earth is flat and the plants and stars rotate around the Earth.
While not a Biblicist in some people's sense, I take the text very seriously.
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